Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 188 Roar sucks, seriously injured 1 person, killed 2 people in a row, the warm up has just b

"Is this your strength? It's like a mighty cockroach shaking a tree, beyond your own power!" Locke's face was full of ridicule.

When the voice fell, Locke took a stride, the ground shattered, and the figure flashed, coming directly in front of Jin Bing.

The fist was clenched, and a mediocre punch was thrown out, the air exploded, and the space seemed to be compressed.

Before the fist hit Jin Bing, the invisible boxing shadow formed by the fist style hit Jin Bing one step ahead of time.

Immediately, Jin Bing arched his back, folded his body, and then Locke's fist body slammed into Jin Bing's body.


Under the terrifying power, Jin Bing turned into a cannonball that galloped out and smashed heavily on the wall behind him.

All the way through the stone walls, when the stone walls behind him have been worn clean, there is no need to wear them.

Jin Bing's body slammed heavily on the thick and hard rock wall, and fell limply.

A mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs spewed out, looking extremely miserable.

Such a punch, if it were replaced by a normal gold, it would have been beaten to a pulp.

However, because of the strengthening blessing of the power of Crimson, Jin Bian had the physique to compete with Hulk, and he was lucky enough to get his life back.

But although it didn't turn into a mess of flesh, the punch still caused unimaginable damage to him, and his internal organs were shattered a lot.

At this moment, the magical power in the body once again played its role, and it was quickly repairing his injury.

At this speed, it won't take long for him to be alive again, which makes him ecstatic.

As long as this power is there, he is a little strong who can't be beaten to death. Today, he will consume that kid to death!

Kim couldn't help but think so.

The unremarkable punch slammed into the golden ball. Locke did not stop, but flashed to the horror, raised his hand and grabbed the horror glove.

The 100-ton grip like a giant beast can easily squeeze the terrifying glove, and the fist wrapped in the glove is naturally squeezed accordingly.

"Ahhh!" "!"

A shrill scream came from the horrified mouth, and the severe pain caused him to kneel down softly.

After all, he is a mortal body, and the reason why he can fight against superhero depends entirely on the gloves in his hands.

Without gloves, he is no different from ordinary people, and ordinary people are the weakest and weakest ants in Locke's eyes. It is too easy to kill an ant.

He lifted his foot and kicked lightly, and the horror flew upside down, hitting the rock wall heavily.

"Crack!" sound.

After all, the horror of the mortal body can't be as lucky as Jin Bing, and he was immediately smashed into a mess of meat, and the dead can't die again!

The horror was easily resolved, and Locke's eyes moved to Vulture, who was carrying mechanical wings.

Seeing Locke's eyes looking at himself, Vulture's face was horrified, and his eyes were full of fear.

Without the slightest hesitation, a powerful thrust erupted from the mechanical wings behind it, and immediately fled along the channel blasted by Jin Bing's sonic ray.

At this moment, all the joint operations and the ambition to dominate the world have been left behind by him.

Right now, he has only one thing to think about, and that is to live!

Yes, it is so simple and unpretentious, because he clearly understands that only by living on his own can he have the so-called ambition, otherwise everything is empty.

But how could Locke let him go so easily? Now that he has done it, he must be prepared to suffer the consequences.

"Escape? Do you think you can escape?" Locke sneered, raising his finger and pointing in the direction of Vulture.

Suddenly, a high-temperature ray pierced through the mechanical wings behind Vulture with lightning speed, and even pierced through Vulture's body.

He looked down as if he couldn't believe it, and saw the finger-thick hole on his chest.

Immediately, his face showed ashes, his eyes dimmed in an instant, his body began to lose power, and he quickly fell from mid-air, splashing a piece of dust on the ground, Vulture, pawn!

It all seems like a long time, but in fact it just happened between the electric light and flint, and the speed is incredible. It is no exaggeration to say that Roar sucks.

A few Roar sucking time, seriously injuring one person, killing two people in a row, such a thunderous method, who should not be confused!

Now that leaves Green Goblin.

His eyes moved quickly and fell directly on Green Goblin. He remembered the last time he saw Green Goblin, it was the last time.

Although the Green Goblin in front of him is not the Green Goblin of this world, he is equally insidious and cunning, and it is difficult for him to have a good impression!

And under the influence of the power of crimson, the Green Goblin in front of him is even more violent and crazy.

"Jie Jie Jie, worthy of being the terrifying Locke, your strength is really strong, beyond our imagination.

However, we don't have to be enemies, we can cooperate.

As long as we are united together, coupled with the power of our Lord, not to mention dominating this planet, but dominating the entire universe, it is not a bad idea! 99

Green Goblin looked at Locke with a very seductive tone and said, at this moment he seemed to be the most powerful lobbyist in the world.

Dominate the universe?

is it possible?

definitely not possible.

Even with the strength of the deity of the evil god Setorak, it is impossible to do it.

After all, this world is not only a multi-universe powerhouse, but also a super universe and almighty cosmic powerhouses.

Megaverse, Representation: Court of Life

Almighty Universe, on behalf of: TOAA (TheOneAboveAll), Transcendence.

With these superpowers on top, who would dare to say that they would dominate the universe?

Rao is Locke, who has the system, who dare not say so. The goal set for him by the system is only to become the technological overlord of the universe, but it does not allow him to dominate the universe.

So for Green Goblin, just listen to it, if you really want to do it, that is courting death!

Shaking his head and smiling faintly, Green Goblin's so-called cooperation is nothing more than stalling for time.

How could he not see this.

Looking at his watch, he said, ". `Ten seconds have passed since you started speaking, is the time delay enough?

If it's not enough, I can give you a little more, after all my warm-up has just begun!

As for (Li Zhao's) cooperation, don't say it anymore, don't say it, you don't look in the mirror, you deserve it?!

Arrogant, domineering! Righteousness!

This is not enough to describe the attitude shown by Locke at the moment. In his eyes, the so-called joint team in front of him is just a joke!

Listening to Locke's words, Green Goblin's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect Locke to be so tough, and he couldn't get in!

"You are courting death!" Green Goblin was furious, and the monstrous anger erupted, and the scarlet crimson power radiated from his body.

I saw Green Goblin's body skyrocketing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just an instant, it turned into a terrifying monster with bright red skin about 5 meters high.

At such a height, even Hulk would become a younger brother in front of him.

A terrifying aura erupted from his body, like a volcanic eruption, invincible.

The ultimate strengthening of the power of crimson can be shown in Green Goblin.

Crazy Green Goblin, officially launched!.

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