Now then that I have a moment with you-" I got cut off.

"Bang" I heard a gunshot.

"Huh yeah. Guess I should have checked for hidden weapons." I said as if I hadn't just had a bullet go through me.

"So it's true, all weapons do go through you. Tell me, are you a mutant?" Said the only older woman in the dungeon.

"Yup but I still haven't awakened my power yet!" I said cheerfully while I had a machine scan her for all metal.

She looked confused at that, but I ignored her while multiple robots scan for metal on all the girls. You wouldn't believe the places they hide them, though.

"So I know you work for Leviathon and stuff, but as your captor, I will brainwash you and make you a double agent for me. Once we are done, you will obey my every order. Also, I have planned to make you a secret agent of Hydra who is acting as a spy for them by infiltrating Leviathon but in actuality is just giving me reports on them both. Just you know felt like sharing that." I said happily.

"Computer commence operation Assasins Creed!" I yelled as I was giddy at finally being able to say those words.

At that suddenly out of the floor of each cell, some equipment appeared and some chains which instantly held all the girls down. Next, there was knockout gas released into each of the chambers.

The next scene was pretty gruesome, so I won't go into details, but they implanted some devices inside the girl's brains, which gives them an electric shock whenever they displease me. It also gave them a sense of pŀėȧsurė whenever they did something I liked. It was basically the carrot on the stick approach mixed with conditioning techniques.

After that, all of the girl's were brought into bed's that were in there cell's. This place from now on would be there home and place of brainwashing. But also a training ground to turn them into an elite spy group. I planned on creating an all-female Assasins Creed in this world as I found the movie surprising. Sadly I didn't get anyone from that movie in my head.

'Kukuku it is all happening as planned, do you plan on getting a team of scientists and brainwashing them to?' Orochimaru inquired.

'Why of course but right now is not the best time, I plan on having the best mind's in my team and getting Tony to lead it. I will tell him that they are all getting paid and after the brainwashing on them they will say the same.' I replied with a gleeful smirk.

'Alright everyone it's the time we have all been waiting for! LET'S MEET DEADPOOL!' I screamed in my head.

I got a resounding chorus of about 5 people screaming yes while everyone else either ignored me or just did a 'Hmpf.'

I got onto my private plane about 20 minutes later and left the training of the girls to the computer. I had been planning to create an AI, but who has the time? Also, I might have to create an AI soon as Orochimaru kept bugging me about it, he was fascinated with the idea of being able to make 100% loyal minions which are 100x more efficient and have much fewer needs.

I already had an idea about creating an AI then showing it off to Tony to get him to ask me to help him create an AI. I will create a failsafe switch in Jarvis and make Jarvis more loyal to me then to Tony, but that would be a secret kept from everyone and Jarvis will act like he is more faithful to Tony.

I was currently in Salem New York, Deadpool was presently in his apartment living with his girlfriend, and he already had the disgusting face.

I knocked on the door.

"Hello, can I help you?" A beautiful girl answered while I could see a weird looking Wade Wilson sitting on his couch staring at me.

"Yo are you the delivery guy? I ordered my Chimichangas half an hour ago it took you long enough to get here!" Wade yelled out.

At that, a vein tried to pop on my head, but I held it back down. Training from a ninja was beneficial after all.

"Ahh no my name is Madara Creed, and I am the CEO of Akatsuki enterprises," I replied with a forced smile. But it started to become more natural as I realized I was talking to THE DEADPOOL!

"No, it isn't the delivery guy like I thought. Yea whatever see you, Jerry." Wade said and only then did I realize he had a phone with the caller ID being Jerry.

I nearly jumped at the phone, but it was already too late. Wade had ended the call, and I knew that after the call was ended, you could never call Jerry back.

"Ohh wow. Well, I would have preferred my chimichangas but your pretty cool too." Wade said clearly not impressed.

"Wade shut up we have a guest here!" Vanessa said her annoyance at Wade was utterly overshadowing the shock that the CEO of the worlds current number 1 company was standing at her doorstep.

"It's of no matter, but I am not one for pleasantry's let me get straight to the point. I have seen you in action multiple times and am very impressed at your skills, I want to hire you for two jobs number 1 I want you to be a part of a mercenary group I am creating to protect New York and me. Number two I want you to help train my... Cousin Aaron Creed." I said quickly, trying to think of a way to help me get him to train my younger form.

"You will be paid handsomely, and I will provide you and your girlfriend Lodging in my company HQ so you can be around to protect me at all times," I said.

"Uhh first of all buddy why do you want me and second of all I ain't gonna babysit your cousin," Deadpool said back.

"I am not asking you to babysit him I just want you to train him for about an hour a day in how to fight with guns, swords, and hand to hand combat," I said.

Of course, I would record whatever he taught and then send it to the Assasins Creed for them to learn as well.

"And also I want you because I can tell that even though you seem like a bad person, you are actually a good person who will not backstab me. I am a good judge of character." I replied.

"Also, your power is perfect for you to be my bodyguard," I added in afterward as I saw him giving me a disbelieving stare.

"How much will you pay me?" Deadpool asked.

"100 dollars an hour," I said back.

"Vanessa were moving," Deadpool said to his girlfriend all too eager to get that money. I chuckled at that.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Vanessa said back clearly mad.

"Uh, yeah, sure... Vanessa, can we please move to that big tower in the middle of the city?" Wade said, trying to calm his girlfriend down.

"Well, you have to be at work by tomorrow. I need protection all times I leave my office, but some times I will go alone. Got it?" I told Wade pretending like I needed his protection. The only reason I was doing this was that I loved the guy and could hopefully convince him to lead the Assasins Creed alongside Natasha. Of course, I planned on making Natasha immortal so that they could lead it together forever but small steps for now.

Now that was sorted out, and the next step of my plan was simple. Buy or overtake another country and build it up to show the world my might. Also hopefully ally myself with Wakanda in a secret alliance and if I could a partnership with them.

Big plans ahead, but what to do?

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