Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 192 Open the 3 technology world, the 18th is coming (please subscribe!)

The consciousness was silent in the system, and after a few months, it began to extract a new technological world again, which made Locke a little excited.

This kind of feeling is like an old lover who hasn't seen for a long time, and there is always this or that kind of anticipation and tension before meeting.

However, when the two parties really met, there was only excitement and excitement, as well as uncontrollable passion collision.

The current Locke is such a feeling, a little nervousness and anticipation fill his heart.

"I hope to be able to win a satisfactory world!" Locke muttered to himself, and immediately started the lottery.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, do you want to spend 100 points for the science and technology world lottery? 】

The expected system prompt sounded, and it was still a familiar question sentence.

Locke, who has long been accustomed to it, directly chose yes.

With the determination of the choice, the compass of destiny suddenly appeared, turned into a golden roulette and appeared in Locke's consciousness world.

The appearance this time seems to be very different from the previous one. It feels like the original poor program group suddenly found funding and began to add special effects 10.

Sure enough, as his strength gradually increased, the system gave him better and better treatment.

This is also a reward!

As expected, the covers of science fiction movies or animations or novels appeared on the compass.

Dragon Ball, Final Fantasy VII Advent, One Punch Superman, Shapeshifting King Kong, Resident Evil, Pacific Rim, Gundam, and more

Looking at the names of the familiar sci-fi works, Locke looked expectant.

Although it was not the first time he had experienced such a scene, he could not hide his excitement.

After all, the advent of every world will bring a great improvement to his strength.

Not to mention other things, whether he can enter Level God Father depends on the system in front of him.

At present, the worlds that he most want to extract are Dragon Ball World, Shapeshifting King Kong, and Super God.

The reason is very simple, because in the Dragon Ball world, there are Dr. Gro's powerful android technology, as well as the Ma Group's universal capsule technology, as well as time shuttles, anti-gravity spaceships and so on.

Even if these technologies are obtained in the current Marvel universe, compared with other interstellar civilizations, they are not much inferior. Once they can be mastered, they will definitely improve his technological strength by a large amount.

Not to mention the android technology in Dragon Ball, whichever one is made on the 18th or 21st will not explode, these are all comparable to the existence of the Level God Father!

Once he really won the Dragon Ball World, even if his own strength did not reach Level God Father, he would not have to worry.

After all, is it not strong to create a wife No. 18 and a wife No. 21 for yourself?

Protecting yourself is more than enough.

Even if you can't win the Dragon Ball World, and you can draw a shapeshifting King Kong, it's still very cowhide.

If you want to shapeshifting into the world of King Kong, you must have the existence of such a heaven-defying thing as the source of fire.

Once he can get the source of fire, he can easily create a shapeshifting King Kong army for himself, which is an excellent weapon for ending the flow of troops.

Imagine what kind of domineering it will be when you lead an inexhaustible army of shapeshifting King Kong appearing in this world.

In addition to these two, if you can draw the Void Engine of the super god world, it is also extremely powerful.

The only thing to worry about is that the Void Engine is too resource- and time-consuming.

With his current strength, if he really wants to draw this thing, it is really a hassle to study, and it is very likely that he will not be able to open the fourth technological world in his life.

If so, it would be embarrassing.

After thinking about it, let it go, I hope this kind of heaven-defying thing will appear in the future!

Locke smiled bitterly, with a hint of anticipation, and clicked directly on the start button on the compass that appeared.

Immediately, the compass began to spin rapidly, and soon stopped slowly.

When the whole compass stopped completely, the black pointer stopped on the cover of a woman with short blonde hair like fate.

Looking at the cover in front of him, there was a touch of excitement in Locke's eyes.

Number 18!!

His mother's turned out to be the Dragon Ball world he wanted the most, he posted it, and now it's really posted!

"Dragon Ball World! What a powerful and fascinating world! It seems that the next thing I have to do is to create the Queen of Starburst - No. 18, by the way, and No. 21, not one less!" Locke's face Full of excitement.

As I said before, the level of technology in the Dragon Ball world is not at all weaker than that of the Neil Mechanical Era, even if it is compared to the things that fall from the sky, it is not lost at all.

After all, the world of things that fall from the sky has the rule slate, and the world of seven dragon balls can have seven dragon balls.

As long as he can Locke the technology of making dragon balls, then he has the ability to make Infinite Gems!

Such a heaven-defying means is enough to make him walk sideways in this world.

However, according to the urine quality of this system, if you really want to create such a heaven-defying item, it is estimated that you will need all kinds of precious materials.

Just like the rule slate, it cannot be done so easily.

But it doesn't matter, let alone the seven Dragon Balls.

Even if he can create No. 18, it will be enough to make him happy.

After all, No. 18 is not only powerful, but also the best wife.

Hehe smiled, revealing Isp's exclusive wretched smile.

However, when he thought of his group of Yoba troop members, as well as Icarus and the others, he couldn't help but feel a little cowardly.

If you add one or two sisters to them, you shouldn't care too much, right?

Wait, how can I think like this, I am the creator, I have the final say, I say create and create!

When Locke thought of it, his smile became even more wretched.

Opened its own attribute surface 057 board.

Immediately, the attributes were displayed in front of his eyes.

【Host】: Locke

[Technology World 1]: Neil Mechanical Age,

【Tech World 2】:Things Falling from Heaven

【Tech World 3】: Dragon Ball


Seeing that the attribute panel really has a dragon ball technology world, Locke couldn't help laughing even more.

Without hesitation, click on Tech World 3,: Dragon Ball, and start integrating the technological elements in it.

[Congratulations to the host Locke Dragon Ball Technology Template, the technology template is integrating!]


[Congratulations to the host, the Dragon Ball technology template has been successfully integrated!]

With the sound of system prompts, Locke once again experienced the magical feeling of the first two integrate technology world.

He only felt a strange energy coming into his mind out of nowhere.

Then, the technological abilities of Dr. Rogge and Bulma about the Dragon Ball world were all stuffed into his memory, making him feel empowered.

In just an instant, he completely learned all the technological knowledge in the Dragon Ball world.

In the process, his intelligence has been improved accordingly.

I have to say, this feeling of being able to become stronger and smarter without doing anything is really great!

"It's the same sentence, science and technology is good!" Locke said to himself, his eyes full of excitement.

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