My shock was fleeting, It was there and then it quickly left. As I tried to feel around I realized I couldn't as I had not hands.

"Keep calm child this was to be suspected." Danzos neutral voice echoed in my head.

Wait… Danzo?

"How are you all still here? And how can I be thinking I am meant to be dead?" I wondered as my scientific side took over.

"Kukuku interesting." Orochimaru almost squealed in glee.

"Weirdo aren't you meant to be scared of death? Hell I don't even know why Im not scared right now!" Naruto yelled at Orochimaru.

"I..I...I a…am s-scared enough for every o-one." Neville wimpered.

"If I had rhita I am sure I could light this place up" Escanors voice echoed through my head filled with pride. Even when they were technically in my head they still sounded like actual voices. But I learned to differentiate them a long time ago.

"This place gives me the creeps, it reminds me too much of home." Meliodas said in a carefree voice.

Then suddenly an elder man with a gray beard and gray hair appeared before me and said. " young one you have done a great service to humanity and i shall" At this point he decided to open his eyes and look at whatever I was. "Grant you safe pas… umm why are there so many souls inside of you my child?" He asks now a hint of danger in his voice.

I shuddered but I let Itachi take the reins of… whatever this body was. "I am not quite sure, suddenly people started talking in my head while I was a child. I had nothing to do with it." Itachi said in a cold and careful tone. "I hope we did not upset you.."

"Ohh no Itachi you have not upset me and my name is.. well you can call me god." The elder man said.

Itachi did not visible react to that but inside myhead he was surprised as he had seen through the personality swap.

"I can tell you are not lying… i see, so Aaron here has a unique soul I see." He murmured. "It would seem that you have a certain connection to these so called… anime yes thats the word. And you attracted there soul from there dimension and made them fuse with yours yet still remain a separate entity. It is an impressive feet as I could not remove one soul without hurting you." He said in an understanding tone. And then his eyes suddenly widened. "I see, yes you will nit go to heaven or hell. Where would you like to be reincarnated in?" He asked with a twinkle in his gray eyes.

Itachi did not react to that but inside everyone was yelling and cheering at the successful mission. I chuckled at that, before I got serious.

( talking like this 'hi' means he's speaking in his head or someone else is speaking in his head)

'So where should we go?' Naruto asked excited

'I have always wanted to meet someone from the marvel universe as for some reason we cannot take any souls from there.' I said also happy

'I feel that universe will entertain me.' Joker put in smirking while we all glared at him except for Orochimaru who just chuckled in sadistic agreement.

After a small vote the marvel universe beat the Naruto universe by miles. Minato and Naruto wanted to go back so they could see their friends but no one else seemed to care so we went marvel.

'Now comes the question of which one? Do we ask for a mix of X men and MCU or what?' Kakashi asked seriously for once as he loved reading just as much as me so he has always wanted to go to a universe from one of his books.

We decided to go for a mix between X men and MCU to get the most out of it.

"We choose a universe which is a cross between the MCU and X Men." Itachi said with a stoic face as if he was just ordering a cup of coffee not choosing our future.

"Very well now you can either have a wish or choose who and when you want to be reborn as" he says with an interested glint in his eyes.

We had another small discussion in our head then said.

"We want to be able to bring things from our previous worlds into this one whenever we want. And that included things like our bodies or just certain parts of our body at once." Itachi said still stoic.

"Very well but I shall set the restriction that you had to have owned them. Owe and you must all stay within the same mind at all times and are not allowed to do anything like nagato did." He said still with a sharp glint in his eyes .

"Now I must talk with the true deity of that universe." God said as he seemed to tug at something. And out of nowhere came Stan Lee!!! I had seen him a couple of times while I was alive but I still thought this man was amazing.

"What is it father" stan lee said to god which gave me a bit of a surprise.

"I shall send this person… I mean these people to inhabit the body of someone in your universe. Make sure to tie them in with the natural order." God said smiling at Stan Lee. Or maybe he wasn't the actual Stan Lee?

Then everything started spinning. I didn't know how I knew that as everything was pitch black but then it just stopped and I slipped off into sweet unconsciousness.

An unknown time later

I woke up groggily to find that I once again was in control and that the darkness around me was squeezing me forward. Or maybe it was backward? Who can tell anymore.

And the. A painful sting happened where I thought my eyes should be and it was all bright. I screamed in pain as I was seemingly picked up. Thats when I knew, i was a baby

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