Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 191 Master, is my cosplay realistic? The 3 technological world is coming!

Looking at Locke sitting on the floating throne, Doctor Octopus' body trembled uncontrollably.

Before that, she had only seen Locke's shot on the TV screen, and she couldn't see his face.

Therefore, it is impossible to determine whether it is Locke or not, but today I experienced it personally. These are two completely different feelings.

Watching the beheading on TV is the same as watching the beheading with your own eyes, but the sensory impact it brings is completely different.

The former will at most make people cover their eyes, while the latter will directly scare Deadman!

The current Doctor Octopus is in such a state.

"Are you scared?" Locke quietly looked at Doctor Octopus in front of him, and said coldly.

Nodding, the female Doctor Octopus was too frightened to speak.

In her eyes, the "057" Locke in front of her was a demon, a monster crawling out of hell.

"It's right to be afraid, it's a good thing for people to be in awe!" Locke said meaningfully.

The fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the floating throne, and it seemed that they had tapped on Doctor Octopus' heart at every turn, making her even more terrified.

At this moment, she is like a criminal detained in court waiting to be tried. She lives or dies depending on the words of the man in front of her.

This feeling made her very uncomfortable and unhappy, but there was nothing she could do. In this world where strength is respected, this is the cruelest reality.

Just when she was full of despair, waiting for the sentence of death, what Locke said next made her hope again, and her eyes showed ecstasy.

"Now that I can give you a chance, a chance to join us, I like your bright mind.

Join us, from now on, the glory of the Rockefeller family will also shine on you.

If you don't want to, I can only send you to hell, you can start to choose!" Locke said calmly, not angry.

Listening to Locke's words, Doctor Octopus' face was full of incredible expressions, she never thought that the man in front of her would throw an olive branch at her.

This question still needs to be chosen?

This is the question she is thinking about at the moment, and for her, it is not actually a problem.

Because she doesn't even have to think about it, she knows how to choose!

"Submit, I am willing to surrender at the feet of Master Locke forever, and never betray, if I betray, I will be cut with a thousand swords! 35

Doctor Octopus didn't have a moment's hesitation, and swore his loyalty to Locke directly, as if it was a little later, worried that Locke would go back.

With a satisfied smile on his face, Locke nodded and called Lao Mo in.

"Old Mo, take her to our secret base and be treated the same as Dr. Zola!

"Yes!" Lao Mo nodded respectfully and left the living room with Doctor Octopus.

After dealing with the matter at hand, Locke did not stop, and went directly to the study.

Quietly closed his eyes, entered the system interface, and a familiar system prompt sounded suddenly.

[Congratulations to the host, participating and witnessing the multi-universe crack event, reward 60 points. 】

"60 points, that's a lot of points!" Locke muttered to himself, his face full of joy.

This big event Locke's number of points is a bit more than he imagined.

But it makes sense to think about it, this is a big event involving multi-universe.

Moreover, a wisp of the will of the multi-universe powerhouse, the evil god Setorak, was secretly inserted into it.

So Locke 60 points is no problem at all.

He used 20 points to extract the particle collider technology before, allowing him to complete the task of mastering B+-level technology given to him by the system.

Now he still has a total of 100 points, plus the 60 points sent by Jiyu, it is 160 points.

Not only is it enough for him to extract a new world of science and technology, but it is estimated that it is enough for another strengthening analysis.

What he has to do now is to quickly complete the construction of the interstellar city, so that he can extract a new technological world.

With a satisfied look on his face, he withdrew from the system, and at this moment the door of the study was knocked on!

"Come in!

As the voice fell, the study door was gently pushed open, and then Miss 2b, Miss 60, and Sister Commander in a one-piece swimsuit walked in. 0

Looking at their outfits, Locke looked stunned, and then he remembered that today is Tuesday.

Under the joint decision of the Yoba Army and Icarus, every Tuesday was designated as the cosplay day of their harem group.

In other words, are you going to play cosplay today?

Locke smiled wryly, if it was just cosplay, that's all. In this situation, does it look like a serious cosplay?

"What are you doing?" Locke looked at the fruit tea in the hands of the three of them, dumbfounded.

Yes, the three of them are holding a large pot of wolfberry tea. What they want to do is simply Sima Zhao's heart and mind!

"Master, at this time, your question is a bit out of date and superfluous!" The commander's elder sister said with a charming face.

"Master, what else can we do! Don't we just want to show you how realistic we are!" The little master of 60 said tenderly, biting his lips lightly, looking very attractive .

"Yes, Master, do you look like our cos rabbit girl!" Miss 2b said as she jumped up in front of Locke.

"Like, it's too similar, hiss!!!" Locke said with a wry smile.

At this moment, the commander's elder sister and 60 elder sister gently put the fruit tea in their hands on the table. 2.2

"Master, come, drink some tea and relieve the anger!"

While speaking, the commander brought Locke a cup of fruit tea.

Time passed, and another two months passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two months, the world has been very peaceful, and there has been no more monstrous things.

And the interstellar city that Locke has been thinking about has also been built.

At the moment, Locke is hiding in the study, starting to extract his third technological world!

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