Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 4 - Meeting Tony

It was a nice day, I sat outside while casually chatting (Full out yell war) with Naruto about what the best food was. I said it was Ice cream but he disagreed(My god he was getting mad) Danzo decided to cut in our conversation and said that he rather preferred a nice herbal tea.

Danzo had warmed up to us, and us to him. He was now more open with his emotions. Now if only he had some more emotions that might mean something, I mean the guy was like a rock.

Orochimaru was busy thinking up costume designs for our future SuperHero/Villian costume. I hadn't decided yet and didn't plan to for a while. After all, I was only 8 now. (Not sure if that's true I can't remember what I said about his age the last chapter)

Since my dad was a mutant however weak there was also a chance I had the mutant gene so I was at a private lab right now which I borrowed from one of the professors who owed me a favor for helping her out with proving her hypothesis.

I had turned into Itachi for a bit to use his eyes to try to spot hidden cameras. I could instantly transform into him with his Akatsuki cloak on since that also belonged to him.

Kisame was also currently sorting through his memories to see which ones he wanted to share with me. since he could give me things from his previous life we thought it would be a good idea if he gave me the memories of him wielding Samehada.

So I had just turned back into my 8-year-old body when guess who came around the corner of the opposite building? The one and only Tony Stark AKA Iron Man. I nearly squealed as my inner fanboy came out. He was about to walk right by me when he turned and said.

"Hey kid, did you lose your mommy? Need some help?" He asked me.

Even though he said that with worry I still fumed.

"Ummm no I am actually doing my doctorate work here and was just about to go inside my lab, so if you don't mind..." I said as I breezed past him still fuming on the inside. One of my idols just asked me if I lost my mommy!

He stared at me in slight confusion and definite shock. But then he just shrugged his shoulders and kept walking making me happy and more angry at him at the same time.

"Hey Tony wanna go grab some lunch?" a black man called out to Tony as he was about to walk past me he like tony stopped and said.

"Hey kid, did you lose your mommy? Need some help?" Rhodes asked exactly like tony "Hey Tony why didn't you offer this kid some help?" He said sounding kind of annoyed at Tony.

At this point, I couldn't take it anymore, I sprinted off toward the lab eager to go vent my frustration before I tried to snap the person who I ȧssumed to be James Rhodes neck.

AT this point Itachi stepped in and started calming me down, he took over for me and turned around. He walked back to a confused Rhodes and a slightly less confused Tony. Though I think that was just cause he didn't care.

"I'm sorry I ran off like that I just had to go check on something," Itachi said while in my 8-year-old body.

"It's an alright kid," Rhodes says but Itachi's face remains calm. I don't know how he does it.

Suddenly remembering what I said before Tony says "Hey didn't you just say you were doing your doctorate here? What doctorate are you doing here and more importantly how old are you?" He said with unhidden interest completely disregarding Rhodes shocked face.

"Nh, Currently I am 8 and I am doing my doctorates for Bioengineering, Engineering, Theoretical physics, Medicine, astrophysics, mathematics, and biology," Itachi said calmly as if it was no big deal for an 8 year old to being doing all of that.

Tony looked impressed and shocked whereas Rhodes' mouth was just hanging open. I mean I am pretty sure you could fit a watermelon in there.

"Anyway I will have to bid you farewell, for now, I hope to meet you again someday," Itachi said as he turned around and left and even he couldn't hide the smirk on his face.

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