Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 277 A level life evolution potion (please subscribe!)

"These are two treasures from the Asgard treasury!!" Looking at the two treasures that Locke took out, the two women said with shining eyes.

"Yes, these two treasures are very suitable for magician use, so I think it is the best choice to give them to you!

As Locke said, he handed one of the Egg Moto Ball and the Warlock's Eye to their hands.

"The Eggman Orb detects the sources of danger and magic in the universe ahead of time.

The Warlock's Eye can also detect the future, but in addition, it can dispel all illusions and false darkness.

I hope you make good use of them and bring out their greatest power!" Locke said encouragingly.

"Yes, young master!" Holding the baby, the hearts of the two girls were full of excitement.

As one of Locke's subordinates, the two Popola sisters are the same as other members of the Yoba army, and they all hope that they can help their young master to the greatest extent possible.

Therefore, this kind of thing that can improve their strength, they are naturally very happy.

"I don't know magic, so I can't wield the true power of these two treasures.

I can't teach you either, so you both need to do a lot of research on your own!

"Yes, young master, we will not disappoint you, we will go back to study! Divara said excitedly.

Looking at the eager expressions of the two, Locke squeezed Divara's chin lightly.

He smiled and said, "This is a man who will forget about you when you have a baby!"

Hearing what Locke said, the two sisters smiled at each other, and their faces immediately showed a charming look.

"It seems that the swimsuit party in the afternoon did not let the young master have fun!

If that's the case, then we sisters are welcome!"

Divara, who was sitting in Locke's arms, wrapped his arms around Locke's neck and said in a sullen voice.

"Master, if you say that, our sisters will come to the rescue!"

Popola's dexterous little hand on the back followed Locke's shoulder and slowly moved to the chest position.

Feeling the actions of the two, Locke stopped quickly, finally having some time for himself, but he couldn't fall into the countryside of gentleness.

After hitting a haha, he said with a smile: "Okay, let's not make trouble, you go back and study these two treasures! I have other important things to do!

Hearing this, the two sisters shook their heads and said, "Master, before we study these two treasures, we plan to study another treasure!"

"As the saying goes, it's not indecent, since the young master gave us two treasures. Then our sisters should also give the young master two treasures!"5

"Yes! We plan to give the young master two treasures, and we promise not to disturb the work of the young master!

Saying that, the two sisters knelt down in front of Locke at the same time, their eyes full of fire.

Seeing this, Locke couldn't help crying and laughing. He was joking with the sisters.

But I never thought that I would put myself in it, and I just finished the swimsuit party in the afternoon!

At this moment, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

With a smile, the matter has come to this point and can only go with the two sisters.

Leaning on the boss chair, he took part of his attention away from the two sisters.

Locke's consciousness dived into the system again.

Before the mischief between the two sisters is over, other things will definitely not be done.

That being the case, he took advantage of this time to study the Stele of Life he had brought back from Asgard.

You must know that the Stele of Life records the evolutionary equation of life.

If this equation can be cracked, I don't know if it will help him who already has Superman cells.

In this regard, he is very interested and quite looking forward to it.

With such interest and expectation, he raised his hand and took out the monument of life and time from the system backpack.

Without hesitation, the strengthening analysis function of the system is directly activated.

Because he still has 240 points on his body, it is more than enough for strengthening analysis.

For Locke, these points are like money owned by ordinary people.

Being rich is enough, and Locke at the moment is such a rich feeling.

Rich and willful!

Holding the monument of life and time in his hand, another system prompt sounded in his mind immediately.

[It is found that the analysis objects that can be strengthened, the monument of life and time, whether to carry out strengthening analysis? The required points are 50 points! 】

As expected, the strengthening analysis requires 50 points.


Looking at the system prompt, Locke didn't have hesitation, so he just chose yes.

240 points minus 50 points, but there are still 190 points, enough for him to draw the next technological world.

So, don't panic!

【The strengthening analysis is in progress, the strengthening analysis object - the monument of life and time.

Assessment: Not a product of science and technology, but a special equation is recorded on the stele.

Do you need to restore the equation?]

"Well, restore it!" As he thought, the system can really restore the life evolution equation.

As the order was issued, it didn't take long before lines of strange text appeared in front of his eyes.

This is the text of the lost continent of Atlantis.

Looking at these words, Locke was dumbfounded, because he didn't know these words.

However, the system also seemed to know that Locke could not read these words.

So soon, under the whole formula, he translated the words that he could understand.

"Is this the so-called evolutionary equation, how does it look like a synthesis method of medicine 087?'

Looking at the life evolution equation in front of him, Locke was stunned to discover that this so-called equation turned out to be a method of creating a genetic medicine.

But soon, Locke reacted. The life evolution equation, as the name suggests, must be the equation for the evolution of the life of the organism.

The quality of life forms of an organism is naturally determined by the genes in the organism.

Therefore, the evolution of life is naturally the evolution of genes.

Therefore, it is quite reasonable that the life evolution equation is a synthesis method of pharmaceutical agents that promote gene evolution.

【The strengthening analysis is in progress, the strengthening analysis object-gene evolution drug equation.

Rating: B+ grade technology product.

Function: It can make individual biological genes evolve towards the top of the food chain according to the environment and the principle of survival of the fittest.

However, there is an evolutionary upper limit, which can only allow 50% of the cells in the body to evolve, and the duration of the drug's effect is at most 10 years.

The optimal strengthening direction: to upgrade to A-level technology.

Strengthening scheme: Raise the upper limit of evolution to 100%, and the duration of drug effect is valid for life.

But there is a risk of failure in the evolutionary process and the possibility of becoming an irrational predator.

Assessment: A-level technology level. ].

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