Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 8 - Howard and Maria Stark's Death

It had been a couple of years since that dream, and it was now 1991. Today was the day Tony found out about his parent's death, and I was ready for it. Rhodes was out on a military mission which did not allow communication. I had made sure of that.

My company had flourished even more, and we were already a trillion dollar company. We had expanded into every business imaginable, Space exploration, Education, the food we even partnered up with Stark industries in the weapons business but that wasn't public as I didn't want to be also known as the ȧssistant merchant of death or some crap like that.

I had found Deadpool already and had hired him for a couple of missions. He was very good at his job. I had also found Natasha Romanoff and was planning on 'helping her' tomorrow.

"Hey, Aaron can you pass the cheeseburger over there?" Tony asked his eyes fixed on the TV as we were currently watching the news.

Just as I was doing that-

"Breaking news, Howard and Maria Stark just found dead. They were found on the side of the road in a flipped over car. Authorities believe it to have been a car crash." The TV reporter stated in a fake sad and concerned voice.

Tony froze. It looked like gravity had just increased as his body sagged and he just lay there seemingly lifeless.

"Tony? Tony, are you alright?" I said as I ran over to him and hugged him.

There was no answer, He just lay there. I carried him to his room. I needed some more physical exercise because by the time we were there, I was sort of out of breath. All this time, I was only practicing my sword technique and tracing weapons, not actually doing physical exercises. Shiro's logic was what was the use of a powerful body if you didn't know how to use it? He said, "It's like giving a legendary blade to a toddler."

"Hey, Tony, it's alright." That was all I could say. What was I meant to say? Sorry, I knew about your parent's death happening tonight but chose not to stop it?

He just lay there so for the rest of the night I sat there feeding him since he hadn't eaten yet. The next morning he was the same just staring up at the ceiling, and I was starting to wonder if he was dead. "Yo Tony, I got you some burgers for breakfast. I hope you don't mind." I told him.

"If you don't say anything right now I'll-"

"There dead, and I didn't even get to say goodbye. I was too stubborn to." Tony cut me off.

I didn't say anything to that. Not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't. I was utterly flustered.

'Here let me take reins, I know what it feels like to lose everything you love.' Shiro offered.

"What do you feel?" Shiro asked with a stone, cold face.

Tony looked at me as if I was an idiot. "Pain, regret anger at myself for not saying goodbye."

"Why? Why do you regret? Did you make the wrong decision? Tony, some things are out of our power. There is nothing you can do. Mourne them but do not get caught in the past. Instead of grieving in the past, turn around and make sure that there will be a better future." Shiro stated with conviction. I suppose that was how he coped with things. Instead of mourning his whole life, he tried to change things, he decided to make the world a better place.

'What do you propose I do then?" Tony asked almost begging for an answer,

"Mourne the loss of your parents. Don't hold anything back, not tears, not your emotions, not anything lay it all out in front of you for others to see. And those that come to help you are your friends those that pity you are the people you do not want to be friends with." Shiro stated.

"And once you have yourself collected, you rise up with your friends and do better than ever," Shiro said matter of factly.

'My god that was cheesy. What are you going to say next? Are you going to say you're king of the world while leaning over the railing of a ship?' I said, annoyed at the cliche lines. 'Ya had it all set up and then you gotta say something cheesy. Why am I not surprised?'

'Shut up you puy me on the spot.' Emiya snapped back at me.

"You're right." Tony just said simply. "Thank you. Can you also get me a strawberry shake? Thanks."

"No, I won't go back to get you a damn strawberry shake. Call me when you're ready to talk." I told him and got up ready to leave. But then Tony's phone buzzed with the caller ID being Jerry.

"Who's Jerry?" I asked confused as I didn't remember a Jerry from the comics.

"What do you mean? Us three went out to watch that movie last weak and went out to dinner together 3 weeks ago. Don't you remember him?" Tony asked, confused.

"No, we were alone both times. But why we went to dinner and a movie alone together baffles me." I said once again consider if I was gay If I was gay once again.

"No, he was definitely there. He was also there when the two of us first met. It was me, you Rhodes and Jerry." Tony declared.

"WTF? I SWEAR TO GOD I HAVE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF JERRY BEFORE? By the way than what is his last name?" I practically yelled wandering if Tony was playing a trick on me.

"What the hell, man? We literally had dinner at your house with your parents with Jerry last month! And ah... I don't actually know his last name. I just called him Jerry for years." Tony said, slightly embarrassed.

"Anyway just call me if you need anything even if it's just to talk," I yelled back practically running out the door and grabbing my phone. I quickly dialed a number.

"Hey mum, did we have a guy named Jerry around for dinner last month?" I questioned.

"Ahh yes him. He was a lovely buy but sort of quiet.

I hung the call up then and there. Either this was a very elaborate prank, or someone was messing with me or everyone around me's mind. Was there a Kuroko in this world as well?

"Ugh, who cares I'm just gonna go back to the house and work out till lunch then head over to Russia to intercept Natasha on her mission and 'help' her," I said. Ha, but when I told help I mean kidnap and slightly brainwash in a positive environment so she won't abandon me like she left the red room. Make her feel like she owes me everything and that she must use her life to pay me back or something.

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