Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 17 - Going to Wakanda

It had only been two day's when I got the decision. I WAS GOING TO WAKANDA!

King T'Chaka had said that if I were able to give them accurate intel on where the lost amulet of bast is he would approve our alliance and give me the technology I wanted. He also said thank you for Klaue.

Of course, it had to be a secret alliance as the world still did not know of Wakanda's existence. I could finally start on my plan to groom the next Black Panther to my liking for when T'Chaka died. I didn't plan to stop that as T'Chaka was already king for many years and knew what he was doing so he would be harder to manipulate.

Shuri was also an excellent scientist, and I planned on making a good impression with her then ask for her hand in a political marriage solidifying our alliance.

I planned on then making full use of Shuri's brilliance and make her one of the head researchers in the future Akatsuki science building on Avalon. I already had a couple of people in mind for who would be working there.

Also, I wanted to set up connections with the Fantastic Four while getting them to work for me, my ultimate goal there was to annex Baxter foundations into Akatsuki Enterprise. I now owned 100% of the shares of Akatsuki Enterprise as having anyone other then me have a sway over the company was a bad idea.

I had implanted the chips in all the higher up's brains so I could kill them with just a command if I wanted to, but I didn't as that would be a bother to cover up. I had also used some brainwashing techniques to make them all loyal to me. I was VERY confident that it wouldn't be broken as Orochimaru was good at making people loyal to him. Just ignore Sasuke.

Also, the Joker seemed quite skilled at making people not betray him and had some input on the subject, but most of what he said was just cackling and telling me to torture them and it would break them. And now that I think about it having my own Harley Quinn wouldn't be a bad idea.

Anyway, I had sent a top class team of lawyers to deal with the paperwork for the deal with Xavier. It all went smoothly, and both sides were happy with the agreement.

My team of lawyer's had also started going over the paperwork for a privately owned team of superheroes. Currently, we had no superpowered individuals to join the group. I was going to work on that and hopefully, have the Black Panther join.

My plane was currently over Africa, and it was a big expanse of desert some tees and- OH MY GOD WAKANDA! It just suddenly shimmered into existence beneath me.

There were skyscrapers everywhere, and the city seemed to buzz with life. It was beautiful, a true haven.

"Madara, it is good to meet you. I presume you had a good flight?" T'Chaka said.

"It is nice to finally meet you to T'Chaka if I may call you that and yes my flight was delightful," I said while discreetly winking at one of the flight attendants. This seemed to be noticed by both Shuri and T'Challa.

Shuri just seemed confused while T'Challa sent me a knowing smirk. I already like him.

"Of course. I am not one for small talk, so shall we get right to business?" I told him.

T'Challa and Shuri seemed to perk up a tiny bit at that. I guess their father didn't clue them in and as the kid's they were, they must be curious. They were just kid's right now.

"Yes follow me to somewhere more private," T'Chaka said. He then led me off to somewhere I presumed to be a throne room.

"Madara, may I ask you a question?" He asked, and without waiting for an answer, he said, "How do you know so much about my country? And who are you? There is no record of you. It's like you didn't even exist until a couple of years ago."

"I grew up in a very... Remote place. The place I grew up in even had the word hidden in its name. And my people are very, very good at not being found." I told him.

"Your people?" He said as if he were asking me to elaborate. "Are you a tribe like Wakanda who hide from the world because you own something special?"

"No. I can't tell you about my people, but I can tell you that my clan were all slaughtered. My two brothers and I ran away before we were caught too." I told him using a rehearsed story.

"You have brothers? Why have I never heard of them?" T'Chaka said, genuinely curious.

"Because they usually do not want to be heard of. My brothers and I went in different ways. Obito decided to become a villain to further his own goals while Itachi decided to become a hero. I just became a simple businessman who by chance, became successful." I spun the rehearsed story while in my head, Naruto was laughing at me being able to fool T'Chaka so easily.

"I have never heard of either of them," T'Chaka stated clearly wanting an explanation why.

"It's because you haven't heard of them that they are so good. Someone like Obito is most of a threat when no one knows about him. And if you haven't heard of Itachi, that means he is strong enough to protect this planet before the planet has any idea it even needs protecting." I told him using the bullsh*tting tactics Dumbledore taught me.

T'Chaka seemed to nod in understanding at this. Battle tactics seemed to be something he understood very well.

"T'Chaka you have been questioning me this entire time may I ask a few questions?" I asked respectfully as I was still in his home, and Wakanda could easily beat Avalon in an all-out war.

"Of course if it within my power and jurisdiction, I will answer as best as I can," T'Chaka replied.

