Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 20 - Fury goes to catch a Ghost 2

"Sir we have a sniper team in position on the surrounding buildings. Swat team is also ready to rush in on command. We are good to go." My ȧssistance voice came across the com on my ear.

"Good, I am going in now," I replied sternly.

It was now the next day, and I had come to confront Madara about the information on Obito AKA The Ghost.

I stepped into the building. There was an elevator on the right that went only to the top floor. I stepped in, and no one seemed to notice. Something was wrong, either they knew I was coming or they are arrogant bastards who believe there security is without flaw.

I reached the top floor and strode confidently down the hall. 'I wonder why this is so easy, and there is no security? Something is wrong.' I thought as I rested my hand on the pistol.

There were two rooms on this floor. One was the office I was heading to which was owned personally by Madara Uchiha, the founder, and CEO of this company. I didn't know about the second door though as it wasn't part of the building schematics nor had any of my agents ever reported anyone coming up here.

"Well look who the cat dragged in. It's that black pirate guy I don't know." Came a voice from behind me. I didn't even notice someone was there! For the leader of a top-secret spy agency to be snuck up on was impressive.

I whirled around, pointing my gun at someone wearing a red and black costume with white cloth where his eyes should be. "Who are you?" I questioned.

At that, he held a hand over his ċhėst and said in a dramatic voice, "Me? I am just a lone wanderer who goes wherever the wind takes him. My story is a sad one, but if you have the time to hear it, I got bored one day and recorded it on a DVD. It's only 2 hours long, I know not enough time to capture the whole story of my fascinating life, but it gives you the minimum."

"Owe wait are you the chimichanga guy? I waited for you for a week, but you never came! I was wondering if me changing address and all meant you weren't coming, but I guess you guys really do deliver! Very admirable." He said the end in admiration of our determination.

"What? I'm no chimichanga guy! Where is Madara, and who the hell are you?" I asked, getting pissed again. Why did everyone ȧssociated with this Madara guy seem like they were crazy?

"The name's Deadpool. May I know why you want to sleep with- I mean to speak to the boss man? Sorry just got sp used to woman walking in and out of there. Damn, I respect the guy." He said with genuine reverence.

I put my gun down and said, "Name's Fury. I am here to ask Madara for some information. Is he in right now?" I asked respectfully as someone who could sneak up on me was someone I didn't want to offend.

"Yeah, I am pretty sure he's in there. My boss comes and goes. You see he's pretty mysterious." He told me.

At that moment the other door I had no idea about open, and a beautiful woman's head poked out and said, "Hey Wade, did you eat all the pizza again? We are- Owe hi I didn't know you were there sorry. Are you here to see Madara?" She asked politely. I already liked her a lot more than that Deadpool guy. He seemed like a pain in the ȧss.

"Yes, could you please bring me to him?" I told her.

"Sure thing." She said and walked up to the door. "Hey, Madara that black guy with a covered head you told us would be coming today is here. Wade and I are also gonna go buy some more pizza's want anything?" she yelled through the door.

The door suddenly opened, and a man with black spiky long black hair opened the door "Owe ya I'll take about 30 Pepperoni's, and that should cover me for lunch. Here ya go $200 keep the change." He told her entirely ignoring me which kind of pissed me off. You do not ignore me. No one ignores me I am THE Nick Fury after all.

"Hey Fury come on in. You are looking for info on Obito, right? I put down a trade agreement there if you want info on him you gotta sign first." He told me. I guess he didn't like Smalltalk.

I was reading over the agreement when... "You expect me to give you a satellite worth about $600 million not including the money it cost to launch it into space?" I asked, very mad.

"Fury you don't get it, do you? My brother is a special being he is strong. Very strong, but he has a weakness. I can tell you the way to kill him with only a simple punch. I know where he will be at what time as well, but I will not give you the information for free!" He told me as if it were him losing out on the deal.

"No, I will leave right now. Goodbye, I will not give you that satellite." I told him hoping to bargain the price down a lot. It had the opposite effect though he just grinned.

"You know I heard my brother was very annoyed at you for tranquilizing his dogs. I think he said something about letting them eat your sausage next week. Get my drift?" He said with a menacing smile.

I didn't know what to say to that. I think he realized he got to me and continued pushing.

"Fury, this is a good deal. It's either you lose your sausage, you lose the chance to catch the person who has been tormenting you for years you lose the opportunity at being able to take out a top-level threat. Or you simply give me that satellite and you will be able to gain his bounty, keep your sausage, get your dignity back, and neutralize a top-level threat." He told me.

I hesitantly picked up the pencil and was about to sign my name when I stopped and realized this was a bad idea. I was about to put the pen down when he realized it and said: "I can give you information on an underground Kree city if you agree to some other conditions of mine."

I wrote down my name on the paper, giving him the satellite. It was worth it though because if what he said was true then I could gain much more from that city then one measly satellite. SHIELD owns multiple anyway.

"What are your conditions?" I asked him.

"1/2 of all things gained there will belong to me, and I want to have the city be the main city of my country." He told me with a smile.

This was reasonable, but I wanted more. "I want the first pick of the item's found."

"You can have the first pick then, but you will use SHIELD to find the way to open the city." He told me.

"Absolutely not I have no idea of the way to open it! I will give you the first pick, but you will have to open it then." I told him getting annoyed at not getting what I wanted.

"No without the way to open it you wouldn't be able to even pick. I will open it for you, but you are not allowed to take any blueprints from the city. All schematics on how to make and build things will belong to me. You will also not be allowed to reverse engineer them and will have to buy what I will choose to sell." He told me trying to negotiate the best deal for him. And I hated to admit it, but he had a point.

"Fine but I will get a 30% discount on whatever sold!" I told him.

"No, if you manage to list a bidding price higher then other's and buy it for that price you will get a 30% discount. I will hold a bidding war for the items I want to sell, and you will have outbid others. If you win the bid, then you get a 30% discount." He told me back.

I thought this was sort of fair even though it was leaning in his direction. I would still make a lot of gains out of it. Plus I knew he would not budge on this so I might as well accept it.

"Deal where do I sign?" I told him confidently. I was happy because SHIELD was making a lot from this deal. I would be able to threaten others into subservience as well with the tech from this place!

We signed the deal, and I was listening intently for the information on Obito. He said that the information on the Kree city would come at a later date. I did not question how he knew about the Kree because he would never answer me with the truth, and this also showed as a show of trust.

"Obito is a unique being, and even though he is my biological brother, he is part of a different race. He will instantly turn into a cloud of smoke the second he is hurt. But he is tough to hit as his race allows the user to faze through things of his choice, but the downside is whatever does touch him will kill him instantly." He said seriously, and I was sort of surprised to hear that information. Such a powerful ability yet such a fatal flaw. This meant that if we managed to surprise attack him, he would die instantly!

"He will be at this abandoned warehouse. Villains seem to love there abandoned warehouses right? Anyway, he will be there at 2:30 on Thursday. He will be making an illegal firearms trade with the Ariothel gang. This is all you will need to kill him." He told me.

"Thank you, but why are you giving me this information? Why do you want your brother dead?" I asked curiously already suspecting I won't get an answer, but it never hurt to ask.

"Ugh" I was wrong it did hurt to ask. He had slammed me against the wall in the blink of an eye! I bȧrėly even saw him move before he had me in a stranglehold. "That's personal." He told me in a deep growl.

He released me. It took a second for me to catch my breath. "You may leave now, show yourself out you know where to go."

I said my goodbyes then left quickly. That guy was scary!

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