Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 5 - This is the day you almost caught Obito!

Once I arrived at the lab still satisfied with Itachi's performance, I decided to take a bit of my blood. I carefully put the piece of blood, and a model of everything I would need to see if I had the X gene appeared as a diagram on the computer on the desk next to me.

I started looking and looking. I got a little worried until finally. I HAD IT!

I had the X gene! I now knew that I was going to join the X-men and the Avengers at the same time. I finally could start planning for my future.

I wondered what the timeline was. Did Xavier get Jean yet? Has he already recruited Scott? I needed to find out as soon as possible as this universe was just messed up like hell.

I got out of there after erasing all the data from the computers. Orochimaru was a scientist who focused more on... Human experiments. I needed tech. I needed some sort of armor as all I am relying on is my skill and strength. If an attack hits me, I'd be screwed. That was one thing that always sort of annoyed me, everyone always focused on ȧssaults, such as in the Harry Potter universe. You would never see a witch or wizard put up a ward around them in the middle of the battle.

I needed something flexible yet durable, something which could adhere to my wishes, something like... Venom! But I couldn't kidnap that spaceship yet as it was still a while away from landing I think. Right now, I can either crawl to stark and ask them for some tech or start my own company and use tech from my previous world, such as a phone to get rich.

I was not going over to stark, no matter how excellent the benefits were. My pride got in the way, but that wasn't the biggest problem, it was Madara pride that would be the biggest problem. He would never allow me to ask someone for help when I could do it on my own. No matter how much harder it would be to do it on my own.

I sighed... where would I get the capital to start my own company? I could think of a couple of ways, but I chose to sell a patent for the iPhone 5 to Stark. I would never sell the blueprints to more advanced iPhones as those are just money making machines, and I wanted to keep all the nice stuff to myself.

But I couldn't just head over there I would need someone to introduce me. That's where Tony comes in, he would introduce me to his dad who is soon to die not that I could be bothered to stop that. When Howard dies that will be the time Tony needs a friend and Rhodes will "conveniently" be out of the country and I will be the should he can cry on no matter how much that disgusts me. I don't mean doing this I mean letting him cry on me, I long ago learned from Danzo that to get what you want sometimes dirty methods were needed.

So the first thing I would have to do is introduce myself to Tony so I can get him to introduce me to his parents. Ugh, this is going to be a nightmare.

I changed into Obito's body and started secretly looking around for Tony, he was a tricky bugger to find, but I found him an hour later going into a restaurant with a hot girl on his arm. Ugh, I guess he was a playboy even before he was legally allowed to be one.

I strode into the restaurant and sat down a table behind Tony's. This hulk of a man came up to me, holding a tiny pen in his meaty hand and a notebook in the other.

"What'd ya want?' He grunted out.

"I'll just take about 5 cheeseburgers and a soda," I said hoping that would get Tony's attention as a fellow cheeseburger lover.

It didn't he just kept flirting with the girl opposite him. I got a tiny bit annoyed at that, and then I realized I was going about this the wrong way. He was a genius he would recognize if people made subtle attempts to get closer to him I reckon it happened a lot, so I needed to be direct.

I had my meal and left. Tony left ten minutes later and went to go watch a movie with the girl. I went to start on my own little secret project during that time, and two hours later came back. Tony had already left, but I soon found him saying goodbye to his girlfriend.

He started walking toward a Limo that was on the other side of the road which appeared from who knows where. I stopped him on his way.

Letting Itachi retake control I started talking. "Hey, your Tony right. I have a business proposal for you, which I would like to pitch do you have a minute."

Tony looked over at me, seemingly annoyed, but when he saw me, there was a flash of recognition in his eyes. He hesitated for a moment then said, "Hi yeah that's me. I'll give you some time, but this better be worth it." He said in a relaxed tone.

That's when we let Madara take the reins as he had a silver tongue which could probably even make a person want to kill themselves. Not that we would try that as it would just be a bother.

"Of course, this will be worth your time," Madara said using a charming smile.

That's when Tony suddenly went on guard. He took a step back warily. "You... scare me all of a sudden." He says matter of factly.

