Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 13 - Avalon Archipelago

-- Jerry is an actual plot character, but it will be explained later. Right now it is to early to start with the whole who Jerry is arc.--

I was currently on my way to an island I had bought yesterday for a rather low price of 38 million USD. Yup, I am proud to admit I am one of the only people in the world capable of saying that it is a cheap price.

Recently I was in more need of a base of operations. The warehouse dungeon was starting to get cramped as I had taken some homeless girls off the street. I planned to keep the all-girl creed thing going and have them be sort of like the Valkyries.

The IIsland I had bought I named Avalon. But that was just the main Island. I had purchased a moderately sized archipelago consisting of about 14 Islands. Each smaller Island cost around 2 million while the two large ones cost 12 million each and the largest one which I had planned to set my base upon was called Avalon Island the main Island in the Archipelago.

I already had a plan for it, the main Island would be used as a base and place to receive guests and housing and things such as that. The other two large islands would be respectively for a science division and a division for the Assasins Creed.

The smaller Islands I planned to put to excellent use as well and use them as a line of defense. That will probably take a while, and I will need a bunch of scientists to do this with me as I wasn't much of a geneticist. I will get a bunch of shadow clones to start reading up on genetics, but having other people with their own unique views on the world working for me is also a good thing.

Suddenly a rush of information went into my brain.

'We found it kukuku.' Orochimaru said.

'We can either set up an alliance with them or blackmail them with us revealing their existence. I would suggest the first one as people who are kind to someone will usually receive the same treatment back. If we are ever in need of ȧssistance, they will not hesitate to help us, but with the 2nd option, there is a definite chance they will let us die off.' Danzo said.

'But how do we get into contact with them without them thinking it's hostile or without them being wary of us having an ulterior motive?' I asked back.

'Simple we offer them something they want for nothing in exchange, making them grateful towards us.' Danzo stated.

'But they are a technologically enhances nation way ahead of everyone else what could they possibly want?' I asked back.

'It's not what they want; it's who they want.' Danzo stated.

'I see so we will give them Klaue. But what about the Vibranium he has? Wouldn't they ask us to give that to them?' I questioned Danzo.

'Not if we say that someone else stole it. Someone who has had there hand's in a lot of bad events, and we want gone. Someone like I don't know The Hand?' Danzo said back, and even though he was in my head, I could literally feel him smirking.

'Do you think they would even know about them?' I asked back.

'It would be better if they don't. That would mean we could tell them that they have a magical method to hide specific memories or emotions. This would mean that if they do interrogate one of the members of the hand for the location of the Vibranium and don't find anything, they will instantly ȧssume that it was because of this.' Danzo said back just as we landed on a patch of grass near the middle of Avalon.

I stepped out happy about the plan.

"It's beautiful darling. So this is the place where we will set up the base?" A Gorgeous woman asked from behind me.

"No, this is the place I will set up base while you attend to me," I said back while smirking.

"Women don't like to be denied expensive thing's don't you know that?" She said back while smirking.

"I do it's just that as your employer I can deny you whatever I want," I said back.

I was talking to my new secretary. She was a beautiful woman with very high talent in doing paperwork. And she also went through the brainwashing program already to always put my need's in front of everyone else. She had been servicing me on the plane ride here.

I had brainwashed every higher up in the company to follow my every command without hesitation while still keeping there personality's so it doesn't seem suspicious for anyone who knows them.

I summoned out 500 shadow clones. I had pitiful reserves, and they weren't growing very fast either as the chakra in this world was so much weaker than in Naruto. That was probably why Magicians draw energy from other dimensions. Since I could use thing's which my personalities owned in different world's that included their chakra.

I headed over to the beach and used a storage scroll Madara made me to summon out a beach bed, sunblock, some food, and some drinks.

While my ȧssistant pŀėȧsurėd me, I sat there enjoying the beach. I hadn't done this since... ever? I was always so focused on doing stuff.

I sat there for about another hour and summoned 500 more shadow clones during that time. My ȧssistant got tired during that time, and we just cuddled as well.

I had a long couple of year's ahead of me, and I wasn't going to get much relaxation time during that.

I summoned a shadow clone. He knew what to do so he just teleported away using Kamui.

Another half an hour passed just lying there, and then it finally finished.

"Boss we finished we just need Madara to do his thing now. Also, we have located Magneto and Mystique. They are both currently in New York. Do you want to start project pet magnet?" The shadow clone asked.

"No, but catch Mystique and turn her into one of our ȧssassins. Then send her back to Magneto and have her act as a double agent." I said.

"Also start project Alpha. It will take a couple of years to finish so I will start it now. Until the time that we can start moving, I will be developing my nation and Avalon Archipelago." I told the clone.

The clone dispelled sending my orders into the minds of every other clone.

I headed over to a clearing which my clones had just made. It was next to a river, and a mountain and I planned on creating my fantasy kingdom here.

(What it looks like

It would cost me no money as Madara can just use large scale earth and wood style jutsu.

"Wood style: wooden pillar's Jutsu!" Madara yelled as there was an explosion of wood everywhere.

Madara started on the next jutsu's hand signs, and when he was done, he yelled, "Earth style: stone wall Jutsu!" he yelled again, and an ever more massive reaction happened.

"I'm done my chakra is nearly depleted, if it wasn't for Kurama and Naruto providing me with more I would have died from chakra exhaustion," Madara said.

I retook control and switched into my body. It was a beautiful city with a massive castle. I could definitely see this as a tourist attraction I just needed to add some furniture, windows... Wow, this place actually has a long way to go still. I will need to tell my company that I am investing around 10 billion into this place and that all profits will go to me personally. This might even create a scandal if released publically, but I will just make them keep this quite. After all 10 billion dollars into a city and I am the only one getting profits? Wait I get 99% of the money anyway since I don't sell percentages of my company.

I looked at it. It was beautiful. I shall name this city. Camelot!

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