Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 18 - Convincing Tony

It had been a weak, and I had told Tony about Avalon. He seemed sort of surprised and hurt that I didn't tell him sooner, but when I told him we were going on holiday there, he seemed to forgive me.

"Hey, Tony you ready?" I yelled out as I entered his Penthouse.

"Yeah which shirt is better? The one with the polka dots or the stripes? I personally like the one with the polka dots more. I don't know why I guess I'm just a Pokadot kind of guy." He said, seemingly serious.

"Then go with the polka dots I'm sure the girls won't care they'll just care about the undėrwėȧr you wear!" I said while laughing. "Wait no, they probably only care about what's in your bank," I told him more seriously as him hooking up with gold diggers all the time was an actual problem.

"Hmpf." Tony just grunted. "Where is Avalon then anyway? I never saw it on any map before."

"That's because it was just recently named Avalon. By me, in fact, I own the whole island and the surrounding islands." I said.

"Why'd you buy an island? It seems sort of excessive, don't ya think?" He asked.

"I'm making a country," I told him seriously.

His eyebrows shot up at that. Owe ya I might have forgotten to tell him that...

"Since when? Why? How? Where? Wait that the last one was a stupid question your building it in that island chain da." He questioned.

"I started building it a couple of weeks ago. I am building it to get more income and help people in the proccess, and how I built, it is a secret." I said.

It took him a bit to process all that "Well now that I know you own it my expectations are high. How many babes are there?"

"None it's sort of deserted right now except for a couple of cleaners." Those cleaners being my employees who I brainwashed.

He seemed to be a bit depressed at that but then calmed down. "So a week at a nearly deserted island? Sweet now all you have to do is give me a lab to work in and bang we have Heaven on Earth!" He said happily.

"Ya, I have a science island with a science facility in the making. Actually, I was going to talk to you about that but let's save that for the ride!" I said, not being able to get there. I would be gone for a week, so I left a clone behind to do my prank on Fury.

I had been letting up a bit as I didn't want Fury to kill himself or quit SHIELD or anything, but I also didn't want to stop. I had sort of developed a liking to our prankster and guy who gets pranked relationship. It was pretty casual, but we had our magical moments, and let me tell you it is magic when he stares into my eyes. I mean it's euphoric when those rage-filled eyes meet mine. I am even willing to say it's almost better than sėx. But hell no.

Wait, that gave me an idea! Fury is so busy and doesn't have time for a sėx life he probably hasn't seen anything sėxy in years! I will learn from Naruto's immense wisdom. That wisdom being that elderly leaders are all pervs. I mean did you guys know that I can beat Jiraiya and Sarutobi with just one simple sėxy jutsu?

Anyway, we were now on the plane towards Avalon. I intended to ask Tony to lead the science division of my island, but if he said no, I would have to brainwash him. I didn't want to do that as Tony was one of the few people I genuinely liked and respected. Hell, even my parents didn't make it onto that list, I liked them, but I couldn't say I respected them as their only accomplishment was giving birth to me and that was mostly my mom anyway. But anyway I am going to stop my rambling now as my audience is very annoyed. I am not breaking the fourth wall here I am talking about all the voices in my head who even though don't have eyes I can feel their glares at my rambli-

'JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!' Naruto yelled in an exasperated tone.

'Alright jeez calm down. It's like you had the Kyuubi in you at one point or something god.' I said sarcastically, and all I got from Naruto was a grunt and a growl from Kurama.

"Hey, Tony I wanted to ask you to be the head of my science division in Avalon. I plan to change the world and protect my country with the tech you would make!" I told him cheerfully.

"Yup sure." He replied back, and I was wondering if he was even listening to me or if he was just preoccupied with that flight attendant currently pouring some coffee into his mug.

"Tony, are you listening to me?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Owe I feel for you, man." He replied back making it clear he wasn't listening to me.

"I can hook you up with Madonna," I told him with a deadpan face.

"What really?" He asked face full of hope.

"No you just weren't listening to me now I asked you if you wanted to be the head of the science division on my island. I plan on helping people of my country with this tech and saving lives!" I told him with a hopeful expression.

"No." He said back simply.

"I can introduce you to a technologically enhanced country that has been in hiding for a very long time. They are so advanced it could make anything your father came up with (Excluding Badassium) look like a kids toy!" I told him

"What's my first job, boss?" He replied with a smile on his face.

I chuckled at that. "I know you aren't much of a, but I am currently working on a defense system for my island, which will change the world!" I replied confidently.

"What is it?" He asked back looking intrigued.

"Hehe, it's-"

"My god, this place is beautiful, and that castle looks like it came out of a fantasy world!" Tony said which is rare because he bȧrėly ever compliments anyone. Well, he does it quite often, but usually, it's just empty words or sarcasm.

"Hehe, thanks I sort of helped build it," I said with the eye smile Kakashi taught me.

"Really? You are doing physical work? Hah as if!" Tony said, laughing.

I was offended at that! Even though the chakra in this world was much thinner than in Naruto, I was still making a lot of improvements. I had also started showing muscles!

So I walked over to a tree and punched it with about 50% of my power, and it came falling down in one punch. But damn my knuckle hurt now! Tony was staring at me, and I forgot about the pain and just smirked at him. "What was that about me? I thought you were implying I was weak!"

"Dood I know your smart and crazy enough to do it, but I have to ask. Did you remake the super soldier serum?" He asks me sternly.

"What? No! I wish I could, but without Dr. Erskine's formula I can't do jack squat." I replied solemnly. I had tried to decode Captain America's genetic code, but first of all, I wasn't a Genetecist, and even if I were I would need a sample of blood from Steve before he became Captain America to analyze the differences.

"Then how on earth did you get that strong?" Tony asked, baffled.

"A lot of training! Plus my teacher is a superhero, so I had a couple of advantages." I said, pretending like I hadn't just told him massive news. I was trying to make some sort of connection between Itachi and me as that could improve my reputation in the future.

"Well anyway, business first," Tony said which was totally weird for him as he never put business first. "Fist of all what is my salary going to be and second of all when do I get to go to Wakanda?"

I had explained it to him on the plane after he accepted my offer. He was totally intrigued, and I was hoping I could get him sort of an internship at Wakanda t learn more. I would have to remind the king of my gift to him to do so, but it might work. Also, that might improve my chances at making that Virbanium barrier if Tony knows a bit more about Vibranium. All I knew was its properties and some uses, but I had absolutely no clue about the material itself. What was it's structure? What sort of alloys could I make from it? Tony would help me in finding out this information.

Ugh getting all this past Tony without him thinking I was doing something terrible would be hard and I didn't want to brainwash him. Why is life so difficult?

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