Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 19 - Fury goes to catch a Ghost

I was done. I couldn't do this crap anymore! Pranks! Nothing but weekly pranks for years!

One day I was just minding my own business and doing some paperwork. That's when I got this food which gave me a need to go to the toilet. Then it turned out the toilet paper was tampered with, and I had the sensation that my ȧss was on fire for 3 hours straight.

But do you know what the worst part is? HOURS of doing paperwork were gone just like that! My science guys had examined it and said that I was using a pen with disappearing ink! Not invisible, disappearing! It was all gone!

What followed was years of weekly pranks! I got so fed up I put the perpetrator of all of this on the highest threat level possible as well. He deserved it as he regularly snuck past a multi-million dollar security network!

No matter where I was, he would always find me! I knew it was a he because he had shown me his face and also given me his name, but that didn't help at all because there was absolutely no record of him! It was like he really is a ghost!

And that infernal nickname everyone gave him! People would sit around in the cafeteria saying"so did you hear about this weeks Ghost prank? I heard he stuck a dead rat in his coffee mug while he was drinking out of it!"

It was infuriating! I had asked all our allies to help track him down and kill him, but it never worked! Not even my best agents could catch the guy!

I would list all the pranks he's pulled on me, but we would be here till next week. Ugh, I just wish I could kill that arrogant son of a bi-

"Hey, Fury this week I'm going to give you a heads up on your prank!" Came that infuriating voice that I loathed so much.

"Ugh, what is it this time Ghost? I have just resigned myself to this constant pranking I just want to get it over with." I replied, spinning around on my chair.

"Well, this time as you can see I had some help, and I think you will really enjoy this!" He told me with a cheery smile.

He then pulled out a diagram of the SHIELD base I was currently in, and I didn't even question how he got it as he had been doing this stuff for the longest time.

"You know how I always say that clothes are overrated?" He asks me cheerfully.

"You have literally never said that to me, "I told him back with a deadpan face.

"Doesn't matter. But you see I just got these great new pets! This here is my pack of wolves this one is called Donny, this one is called Rudolph, and I won't bore you with the rest, but these two are the Alpha and Beta of the pack. Anyway, I didn't know what dogs eat, so I just fed them your entire wardrobe." He said again as if it was logical.

"But you see they didn't like that, and I thought that you could help them out and look at that you're nȧkėd I guess you came prepared to help me! Anyway, since you are already nȧkėd, you can help exercise them by feeding them some of these sausages, but you got to make them work for it!" He told me cheerfully.

"I already mapped out a course for you to run away from them. Here you go now. Have fun! HAHAHA!" He said and teleported away.

I didn't know what had just happened. He seemed to have suċkėd my clothes away and-

"Grrrrrr," Donny growled while looking and Fury then the sausages.

"You know how about I just give you the sausages. Here ya go good boys." I told them while throwing them the sausages and backing away. Their eyes never left my nearly nȧkėd form, though. He had kept my underpants on by the way.

That's when I saw it a sticky note on my arm.

- Dear Fury.

Thank you again for feeding my dogs, and I hope you have a great run! Owe and did I mention that those wolves like hunting for themselves and will refuse food given to them? Well, I guess I told you now.

Cheers Obito-

"Damn it I will kill that guy someday!" I said while turning around and running for my life!

After about five minutes of running and screaming for someone to put those damn dogs down, I could finally calm down. I didn't dare kill them as he would probably hurt me if I did.

I suddenly got a call from the phone on my desk.

"T'Chaka you better have a good reason for calling me right now!" I practically growled. Not unlike those wolves that were just chasing me.

"I have information on that Ghost you wanted to capture. If you give us the stuff, we wanted I will give you the name of his brothers!" A deep voice rang from across the phone.

I perked up at that. "Fine you will get that land for farming, but I want accurate information! If this is fake, I promise I will hunt you down and spill the beans on that hidden country of yours!" I said a tiny flicker of hope appearing in my eyes.

"His first brother is someone I have never heard of called Itachi Uchiha, and his other brother is. Get this the CEO of Akatsuki Enterprise!" T'Chaka told me, sounding happy at getting more land for practically free.

"How did you get ahold of this information? And how did I never see this before both of them showed up from out of nowhere around the same time? And who the hell is Itachi Uchiha?" I asked, annoyed at that raising even more questions.

"Madara came to Wakanda and told me." Came T'Chaka's voice from the other side of the phone.

"Wait a minute how does Madara know about Wakanda?" I asked skeptically.

"I do not know. But I got what I wanted so goodbye." And with that T'Chaka cut the call.

I picked up my phone and called my ȧssistant. "Clear my schedule for today and organize the most elite agent's we have. I am going to get some answers."

"Yes, sir." Came a voice from the other side.

"I will finally be able to find Ghost and kill that son of a bi-" I was cut off

"Will be done, sir." Came the same voice.

"Is something preventing me from saying the word b-" I got cut off again.

"Is there anything else, sir?" I got cut off again.

"No, nothing else," I told her.

"So sir we are finally going to be catching the Ghost I heard? That guy is such a sun of a b*tch." Came Coulson's voice from my open door.

"Huh I guess everyone else can say it but not me! Son of a bi-"

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