Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 7 - Plans and the Lady of the Lake

I was nine now, and my company was thriving. We had just come out with iPhone 8 plus, and it was being received very well.

I was graduating today along with Tony, and I had already become good friends with him. I was ready to comfort him in about seven years. Also, I had just found out from a corrupt politician who I have given me information in Russia that the red room was created. I at first thought to save the Black Widow but then she would have never gotten her training.

I planned on 'saving her' on one of her missions and get Naruto to use Therapy No Jutsu on her while at the same time making her loyal to me. And also after saving her get her to tell me about everyone else in the bedroom and make them my own group of trained spies. There were so many wasted talents in there that died it wasn't even funny.

My training was progressing well. I had managed to trace about five swords simultaneously so far. My Sharingan and Rinnegan training hadn't started yet, as that would take years, and we were starting with the basics. It also turns out I have Kenjutsu talent, so Kisame gave me Samehada to train with.

Also, I FINALLY FOUND HIM! Wade Wilson AKA Deadpool was currently in Canada. The sad thing was I wouldn't be able to see Deadpool's creation as I would be here to comfort Tony. But I might be able to set up some connections with him afterward and recruit him to my team of mercenaries.

"And being the youngest graduate in history, we have Aaron Creed." An older man says, and then a round of applause goes around.

I stand up and walk to the podium to shake the older man's hand. Once that was over I went to stand next to Tony, who smiled at me, so I smiled right back.

"I've been told to offer you a job at Stark tower by my father," Tony said.

"I will have to decline as I will be doing some of my projects. thank you for the offer though and tell Howard that I hope that his company and Akatsuki enterprise." I told him. Owe did I mention that was what I ended up naming my company? There were a lot of long nights listening to the voices in my head argue about it, but in the end, Madara's silver tongue won out.

(By the way, I realized that Tony went to MIT at 15, not 14 so uhh oops? I don't think it changes much, but. Yaa sorry.)

I planned on investing in Xavier's school and being one of its founders. Also, to become the ruler of a nation as that would give me a sort of diplomatic immunity. I didn't understand politics, but Danzo said it was the way to go.

So I planned on taking over or just buying a large island then terraforming it to my liking. This would take a while, but the real school wouldn't be built until the year 2000 or something like that. I already had the Island picked out I just needed to buy it and then start construction on it.

"Hey wanna grab a cheeseburger after this? Or maybe 5?" Tony asked completely seriously.

"Ya sure but first what do you say we head over to my lab at Akatsuki Enterprise? I've got something I might need your help with." I replied.

Tony quickly agreed eager to see what I was doing primarily since I have never spoken about it. We headed over to New York. I know not the best place to have it, but I couldn't stop myself. It was a massive concrete building with tons of windows. We had a wooden floor and a red carpet to welcome visitors and the higher levels were reserved for only me. It was a bother going all the way up but hey what can you do?

We slid into one of my private labs as I had many for different side projects. I had debated back and forth a lot to whether I should show him this or not, but I realized that I was stuck and needed a second opinion. "Hey Tony, when you see this, don't flip out but just look at my DNA and tell me what you think."

He looked sort of puzzled but complied none the less. "This is... What is this? Is this what I think it is?" Tony asked, shocked.

"Yup I'm a mutant, but I don't know how to awaken my powers. Please don't freak out." I told him, waiting for his reaction. I had become attached to the boy genius, I know it was a bad idea, but it was hard for me to meet someone with my intellect.

"No, I don't... I don't know what to say?" Tony said flustered though I didn't know why?

"I'm honored that you would share this with me, but I have absolutely no idea. I am an engineer. I don't have any idea how to work with this." He said genuinely flattered but also slightly annoyed at his inability to help.

"Sigh well can you keep this a secret? Mutants aren't very excepted in this society, and I would prefer to keep my public image." I said, annoyed at still not being able to activate it. I knew it might be activated if I went through a stressful situation, but what was I going to do?

"Yaa mom whatever bye. Ya, I love you too." I heard him saying while talking into his iPhone. He set it down next to his bed and sighed. "Ugh finally a week away from it all. That damned Obito guy is going to be the death of me."

I smiled at that and started setting up my latest prank. About an hour later, I was done while Fury was asleep. "Hey, Fury!" I yelled into his ear.

He jumped up and pulled a gun out of god knows where. "You brat I'll kill you today!" He yelled at me.

"HAHAHA, I hope you like pink!" I yelled and pressed a buŧŧon I had in my hand.

"Bang" He shot me and then "Bang" Small devices littered around the room exploded and sprayed pink paint everywhere.

The bullet went right through me as I used Kamui. And then "Bang" another bang happened and this time glitter appeared everywhere.

Fury sat there enraged, but I couldn't take any of the verbal abuse he was yelling out seriously as he was covered in pink paint while his mop was all glittery.

"You f-"

"Stop, can we please keep this PG I'm still a kid ya know," I said sounding like I had been wronged.

"Shut up you piece of-" I didn't hear the rest of it as I had already used Kamui and went back into the comfort of my bed while laughing my ȧss off.

"Honey could you keep it down up there with your little imaginary friend Fury. Were trying to sleep." My mom called out.

I had told her about my weekly pranks on Fury, she didn't believe me at all and just wrote it off as my imagination.

"Ya sorry mom just ahh having a good laugh. Night!" I yelled back.

I fell asleep after a couple of minutes.

I opened my eyes again, and I was in the middle of a pitch black space where the floor was water. "The hell is this? Am I literally having a wet dream?" I asked myself.

At that point, a sword tip rose out of the water. It was only the tip of the sword, yet it radiated power, I felt like it was so sharp it could pierce Proto-Adamantium like buŧŧer.

"You seek the sword power child." An elegant voice stated. The voice was clearly feminine.

A silhouette of a women came out of the water. "You are not worthy yet. Come back when I have deemed you worthy." This was the point I realized what was happening.

"Umm alright... Bye, I guess?" I said, unsure of what to do.

It all became dark again, and I suddenly woke up in my bed. "Well, that was unexpected."

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