Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 6 - Getting the company started

["When life gives you lemons, freeze them and then throw them as hard as you can at whoever is making your life difficult." - Anonymous]

It had been a couple of days since meeting Howard. We had straightened out all of the details and finalized the deal. He seemed happy yet doubtful at the same time because who on earth would sell something that could make someone millions for only 400 million and a 1% share in a company?

So to ease his tension, I asked him for another favor. No one would buy from a small company which suddenly came out of nowhere, whereas a small company which came out of nowhere that had the support of one of THE biggest companies in the world... well, that would get a lot of attention.

He seemed happy to help me out and said he'll announce his support for me at his next press conference in a couple of days.

Happy I went to do some real estate shopping. I wanted a building that was a mix of luxury and cutting edge technology.

Naturally, I had played it all off as me not being the one to manage the company but the mysterious Madara Uchiha. Cause there was no way, an 8-year-old would be accepted running a company. My eight-year-old body would be around my friends family and some other important people, my hero persona (Because I had chosen to become a hero, not a villain, after all, it is much easier to hide bad things if everyone thinks your a nice person) would be in the body of Itachi and my villain persona which I would use to prank Fury and Kidna- I mean acquire test subjects.

If anyone ever asked me as the boss of the company or as I will say in Madaras body why we all looked alike and had the same unique eyes I would say that we were all brothers who grew up in isolation together but then had a fight, so we don't talk to each other. Hopefully, this would make people feel sorry for asking and stop all further questions.

I also wanted my own house. Preferably a castle but for now I'll settle for a mansion. I've always wanted to live in a castle. It would be so cool if I could live in a castle and have a knight defending- THAT'S IT!

I need to find Dane Whitman and make him my loyal knight! A knight wielded the sword of Percy himself defending my castle? That would be amazing!

It's perfect! Wait, it's too perfect...

There's got to be a flaw in this plan somewhere?

Anyway, I turned into Madara and let him take control and introduced myself to Howard last night. He seemed very scared of me, teehee.

"Hey what do you guys think about going house hunting?" I asked, smiling slightly.

"HELL YEAH! I WANT ThE HOUSE TO BE ORANGE AND NAMED UZUMAKI MANOR!" Naruto yelled with his usual excessive cheerfulness.

I heard a small alright from everyone else as well, and I grinned and started walking to the realtor's office. About twenty minutes later I made it there and walked in calmly letting Madara take the reins again and already being in his body.

"I would like to buy a mansion, preferably one with a lot of room and a small house with a basement," Madara said with a dead-pan expression.

"y-yes of c-course." The female at the desk stuttered out while blushing furiously and looking at my calm face. Even I had to admit Madara was a very sėxy man. Caugh not that I was gay or anything no... Am I gay?

I had no idea if I was gay or not, but that might explain why I subconsciously attracted all of those male souls.

'No from what I have observed you drew us in because we would be of most help to you. Someone like Sakura or Ino would just constantly get in our way.' Madara explained simply.

'Plus we can see your dreams and well... Let's just say you are definitely not gay.' Shiro decided to the way in.

'Hehe ya... don't ever talk about my wet dreams again, please. I was a teenager, and I was hormonal and- Oh oh. I have to become a teenager again!

The realization suddenly struck me as Madara was walking with the tour guide through different houses.

At that moment, it was if my soul had just wilted into pieces. ' I don't want to go through that again, that was the worst time of my life. And that comes from the person who literally has Danzo, Orochimaru and worst of all the JOKER! Living in his head.

After about half an hour of emotional tears, Madara had finally found a small mansion with an enormous backyard. When I say enormous I mean it, we bought a large wooden house on top of a hill, and our backyard was. Well. The whole hill.

'Do you think it is big enough?' Edward asked in a very concerned manner.

'The f*ck do you mean is it big enough? This hill is GINORMOUS!' I yelled in anger in my head as I had just spent 24 million for this house and land and yet it was already being criticized.

'Brat if you're going to try and handle my chakra then you will need a much larger space then this.' Kurama said.

'Why do I need to learn how to use your chakra? Can't you just take over my body and do it for me?' I asked, confused.

'That would not be good as then we would have to switch continually, it would get hectic, and we would only be able to the skillset of on person at a time anyway. If we teach you everything we know you can do much more, you will be the main fighter, and we will impart our techniques onto you.' Shiro said sagely while still keeping what we called the resting Emiya face.

He and Danzo practically never changed facial expression, it was unnerving yet somehow really damn cool.

'Alright, let's get started then! Wait actually, we got to get home before dinner time or otherwise mom and dad will be worried. Okay, let's start tomorrow then!'

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