"Are you purposefully letting your children listen in on this or were you too focused on the glory that is my looks to notice them?" I asked with a smirk.

He seemed surprised, but if it was because I noticed them or if it was because he didn't realize they were there, I couldn't tell. "So you notice them? Come out, children it is rude to hide in the shadows watching our guest." Well, there was the answer to that question.

Two young children stepped out from behind a pillar. "We are sorry father for eavesdropping," T'Challa said not sounding sorry at all. "My name is T'Challa, and this here is my sister Shuri."

A young girl stepped next to T'Challa and gave a small curtsy.

I gave them a small nod and said, "It's nice to meet you. My name is Madara Uchiha."

"T'Chaka I feel that they should not be here right now. This is sėnsɨtɨvė information." I told him.

He nodded, "T'Challa, Shuri go find your mother and help her out with some gardening."

"But father-" Shuri said indignation clear on her face, but she got cut off.

"No, but's.this is important Shuri." He said firmly.

Shuri stomped out of the room while T'Challa quietly following but it was clear from his expression that he also wanted to hear what we were about to say.

Using Madara's inhuman sensing skills, I could tell they were pressing their ears against the door. "They are still listening through the door."

I heard a few mumbles of "how did he know?" and "we gotta get out of here before daddy get's mad!"

T'Chaka seemed surprised again. "Children I told you to leave now!" He yelled slight anger in his voice. But you could tell he genuinely cared for them.

At that, they seemed to sprint away.

T'Chaka then turned deadly serious "Okoye, tell's me you know the location of the lost amulet of Bast."

"Indeed. Has she also stated the terms of the agreement?" I asked.

"She did but as a thank you for bringing me Klaue I must warn you that the force field requires Vibranium to be made. And we both know that I will never give that to anyone." He said.

"I already expected that, but I wish to have it anyway as I am not only a businessman but also an engineer and I want to try to find a way to create a weaker barrier which doesn't use Vibranium," I said. If I just said I wanted it any way he would suspect that The Hand didn't actually steal the Vibranium and injure Klaue and that it was all a lie from me. In a way, I wasn't lying as I did intend to create a weaker version of the barrier which didn't use Virbanium.

This way, they would not be suspicious because my shield was just as strong as there's. I would use the shield which needed Vibranium as a second layer behind the weaker one.

"Very well I trust you have arranged the paperwork?" He said.

"Yes here just read through it then sign it when you're done," I said.

After twenty minuted of him reading through it, he signed it. "Now where is the lost talisman of bast?"

"It's in the outskirts of LA on a hillside where the richest of the rich live. I cannot tell you exactly whereas that was all my Intel said, but this should be enough to go on. If you have any problems just ask me and I can help you. I will even bring you to my brother Obito who can get in and out of any place with seconds."

"I appreciate it, but I will see what I can do first before I ask this brother fo yours, I also do not like working with criminals," T'Chaka said.

"Owe that is where you are wrong Obito is no criminal. He has only broken one law ever, and that was for a couple of pranks. I said he was evil, not a criminal." I said while smiling.

"What evil things are there that do not require you to become a criminal when doing them?" T'Chaka asked, confused.

"My brother has been tormenting Nick Fury director of SHIELD once every week for years now," I said while smiling.

His eyes widened at that. "You're a brother of the prankster ghost? The one Fury has set the highest threat level possible on? The one who Fury says is the bane of his life and his mortal enemy?"

"I didn't know my brother had that big of a reputation!" I said sort of amazed that my weakly pranks on Fury had become this legendary. Hell Fury even declared him as his mortal enemy.

"Of course. Some time ago, Fury even asked my ȧssistance to capture him. I refused because he isn't called the ghost for nothing as no one ever finds a trace of him!" T'Chaka said.

At that, everyone in my head exploded into laughter even Joker was doing his mad cackle.

"They say that Fury is even trying to convince the council to spend 400 million dollars on a device that will keep the Ghost away from him!" T'Chaka said, sounding very amused.

After that, I bid farewell to T'Chaka and headed back to the aircraft where a sėxy flight attendant was waiting for me. I enjoyed the rest of the day, by relaxing and went to watch Terminator 2 with Tony, who was starting to get out of his shell more.

Tony had turned into he playboy he was in the movies after his parent's death. Don't get me wrong he was a playboy before, but now he took it to a new level mixing alcoholism and gambling into the mix, but he was still a good friend.

Next week I planned on introducing him to Avalon Archipelago and trying to convince him to be a lead scientist there. It was going to be fun.

This new life is great!

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