His name was Aaron, he lived in a small cottage next to a park. He went to an ordinary school, got ordinary grades, had ordinary family but there was one thing extraordinary about him. The source of all his suffering but at the same time his only friends, he had what people call multiple personality disorder.

It all began when he was five and was watching his favourite anime, Naruto. He adored the characters and thought that it was the best anime in the world at the time but then.

"Ahha interesting my child, so you view my world as nothing but a source of entertainment… Kukukuku I never thought that all our lives were just playing out on a screen for the amusement of children."

After that it all went to hell, he heard a voice when no one was around but the worst part was-

"Kukuku you can call me Orochimaru my child I have a feeling I will be veryyyyy interested in this new world."

Yupppp, a voice claiming to be Orochimaru just popped out of nowhere so naturally he remained cal-

"Mommmyyyyyy help! Theres this creepy man talking to me in my head!"

Yuppppp absolutely calm. Alright to be fair I was five and I didnt know any better.

After that I went to go see a doctor and got diagnosed with having two personalitys. How wrong he was!

Not even a weak later as Orochimaru was cackling from just having seen Sasori die (Because apparently with Sasori being his previous partner in the akatsuki he held a great deal of animosity towards him) I heard another voice in my head.

"Mmmmh so your name is Aaron and it seems my life is a form of amusement in your world."

I screamed at the unfamiliar voice again. I had somewhat gotten used to Orochimaru (never would get used to his cackling though) and then suddenly some other guy popped up in my head.

"Ooooh? It looks like we are not alone here Aaron, care to introduce me to your friend?" Orochimaru asked only sounding slightly surprised

"No need for introductions Orochimaru, we have already met."

"Have we? Well lets see that narrows it down quite a bit, but since you seem to already know my name it would only be polite to tell me yours."

"My name is Itachi Uchiha."

As a kid I still didn't get the hint and kept watching naruto after another doctor visit. He said I was probably just awaken dormant personalities, I had no idea at the time what that mean but he seemed to be surprised to find out they could communicate.

Another weak later I was once again watching the new episode of Naruto when you guessed it.

"Hello my child my name is Madara and I seem to have somehow come into your house unintentionally."

Orochimaru was ecstatic at being able to talk to a legendary figure such as Madara where as Itachi was very wary if him.

At that point my parents and doctor sort of got the hint and banned me from watching Naruto.

How I wish that was the end of it, school had just started and I was sitting in class and Orochimaru was rambling on with Madara about the kids these days being so uneducated while Itachi as usual just kept silent.

I decided I would read a bit as Orochimaru was for some reason nice enough to tell me the answers to all the questions so I didn't think I had any need to learn all this stuff. I wasn't sure how he knew all the answers as my doctor said he was just one of my personalities but as a kid I did not question it.

So there I sat just reading some Naruto as my parents had only forbid me from watching it and so I found the loop hole in that. (Madara had helped me learn to read as he wanted to know what happened in his original world)

And drumroll please….

"Brat how did I get in your head? I was previously sealed inside of that idiot boy Naruto."

Yeaaaa after that it just kept getting worse. I stopped reading Naruto much to the objections of everyone living in my head except for Itachi he was the only one who seemed to want what was best for me.

As I grew older for some reason I did not learn from my mistakes, I got quite the collection of characters in my head now.

The list included about 8 naruto characters as I kept getting talked into reading it again by the amazingly cunning and sly mouthed Madara.

I was 15 now and I had graduated from MIT 5 years ago which was insane for everyone else but understandable if you thought about Orochimarus and Madaras extensive knowledge.

Owww year I forgot to tell you about the other people living in my head.

There was Madara, Itachi, Kurama, Orochimaru, Danzo Shimura, Obito, Minato, (there was a big fight between Obito and Minato because ya know… Minato found out it was Obito who killed Kushina and set the kyubi to attack Konoha) Kisame, Kakuzu, Shikamaru, Kakashi and my newest addition Naruto. Then there were the members not from Naruto such as Shiro Emiya, Edward Elrich, Escanor and Meliodas.

Notice a pattern? Yup for some reason only male personality were in my head. It suċkėd.

At this point the conversations in my head had gotten up to an advanced level, I don't mean the stuff their talking about but how they talk to each other. Since not everyone could talk at once we all took our time to try and figure out a way to make private channels. We worked it out except I still had the problem that I could hear everything. It was my head after all and even if two people set up a private communication channel I could still hear what they were saying.

