Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 14 - Crow summon's

It had been a week since I started the creation of Camelot. I always felt like someone was watching me from the water, but I could never tell where or who.

Madara finished the foundation of the Assasins Creed building and The Science building as well. We had even started hiring some geneticists to begin working on my secret project for the surrounding small islands. But that would take a while as I still needed to brainwash them to be utterly loyal to me.

I had used my shadow clones to transform into crows which I got Itachi to give me the contract on yesterday. Oh my god, they are useful, do you know what the perfect spy apart from spider's is? It's a crow. They can hide super well, especially at night have they have a superb hearing, and their maneuverability is fantastic too as they can fly. Itachi was trying to teach me to do the crow clone, but there was no luck on that front. Today I will introduce myself to them and try to make a good connection with them and especially the sages.

They have one sage, and no one knows where the ancient sage is as he is just gone.

"Summoning Jutsu," I said while pricking my thumb and drawing blood.

In front of me, there was no puff of smoke, but the shadows just converged and then left and in the place of the shadow's was a regular crow.

"You require ȧssistance summoner?" It asked professionally.

"Please call me Aaron while in this form. I have many form's including Itachi Uchiha, who gave me your summoning contract." I said.

"Oww Itachi? I thought he died? His name faded from the scroll a long time ago." The Crow said.

Suddenly I switched body's and let Itachi take control. "Soru I did not die but got suċkėd into another world and became part of someone else's soul."

The crow gaped at that. "Itachi? Is this true? And why is the chakra so much thinner in the air then it was?"

"It is indeed me and the chakra is thinner because we are not in the world of Shinobi. We are currently on a planet called Earth. I have given Aaron the summoning contract, and I ask of you to let him become the crow's summoner." Itachi said.

"Very well, but I would ask you to see Yatagarasu as he still mourns your death." Said the crow.

Itachi smiled, bitterly at that. The crow, and the next second, we were high in the treetops sitting on a branch next to a crow's nest with who I ȧssumed to be Soru in it.

Without saying another word, Itachi jumped down from the tree and landed soundlessly on the ground. He sprinted in a specific direction and kept going for another 2 minutes. I was impressed this place was pretty large if it could make Itachi sprint without stopping for two minutes straight.

Itachi jumped up a tree and landed next to a small crow's nest while purposefully making some noise to make the inhabitance of the crow's nest know that we were here.

"Go away Ebisu I already said I didn't want to go out with you." A small voice came from inside.

"Owe pity, and here I was hoping that you would go out with me Yatagarasu," Itachi said while smiling.

After that, a wide-eyed crow came dashing out of the nest with a blazing Sharingan.

"Itachi? But how are you alive? Why didn't you tell me you were alive you schmuck?" Yatagarasu practically yelled even though I couldn't see his beak moving.

Itachi smiled, bitterly at that. "It is a long story. One I do not have the time, nor does Aaron have the patience to explain."

'Hmpf, I have patience. You don't know me.' I said back while pouting.

'I know you better than anyone — even your own parent's.' Itachi said back while smiling.

"Aaron? I don't sense anyone else here?" Yatagarasu said confusion taking over his excitement at the revelation that Itachi was alive.

I quickly took over again and changed into my body. "Yo name's Aaron Creed. How can you talk while not moving your beak?"

He gaped at that. Wanting to fluster him more, I said.

"Hey, I just introduced myself and asked you a question. Didn't you get taught that it was rude not to say anything back? And you're staring as well! People these days just have absolutely no manner's." I said back while laughing in my head.

My statement had the dėsɨrėd effect as he was trying to work out what was happening.

I switched back into Itachi.

"Yatagarasu, Aaron will be your summoner. We will go now as we have an important meeting." Itachi said.

Itachi then reverse summoned his way out. Reappearing on Avalon Island, I retook control.

I gave the instructions to my shadow clones on what to do, and then we left.

'We have a meeting with an emissary from Wakanda in 1 hour. Why are you heading for New York when we should be heading there?' Edward asked.

'I'm going to do a Kakashi and come an hour late. It's a sign of power. Also, it's fun.' I told him.

'What are you going to do then?' Naruto asked.

'Well meet Charles Xavier of course. The X-Men movie start's in a couple of year's, and I want to have an investment in that school.' I said.

'Also, it would be good to use that academy as a way to train my own mutant army.' I said.

Half an hour later, I arrived at a massive mansion. I waited outside the gate and buzzed in.

"Whatya want?" came a gruff sounding voice.

"I came for a meeting with Charles. I want to invest in the school you are planning to make." I said.

There was a long pause, and then the gate swung open.

I paused outside before driving in. I was going to meet the X-Men!

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