Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 3 - MIT and Trolling Fury

After a while of arguing in my head with the others I finally opened my eyes. It didnt help at all as everything was blurry.

"I would give you my Sharingan now but your eye sockets are to small to hold my eyes." Obito said

So we just went back to arguing.

After a year we all realized that I could just use a different body until that was shut down by Orochimaru and dumbledore saying that would mean if our parents saw us gone or in a different body they would freak out.

My parents were both very nice, my mom worked as a baker while my dad was a doctor at the hospital.

Another two years went by and I finally found out my real name. I didn't know all this time because my parents and grandparents just called me honey or pumpkin. I hated the second one as I thought Pumpkins were disgusting.

I liked socializing but I was definitely not a social buŧŧerfly. I left the making friends stuff up to naruto who was like ten times better then any of us. Well for making friends with kids that is but for ȧduŀts minato was better as he was much more well mannered.

When I was four I heard my mom comforting my dad because it turns out he was a mutant and a lot of people disliked those right now. His power was weak and boring though, all he could do was stick to walls… shit is my dad Spiderman?

Turned out he wasn't he just had a very sticky sweat which he could control from coming out by the way so somewhat useful I guess. I just hoped that I would get a mutant gene to but not something weak like that.

When it was time to go to school I decided to show the world my genius and one up tony stark. He graduated MIT at 14. Pffft i did it in my last life at 10 this time it will only be easier since we have even more knowledge now. I had already decided what doctorates I wanted.

Bioengineering, Engineering, Theoretical physics, Medicine, astrophysics, mathematics and biology. (If you have any advice for any others tell me. I don't know much about this stuff)

At 6 I was already in high school and was in the new york times as a one in a billion year prodigy. They haven't seen anything yet. My parents were ecstatic and then I asked them if I could go to college and they instantly rejected saying that they didn't have enough money so I just told them that I will get a scholarship at MIT. They looked skeptical at first but agreed after a whole lot of pestering from naruto who was VERY good at it. Kurama helped with throwing a temper tantrum as well and damn.

When I went to go take the test all the examiners were looking at me as if I was a little devil. Since meliodas was a demon I guess there not wrong. Speaking of which Orochimaru has been pestering me to turn into Meliodas and see what makes him tick.

I was against the idea but did decide to use the body of one of the people in here and what was the first thing I was going to do? Troll Fury of course! HAHAHAHA.

so that night I transformed into obito and kamui'd into where the public headquarters of shield was. Fury wasnt there so I kindly (Used genjutsu to get it out of one of the staff there) asked where he was and they surprisingly told me, what kind people.

After I found fury in Pakistan on a diplomatic mission I decided to troll him while he was in his Hotel room. So first thing I did was turn off all the cameras in the room then had Madara take over to make a fuinjutsu seal around the room that made all around it want to walk away no matter what and not think about why. Fuinjutsu is superrrr scary.

While he was sitting down muttering something about some stupid paperwork which Danzo and Minato seemed to understand very well i decided to take all his pens and hide them under his matress while he wasnt looking (sharp pencil tips pointing skywards) after that he was furios and yelling about where his pens went but no one came to give him more so he was pretty pissed. Then he decided to go to sleep and my god did he scream when he sat down. Don't blame the poor guy either pencil tip went right into his buŧŧcheek while the other one… well you get the jist of it.

Two hours later I came back and he was sleeping so I decided i feel bad for him and he deserves some hair. Not a wig no but permanent hair. So I decided to give him some hair.

Next morning Fury woke up walked into the bathroom and looked at the mirror. And..

His eyes BULGED. I mean wow its amazing they stayed in his socket. He had a big head of hair on his head but not just any hair. I had found a mop in one of the janitor closets last night and thought this would be fitting for Fury.

But when I was sticking it on his head I realized that Fury had lost his hair before so whos to say he wont do it again? All my hard work would go to waste so I asked madara to make a seal which makes the mop super tough and one which make it unable to come off Furys head.

Not so long story short Madara succeeded and boy was it beautiful.

While in disguise I hid at the back of furys bathroom when he came in and decided to take a picture of him admiring his new mo… I mean hair.

Once again not so long story short I got my christmas cards sorted for the year.

After that day Fury was always seen wearing a hat.

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