At this point in life where there was 17 people talking in my head, including me on occasion I had lost my sanity a tiny bit. Most people preferred at the start to only talk with people from there own world, except for Orochimaru he wanted to know everything about everyone and since we had nothing better to do we obliged. He was especially fascinated with Meliodas at the prospect of a race that could live so long.

I was 18 now and just got 3 new voices in my head. I know right yippy for me. I decided I couldn't push away the temptation of Harry Potter books so I slipped and here we are with 20 voices in my head. I had gotten Dumbledore, Mad eye Moody and to my surprise Neville? Neville got along great with the big ball of energy that was Naruto as both constantly encouraged Each other and gave each other compliment.

Another year later a surprising friendship was formed between Danzo, Madara and Dumbledore. And I could tell that it was genuine aswell because I had literally been together with danzo and Madara for years so I could easilly read them.

And a year later Orochimaru was ecstatic because he had used the advanced knowledge and technology in this world to accurately get a unified theory for everything. Even though the guy was questionable you had to give him credit for his genius.

After that my popularity skyrocketed and do you know what happened? Danzo of all people helped me and told me what to do in politics along with Madara and Dumbledore. Because say what you want because they were an amazing team when it came to politics, Danzo because of how good he was at them in general, Madara with his tongue made of silver and Dumbledore being able to make everyone around him feel comfortable and always making his choices seem like there for the benefit of everyone.

That was when we got rich (Yes we I had started to think if them as actual people not just a different version of me) and guess what? Kakuzu stepped in and took perfect control of the finances. I mean the guy was so good he could make anything cost half the market value! While shikamaru (I became very good friends with him and Itachi) decided it would be good for us to start our own little nation so he told me what to do in strategizing and we managed to build up a BIG army from a combination of Kakuzu being able to make everything cheap and Danzo being a great politician and getting us some great contacts and friends in high places. From there we used Danzo and shikamaru together to start a war against a smaller country. We thought that New Zealand would be a great choice as we would have a island with tons of resources.

We managed to easily win that war. After that I got recognised by the public as a strong force. Thats where naruto came in. We used his charisma to create some social media accounts and my god we were received well. The ladies called us a cute and adorable ball of energy that wouldn't harm a fly while the guys saw us as a fun and friendly guy you'd want to have a beer with.

That's when Orochimaru took over again and decided we should start creating weapons. He really was a genius as he created a plethora of weapons using them and Danzo's talent in politics we managed to pressure some countries into a submission to us. It was a perfect non lethal take over. We used all of our resources to build an army and then we showed to the world that those who submit will be treated with kindness while those who oppose us will be trampled.

After 10 years we managed to take over half the world and people started calling us better than napoleon khan and all other great leaders in history put together.

Ow did I forget to mention by the way that I somehow managed to let everyone else in my head take over my body? They can use my body as long as I allow it, thats how we managed to do everything.

But I was bored, I couldn't do anything fun anymore. So I decided to end is life. In my last year on earth I realized two things one fanfictions wont give me new personalities so I dove into them and then the second thing was, neither did Marvel comic books. For some reason DC did and I got the Jokers personality on accident… yea everyone just ignores him.

After I finished reading all the FanFics and Marvel comics I could I decided to invest 2 billions into the avengers endgame movie. After I finished watching that I had one last thing I wanted to test. Was reincarnation real?

So I donated all my money (2.5 trillion) into 3 different things

Space travel

A cure for nearly every disease

Ending world famine

I didnt get to see space travel to mars happen before I planned to kill myself but Orochimaru did Invent a cure for every disease which after a lot of convincing from Naruto, Minato, Edward and Emiya we decided to make it public for everyone to use.

So as my last experiment in this world I decided to go around looking for someone to save and inspire my noble death with to make the world better. As I was walking across the road with my hoodie up so no one recognized me I saw it someone I could save I looked at the little girl and was about to jump in front of the truck and push her out of the way, much to the dismay of a lot of people in my head she was saved by someone who looked like her dad with both of them safe I let out a sigh. Not having realized I was still in the middle of the road as I was too focused on that little girl in front of me I didn't realize until it was to late, the truck hurtling toward me at breakneck speeds.

And that was that.

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