Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 22 - Introduction Kakashi style

Two pairs of eyes were staring up at me. One of them seemed to be dead and lifeless the other seemed to be happy at being adopted. Of course, the dead and lifeless one could probably just be attributed to his blindness, but you know.

I planned to do the Kakashi introduction. Meaning I tell them nothing about myself while getting them to spill their guts to me.

"Hey kid's my name is Madara Uchiha. Now you can choose to keep your last name or take mine either way I don't care." I told them.

"Now follow me," I told them, and I headed over to my Limo not bothering to check if they were following or not.

"Do I have a mommy?" Skye asked happily.

"No, but you got uncle ugly over there, and aunt Vanessa who uncle Ugly doesn't deserve," I told them with a smirk at Wade's anger and Vanessa giggling.

"Cool!" She said while jumping around happily.

"now your new name is Skye because I want it to be. Got that kid?" I told the happy girl.

"Ok DAD!" She said with too much enthusiasm.

"Ok get in the Limo kid's!" Vanessa said with a smile at them. I grabbed Matt and lifted him up. He seemed to struggle at first but calmed down after realizing I was too strong for him.

"Hey kid calm down I am just sticking you in my Limo. Don't worry. I ain't kidnapping you." I told him.

He remained silent. He was a quiet kid with not much to say, and I was going to have to change that. Wait no I liked it. I will just let him do what he want's and be the laid back dad. I will let Vanessa do all the parenting anyway.

I planned on training him and brainwashing him discreetly, so neither of them notices. Matt would be prepared to be the CEO of my company, I didn't want to manage it forever, and I will give him a 1% stock in it if he does well while Skye would be trained to be another part of my superhero squad, which I planned to license by the way. I couldn't stop other companies from doing the same, but I could make it so they were copying us and they were all just knockoffs in the eyes of the public.

"Ok, let's start with your likes, disliked dreams, and our goals," I told them.

"You go first, Matt," I told him.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment. I didn't blame him, he was just a kid, and we were complete strangers in a new environment. "My name is Matt Murdock, but I think now it's Matt Uchiha. I like pancakes, games, and studying." He said.

To like studying at such a young age was amazing. Even I couldn't be bothered to study at that age instead of choosing to go beat up some neighbor kid and force him to follow my orders. Good times.

"What's your dream?" I asked him.

"I... Don't have one." He told me looking at the ground as if he had already disappointed me. Ah, children always looking for others approval, so easy to manipulate.

"Then how about you Skye? What are your dreams, likes, and disliked?" I turned to her.

"I like pudding playing with my friends, and I like candy, but I don't get much of that." She said the last bit with a pout. "I dislike bad people, and my dream is... What's a dream?" She asked with confusion.

"What you want to do," I told her helpfully.

"I want to make Dad happy!" She said with joy.

I smiled a little at that. A good kid so young and already trying to make her dad happy. She will be a significant weapon in the future. I wasn't one of those people who just thought that others were tools meant to be used, but when your facing threats such as Thanos and also have been under the influence of seasoned warriors, you learn to use every single thing you have no matter what it is to win. Why do you think Konoha had so many child soldiers? It was because they understood that in order to protect what they love, they must use everything as an advantage.

"Okey my like's don't really matter. I dislike quite a few things and my dreams... Mmmh I don't plan to share those." I told them, smiling.

'My god Kakashi I see why you do this, it is so much fun!' I said while staring at the kid's enraged faces.

'Hehe yeah.' He giggled.

"That told us nothing!" Shouted Skye and even though he wasn't going to say it, Matt was pretty mad too.

I stared at them both then said, "Huh, I guess you're right."

They then looked expectantly at me, but I just grabbed a slice of Pizza and- Where did I get this Pizza from? Was it movie logic? Who cares I got my Pizza didn't I?

Deadpool also pulled out a pizza, "Hey, I love this movie logic thing." He said, breaking the fourth wall. Am I in a movie? Or does the movie logic just apply to me?

'Well, it is a world that was fantasy at first and abides by the movie law. I think it is definitely real but still somewhat abides by that same law.' Orochimaru said obviously having already thought this through.

'So wait does that mean that I- AHA! Wait, why is there no smoothie? I wanted a smoothie, but there is no smoothie in my hand? I don't understand this movie logic!' I screamed sort of angry for getting a slice of Pizza but not a smoothie when I really wanted one.

We headed over to the old mansion I used to use as a house before I started basically living in Akatsuki tower. Paperwork was the worst. And as the CEO of the #1 company in the world I had a lot of it.

"Hey, kid's you will meet my parent's tomorrow as well. That means you will be meeting your grandparents, so make sure to look good for the occasion. I had the maid's put some clothes in your rooms, and they will show you to them shortly. Good night I have to do some stuff. Also Matt here it's a book on the law since you love studying so much I expect this to be read by the end of the week!" I told him hoping that would motivate him.

"Ok." He said plainly.

"It's time to go and look for a diviner to awaken Skye's powers. Sigh what a drag."

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