I intend to live forever. So far, so good. - Steven Wright.

I was now on my way to a meeting with an envoy from Wakanda. They had no idea I knew how technologically advanced they really were. And I planned to use that as a bargaining chip, not as a threat as that might make them wary.

Two day's ago, my shadow clones had found Ulysses Klaue. My shadow clone's then henge's into some random people with the sign of the hand on there uniform. They injured Klaw and stole the Vibranium making sure that all of his lackeys saw it and spread the word.

I then got some of my shadow clones to sneak in and take Klaw an hour later to make it seem like we came late. And currently, Klaw was being transported to our meeting place by my shadow clones. I was also trying to put the Flying Thunder God mark everywhere in the world. It was slow, but it was coming along.

A crow landed on my open car window. "Did the envoy arrive yet?"

The crow nodded, yes. "How long ago?"

It held up two talons meaning 2 hours. I chuckled at that. I would need another 10 minutes to get there so hopefully whoever it was would wait and not blow a fuse and try to kill me the second I saw them.

The crow flew away, leaving me to my thoughts.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at a building on the edge of New York.

I entered without any of the security trying to stop me as they all knew what I looked like.

I went into a dull office with an African woman sitting on a chair in the middle of it practically fuming. "You dare show up so late? Another 5 minutes and I would have left!" She almost yelled at me.

So I took a page right out of Kakashi book and said, "Sorry, I saw a black cat, so I had to take the long way, so it didn't cross my path." I said with an earnest face as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

She was fuming at this point, and I swear I could see bubbles forming on the edge of her lips. "You... You dare make up a pathetic excuse like that."

I pretended to look offended at that. "Me? I would never lie, especially to a lady! And also you are being very rude, I just came in, and you started yelling at me, do I not even get a hi?" I said with a righteous and offended face.

Her face got even redder at that. I may have gone too far... Naaa it'll be fine.

"Who do you think you are? I am the general of one of the..." She stopped herself, realizing that in her anger, she nearly let slip about Wakanda.

"Don't worry, I'm just messing with you. Anyways I want to make a deal with you." I said.

Her eyebrow twitched at the first part, but at the second she sat up straighter, and all her previous embarrassment went away. "What would someone of your standing want from a small and poor place such as where I'm from?"

"Well, I wouldn't call Wakanda small and poor at all," I said while smirking inwardly at her horrified face.

"How do you know?" She once again yelled at me.

"Trade secret," I replied. "But let's get down to business, I have a gift for your king."

"Who is that?" She asked warily. I can see her confusion as Klaw currently is tied up and unconscious. The fact that his arm is cut off doesn't help either.

"Ulysses Klaue, I went to go capture him two days ago, and when my men showed up, he had already lost an arm. There Vibranium stash was also gone, and his men said that they were attacked by some people wearing a set of Ninja clothes and a Hand on their clothes." I said.

She seemed confused by that but just moved on to the next point. "Why are you giving him to us? What is your motive?"

"I want to set up a good relationship with your country and giving your king something, or in this case, someone he want's would be a good way to do so," I told her straightforwardly as lying had no point because it was very easy to figure out anyways. I also figured that if I didn't lie, they would trust me a tiny bit more.

I hadn't made the best first impression, but that would be forgotten with this gift. So while I lost nothing, I gained a large stash of Vibranium and good relations with the most technologically enhanced country in the world and also got them to set their sights on the hand, so I didn't have to do anything.

It wasn't even three birds with one stone anymore. It was just three birds for free.

"Then, I shall thank you on behalf of Wakanda. I shall tell my king about your kindness." Okoye said.

"Of course but what about our deal?" I asked.

She sat back down, ignoring the unconscious Klaw. "What did you have in mind? You must know that we are the most advanced country in the world, right? So I do not see anything you can offer us."

"Of course. I will first state what I want from you before I shall state what I can give you in return." I told her. I was trying to put up a ludicrous offer and then tell her I can give her something which their country needs. Hopefully, then she will have slightly fewer worries about what I want.

"I want your country's support in the building of mine. I also want some technology specifically that shield you have around Wakanda." I told her as in the Infinity War movie that thing had easily held up against much older and more advanced alien forces. Even though it did occasionally let one enemy through I could just set up another one behind it which would stop all the ones that came through.

I did not suspect them to give me the blueprints for the barrier, but I suspect the barrier needed Vibranium somehow which they think is in possession of some ninjas from the hand not me so they would think that I would have the technology just not the resources to use it.

"You're building a country?" She asked sort of surprise, mainly because they had no idea even with there advanced technology.

"Yes and I already have the groundwork for it finished now I need advanced technology. I do not mean stuff like guns or anything, just the best household equipment and medical supplied you have." I told her.

"That is a lot that you want. And what could you possibly offer us of equal value?" She asked.

"Information on the lost amulet of Bast," I told her.

At that, her eyes rose nearly out of there sockets.

"How do you know about it? And it is lost anyway so what use is the information?" She questioned.

"How I know is Irrelevant, but the lost amulet of Bast is no longer lost," I said while smirking. I would keep it for myself, but it was of no use to me as I didn't want to talk to someone who could look into my soul like she did to Doom.

She looked skeptical but still nodded.

"I do not trust this place enough to have you go around telling me the location of the Lost Amulet of Bast. I will talk to my king, and if he agrees to your deal, we will invite you to Wakanda." She said while thinking, "This is out of my hand's now, I am but a general."

"Very well then, I hope you have a pleasant day, and I look forward to seeing Wakanda with my own eyes," I said indicating that I have full confidence that T'Chaka will accept the deal.


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