Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 187 With 1 enemy and 7, you are beyond your own power, and your arm stops the car! (Subscrib

Looking at Locke who appeared in front of him in such a terrifying way, everyone's faces showed horror.

The Locke in front of him is far beyond everyone's imagination. The power shown by Locke is completely different from the power they understand. It is no exaggeration to say that it is one day and one earth.

Before they came to this world, they never thought that there are human beings in this world whose combat power can be so powerful.

This is completely beyond the scope of carbon-based creatures, this is simply a monster, no, no, monsters are no longer enough to describe the man in front of him, this is simply a god in the world!

"Now I can give you a chance to surrender, otherwise, die!" Locke swept over a group of people with cold eyes.

Suddenly, all those who were swept by his gaze were like being stared at by an ancient beast, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

An unparalleled death crisis appeared in their hearts, making some people unable to move their bodies.

Definitely, not everyone reacts to fear and doesn't dare to move. Some people will fight to the death instead.

For example, Jin 10 and Green Goblin who were affected by the power of crimson, when they saw Locke appear, both of their eyes turned scarlet.

An extremely violent aura erupted from them, like two crazy Beasts.

At this moment, they have no reason, some are just pure desire to destroy, and they want to destroy everything they see in front of them.

The first to bear the brunt is the intruder in front of him, Locke.

"Kill!!" Jin Bian roared, a terrible sound wave burst out from his mouth, the target was Locke not far in front of him.

The sudden sonic attack made Locke stunned, because in his established impression, Jin did not have any super ability.

However, the Jin Ping in front of him was completely different from the Jin Ping in his impression. The Jin Ping in front of him was not only a horned dragon with stronger body and stronger muscles, but also possessed the unexpected ability of sonic attack.

It seems that under the influence of the power of Crimson, Jin and even his own genes have been mutated.

Or is this an Ability specially given to him by the evil god Setorak?

For a while, he couldn't figure it out, and Locke didn't bother to think about it.

Jin Bing's sonic attack was too unexpected, and the distance between them was not far.

So Locke didn't dodge again, but just like before, Locke never thought to dodge.

Possessing the defensive ability against the sky and dodging the opponent's attack is a shame for him.

This kind of feeling is like a baby fighting with you, but you have to deliberately avoid his young fist.

This kind of behavior is not only very unloving, but also a bit of a fuss and unnecessary!

Now Locke is such a state of mind.

With a powerful physique, he wears a nano-war armor, and the surface of the nano-war armor is also covered with a layer of energy barrier.

This is a defense against the sky, you still have to dodge?

What a joke!

Jin Bing's sound wave was like a stormy sea, and it instantly enveloped Locke, and the energy barrier of Locke, which was impacted by the powerful power, made a loud sound.

The wall behind Locke was instantly blasted with huge amounts of deep pits.

Jin Bing's sound wave did not stop immediately, but turned into a sound wave ray, constantly bombarding Locke's body.

The stone wall behind Locke kept shattering, and finally was blasted out of a majestic road, rushing all the way from the ground to the ground.

Everyone covered their ears, with a look of astonishment on their faces. The power of Jin Bing's move was beyond imagination, and everyone was stunned.

But what shocked them was not only Jin Bing's huge amounts of sonic attack, but also Locke's performance at the moment.

Under such a terrifying bombardment, the stone wall could not endure and shatter, but the man in front of him stood still, as if nothing happened.

If they hadn't seen this scene with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it even if they were beaten to death. It's terrifying, it's really terrifying.

The Locke in front of him is like a statue, with his hands around his chest, he is completely covered by black nano armor, and he cannot see his expression.

But combined with Locke's posture at the moment, it's enough to guess what kind of expression Locke's face will have.

Joking, disdain, contempt, etc., all the words they could think of to describe a negative expression came to mind.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At this moment, Locke is indeed joking.

But in addition, there was a hint of surprise, he didn't expect that Jin, who integrated the power of crimson, would have such a strong fighting power.

Fortunately, he came here by himself today, and if it was replaced by his Yoba troop members, he might actually suffer a secret loss at the hands of Jin Bing.

The fighting power that this Jin Bian erupted in front of him was enough to crush a group of superheroes.

Even in the face of existences of the level of Hulk and Thor, he has already had the power to fight, and even with his surprise, he can still gain the upper hand!

It's no wonder that after seeing him, Jin Kyung didn't have the slightest idea of ​​surrender, but instead shot without hesitation.

This has his own confidence!

Very good strength, quite interesting sonic ability, this is Locke's evaluation of this gold in front of him.

However, that's all!

It's okay to deal with Avengers with this kind of combat power, but it's a bit overkill to deal with him.

Yes, in Locke's view, the gold in front of him is not self-sufficient, and it is even ridiculous!

With an indifferent smile, Locke remained silent, and walked away with the sonic ray that erupted from the gold.

The sound wave rays that seemed to be able to destroy the world hit him unscathed.

Such a terrifying scene made Jin Bing's scarlet eyes widen.

how can that be!

As if he couldn't believe it, Jin Bing's face became more and more hideous, and the mouth that emitted the sound wave ray opened again.

Suddenly, an even more powerful sound wave burst out, vowing to completely eliminate Locke.

At the same time, Green Goblin also roared, and the huge amounts of pumpkin bombs were thrown at Locke like 057 without money.

In addition, the man in the yellow tights clenched his fists tightly and punched Locke with the same grim look.

Immediately, an extremely terrifying shock wave was released from the glove on the surface of his fist.

Under his punch, the space seemed to be shattered, and there was a sound of mirror breaking.

The man in the yellow tights is nicknamed Thriller, and he himself is an ordinary human being.

But he himself developed a kind of glove that can burst out a shock wave of terror, and then matched with his special clothes, thus possessing the strength to compete with superhero.

The power of his gloves is divided into 5 levels. The highest level is 5. With one punch, it is enough to blast an entire building. The power is amazing, comparable to the weakened version of Whitebeard in the Marvel world!

Seeing Jinbian, Green Goblin, and the thriller all launched a joint attack on Locke, while Vulture on one side also took out the energy weapon he picked up from Chitauri and launched an attack on Locke.

Only Dr. Lizard, Sandman, Doctor Octopus, with a strange expression on his face, did not make a move.

Instead, they hid to the side, like watching a play, and like they couldn't intervene because of their low strength.

The four broke out the most powerful attack in their life, and the explosions and energy cannons instantly drowned Locke.

Such a scene looked like they had the upper hand, but it was just their illusion.

In the next second, the situation of the battle changed drastically, and despair appeared on everyone's face.

Because, Locke started to exert his strength!

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