Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 21 - Adopting Matt and Skye

"HAHAHA Oh my god Fury is such an idiot! He gave me a satellite worth $600 million, he will help me in excavating a city, and he will also willingly hand over managing rights to it! Oh my god, I can't stop laughing!" I said while on the ground laughing.

"I knew it, hey Venessa I was right he is crazy!" Came a voice from my door.

"Hey, buddy... We came to give you your pizza. We are just going to... Go." Deadpool said while slowly shuffling away from me. As soon as he was out of the door, he broke into a run. Of course, that only made me laugh more!

"AHAHAHA and he will gain nothing!" I yelled out happily. I had given Fury the description of what will happen when he attacked Obito. He would poof into smoke. I hadn't lied he would technically die. Just not the real him!

I made Fury think Obito was part of a different race! Now I just needed a diviner and an inhuman, and I fulfilled my part of the deal. Good thing I knew where an inhuman was. I'm going to an orphanage!

I was going to get Skye AKA Quake to be part of my private superhero squad. Right now, she was an orphan, and no one would miss her if she left. I still hadn't thought of the name for the squad yet (Ya leave names in the comments)

But Naruto seemed to be very adamant on calling it team Ramen. Every single person in my head shut that idea down though.

I had started to work on my Vibranium project. Not much progress was being made as the metal was fascinating, but its structure was puzzling, to say the least. If I didn't already know, some of its property's I would just be fumbling around in the dark.

Orochimaru and I had also gotten some fantastic armor and weapons plans. We called it the Infinity armor, but that project would take a while to come to fruition. I had the Crow's searching for Hydra bases, but I had only found three so far. And none of them had the Space stone in them.

"Hey Deadpool pack your thing's we are going to an orphanage!" I yelled out. I texted an agent in the Creed that I would need some people to protect me on the flight there. I didn't need to have the protection, but it was good to keep up appearances. an orphanage

I grabbed my phone and called Tony. "Hey, Tony, I am going to an orphanage for a bit. How is the progress on project Jarvis going?" I asked him. He still insisted on calling it Jarvis after his family friend from when he was little. I forgot if Jarvis was his Buttler or driver or whatever and I didn't care.

"It's coming along. I am working on a new application that will allow him to cook the perfect cheeseburger! Jarvis is, by far, my favorite project! Wait no your little Genetics project is better. Guess what we managed to find some of that DNA you've been bugging me about!" He told me over the noise of typing. I guess he was still working out the smaller parts of Jarvis's program.

"YES! How long do you think Jarvis will take? And how long for the special project?" I asked.

"About two weeks for Jarvis and about 17 years for your pet project." He told me, sounding a bit depressed at the last part.

"What? Why 17 years?" I asked, annoyed.

"We still haven't found all of the DNA samples, and the ones we have are all incomplete. We will need to fix them or find more complete DNA. Also, I told you I am not a Geneticist. I can only do so much!" Said Tony with exasperation.

"Fine just continue with that. Also, can you work on some weapons tech? We will hopefully partner up with the military and maybe SHIELD and sell it to them. Then I can execute my plan on that space defense!" I told him. I planned to take over the space development part of the government and military. To do that I needed something they wanted. What else would be better than Weapons?

"Got it I don't know why you are going to an orphanage but frankly I don't care. Bye!" He said and cut the call

I also planned to use this opportunity to get my hand's on Matt Murdock as his talent was very good. He would be a significant part of the hero team!

"Hey, I'm ready. What about your pizzas?"Wade came in and asked me while staring at the 30 still warm pizzas on my desk.

"I'll eat them later now let's go! It's a place called Saint Agnes Orphanage." I told him with a smile.

"You're adopting a kid? Seriously you? I've seen you eat more Ice cream then I did in my whole childhood in just 2 hours!" He said astonished.

"First of all, I just have a big appetite! Second of all, I am planning to adopt two kids." I told him with a straight face.

He just stared at me. I got a little creeped out, so I asked, "What?"

"Nothing." He responded and just left. I sighed, was it really that hard for people to imagine me adopting someone?

We headed over to Saint Agnes Orphanage and handed over some adoption papers. My ȧssistant had filled them out beforehand, and I just needed to hand them in. "Why do you want to adopt a kid from this orphanage, Mr. Uchiha? You must have heard about most of the kids having disability's here." The matron asked me suspiciously.

"That does not matter to me. Plus I have already decided which kid's I want to adopt." I told her, keeping a calm composure.

She looked a little surprised at that and asked "and who will have the honor of being adopted by the richest man in the world today then?"

"Matt Murdock and Daisy Johnson."

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