We quickly switch to Naruto and let his enthusiasm and optimism make Tony feel better. It worked as he suddenly seemed less tense.

Ugh, this will be annoying having Naruto talk to this guy. "We have this awesome thing which everyone can use! We call it the iPhone." Naruto yelled with stars in his eyes as we climbed into the Limo.

"Interesting but this is out of my jurisdiction talk to my dad," Tony said.

We chatted a little until we got to Tony's home.

We met Tony's mom and dad, which I did not want to do as they were friendly people, and I started feeling bad for letting them die just to further my own goals. So Orochimaru knocked some sense into me telling me it's all for the best.

"So Mr. Stark, what do you think? This could make you billions." I said matter of factly as I held out the Patent that I got while Tony was off watching a movie.

"And what are you getting out of this? What do you want to sell us this Patent." He said, intrigued. I was sort of nervous as I was giving them a patent for something that shouldn't be sold for a while.

"Of course not much I just want 1% stock in your company and $400 Million." I didn't ask for much as I wanted to set up a positive relationship between the Stark family and me so it will be easier to get Tony to turn to me in his time of need. (No Idea if that actually is a good deal, but I'm going with it)

"Mmmmh, I'll take the deal," Howard said which made me giddy.

"We will finalize all the details tomorrow and have some lawyers look over it, for now, would you like to come in and have dinner with us?" Howard asked as more of politeness then general sincerity.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark-" I was about to continue when I got cut off.

"Please call me Howard." He said.

"Yes, well I'm sorry Howard, but I have some business to attend to," I said politely "I hope you have a lovely evening and I will come back tomorrow at around 4 if that's alright with you. Until then, farewell." I said.

I would stay around and prank the currently teenage Tony, but I feel that wouldn't be a good idea.

So I spent an hour looking for Fury and then guess what? He upped his security A LOT! It took me two hours to find an opportunity to get close to him. Once I did, I was pretty pissed at having him waste so much of my time.

First thing I did was head to his private bathroom and take out a roll of toilet paper I had previously sprayed with pepper spray and then dabbed some pepper on it. He would be in for a nasty surprise. Then I went into his study room where he was marking paperwork. I switched out his pen for an invisible ink pen which would leave the ink to disappear within 6 hours.

Then I turned into Itachi and cast a Genjutsu on myself and some pills to make myself look like a staff member here, and the pill looks like a small scone.

I walked into Fury's offices. "Hello, sir, your food has arrived." I got Meliodas to say for me as Fury might be on guard with someone like me who would not flinch during human experimentation.

"Thank you just leave it here," he said, not even looking at me just absorbed in his papers. HAHA little did he know that all the work he did would be erased in 6 hours!

I waited outside crouching on the roof in Obito's form. I started hearing grunts from inside of discomfort, I held back my giggle.

Owe and did I mention what Fury's solution to his hair problem was? He started wearing a really long bandana which wrapped all around his head.

HE LOOKED LIKE A PIRATE! I was giggling in my head as Fury had both the black eyepatch and the black bandana covering his head he looked like a cosplayer.

Then suddenly I heard a sound I had been waiting for...

"ohhhh no! It's coming!" Fury yelled in a frantic tone as I heard him running toward his toilet. I waited outside and waited for the next part of my plan.

"That's finally over... I think that scone was bad." that was the last thing Fury said before-

"AHHHHHH IT BURNS!" Fury yelled in absolute pain!

I couldn't suppress my laughter! "HAHAHAHA"

"WHO IS THAT? DID YOU DO THIS! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" Fury yelled, and my god, his name fit him.

"HAHAHA catch me if you can you mop wearing old man!" I yelled back through the door, and before I could say anything else Fury without pants clearly showing his undėrwėȧr which had cat heads on it.

"HAHAHA OLD MAN YOU WEAR CAT UNDERWEAR!" I howled out, laughing so hard I nearly fell off the ceiling.

"YOU DAMN BRAT!" Fury said, and he pulled out a Tazor and jumped up at me.

I quickly dodged landing on his desk and sending his paperwork fly I said "Remember this as the day you almost caught Obito Uchiha!"

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