Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 278 Sister Commander: Want to serve us in 1 pot? Locke: I have something good for you (pleas

"Become an irrational predator? This risk is quite big!" Listening to the system prompt, Locke muttered to himself, thoughtfully.

He didn't expect that the life evolution medicine after strengthening would have such drawbacks.

However, it can make all the cells in the body evolve, and the effect can last for a lifetime, which is really fragrant.

For outsiders, he may be worried about the risk of evolutionary failure, but for him with the Superman gene, he is not very worried.

Because according to the system, the life evolution medicine will allow users to rapidly evolve their own cells according to their own environment and according to the principle of survival of the fittest.

What does it mean?

In fact, it is very easy to understand. To put it bluntly, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black.

For example, if a person lives in water all year round, his evolutionary direction must be to adapt to life in water.

It is possible to evolve the characteristics of such aquatic creatures as gills, fins and so on.

If a person lives in the jungle for many years, he will naturally evolve in the direction of adapting to the jungle, and evolve strong hands and feet to facilitate hunting.

According to Darwin's theory of evolution, humans have evolved over tens of millions of years.

Whether or not this theory is true remains to be seen.

However, if the life evolution medicine is taken, then this theory of evolution, which has yet to be studied, will be realized, and it will be realized quickly.

According to Darwin, the evolution of species takes thousands of years.

The life evolution potion can greatly speed up this process, shortening the time to a few years or even a few months.

It is no wonder that as long as you master the equation of life evolution, you can have extraordinary wisdom and longevity.

It only takes a few years or even a few months to complete the evolution of species that would have taken thousands of years.

This kind of heaven-defying evolution ability is placed on a fool, and it can also make him reborn and walk to the top of the food chain!

After all, it has evolved to the back, and even the form of life has changed, how can it be compared by ordinary people.

"I don't know what effect it will have if such a life evolution medicine is used on me?

I already have Superman cells in my body, if I add the influence of life evolution medicine.

Will it evolve faster in the direction of the Silver Superman, or even surpass the Silver Superman" "?""

Locke muttered to himself, his eyes full of curiosity and anticipation.

According to the theory of evolution, biological cells will autonomously choose the appropriate evolutionary direction according to their environment.

And because Locke has Superman cells, his living environment is basically under strong sunlight, and then he will enter the core area of ​​the sun.

So, after taking the life evolution medicine, will his Superman cells be more perfectly optimized?

This is what he cares about the most!

The previous Vulcan medicine has become another ration that makes him stronger in addition to sunlight.

And the life evolution potion now obtained is no less than the Superman potion in the rating.

So he was really curious about how much change this potion could bring to him.

After working out the formula of the life evolution potion and the life evolution potion after strengthening, Locke couldn't wait.

However, looking at the two Popola sisters in front of them, they were trying very hard, and they couldn't help shaking their heads with a wry smile.

At this moment, a strange feeling appeared in his body.

It feels a bit like a Coke bottle being shaken and suddenly about to open.

"Hey!" Locke gasped, and he couldn't help grasping the armrest of the chair with both hands, and the armrest was about to burst with strength.

The strange feeling lasted for about ten seconds and then became calm, and Locke's originally tense body also relaxed.

Suddenly, Locke only felt refreshed.

Seeing him like this, the two sisters Popola and Divara had sweet smiles on their faces, and their eyes were full of cunning.

"Master, how about the first baby we sent?" Divara licked the corner of his mouth and said with a still unfinished look.

"You treasures are open and close on the outside, but there are hidden secrets on the inside, and the sticky sound is wrapped around, good, very good!" Locke said with great satisfaction.

"Giggle, young master, look at what you said, with a straight face, it really seems to be the same thing!

Since the young master likes it, our sisters will send the second baby.

Divara touched her red hair and said with a charming look.

"The second treasure is even more profound and mysterious, turning a thousand times over a thousand times!" Popola said with a wink and blurry eyes.

The two said, looked at each other and smiled, and sat together on the desk in front of Locke.

Listening to the words of the two sisters, Locke smiled slightly, straightened his waist, and stood up slowly.

"In this case, I can't live up to your good intentions, let me take a good look at your second treasure, is it as wonderful as you said!"

Time flew by, and it was another three days.

During these three days, Locke stayed alone in the underground laboratory again, turning on the sleepless night mode.

In three days, Locke turned on the time acceleration, but it actually took two months.

In two months, Locke developed two life evolution medicines as he wished.

Among them, the life evolution potion that has been strengthened is too difficult because of the difficulty.

So Locke has only created one so far.

The difficulty of making life evolution potions that have not been strengthened is much less.

Therefore, Locke made a lot of them, and he made about 30 pieces.

The reason why he built so many is very simple, that is, he wants to make his harem troops stronger.

On this day, Locke came out of the laboratory and gathered all the members of the Harem team together immediately.

In the huge hall, a group of women chirped like a flock of larks.

Although it was a little noisy, it was not annoying at all, but it made Locke enjoy it very much.

After all, all the beauties gathered in front of him at the moment are his harem beauties, all of them beautiful and clever ladies.

".`Master, except for Miss Gwen and Miss Selena, everyone else has arrived!" The commander's sister, who was standing behind Locke, leaned over and said in Locke's ear.

Soft pressing, the faint fragrance wafts in the nostrils, making Locke feel refreshed.

The commander sister really has her attainment in perfume matching. She is elegant and indifferent, but she can move people's hearts, which is really very clever.

"When Gwen and Selena arrive, I will find them, so don't let them come!" Locke nodded and said.

"Okay, young master, can we undress now?" The commander's sister smiled charmingly.

"(Qian Zhao) I asked you to gather, not what you thought!" Locke shook his head speechlessly and said.

He didn't expect that, just by saying "collection", he actually made the commander think of that kind of thing.

This is no one else's room!

"Giggle, isn't it? I thought the young master didn't look for us for three days, and today he was going to serve it all!" The commander's sister covered her mouth and chuckled, with a charming and moving look.


"Do I look like this kind of person in your eyes?" Locke said speechlessly.

"Master, be more confident, please remove the image!" At this time, Miss 2b cat entered Locke's arms and smiled coquettishly.

"Since you all said so, if I don't express it, can it make sense?" Locke joked.

Clinker, just after he finished speaking, a group of post officials lined up and said to Locke: "Master, come!"

"My lord, I'm really afraid of you, let's not make trouble, I have a good thing to give you today! 35 Locke said slightly mysteriously.

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