Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 23 - Underground Kree City

I was currently in San Juan, Puerto Rico,

looking for a place called the fort of Saint Cristobal. The local's were surprisingly helpful about it, but they all warned me not to go there because it was apparently haunted.

"Daddy are we going into that scary place?" Skye asked from beside me. She was currently hugging my arm while we walked and ate this fantastic-looking dish called Tembleque.

"Yeah, we are going to give you some special powers there!" I told her with a smile, "You can become a superhero!" The vibration power had so many different uses it was terrific. There was being able to phase through things like the flash. You could cut anything if you have the right tools and make them vibrate, and it was like being a tremor human, you could create earthquakes and take down cities!

Whitebeard would have nothing on her! Except for his massive muscles and height, of course... Speaking of which I know this is random but my company just introduced to the world Fairy Tail, One Piece, Naruto, and JoJo! We were releasing DxD and Hunter x Hunter next week as well. Since Dragon Ball was already out, we couldn't steal that, but I had told my writer's about the concept and the storyline and all the major and some minor arcs, so they had plenty to go on.

"Really? I'll be able to help daddy then!" She said with stars in her eyes. I just smiled and said, "Yes, and you have to keep this a secret, but you can join my private superhero team as well if you're strong enough!" Her eyes shone even brighter at that.

"Come on, come on! We need to go I want to become strong!" She yelled, people around us didn't really understand what she said but chuckled at her cuteness and enthusiasm.

Skye pulled me through the crowds of people. The funniest thing was, "Skye, do you know where you are going?" I asked with an eye smile.

She stopped and looked around her, then she turned to me and said with an awkward grin, "Uh no?" I laughed. Children's innocence was always incredible.

"*Sigh* hop on my shoulders I'll take you there," I told her faining exasperation. Matt, Wade, and Venessa were all at home. I had given them ticket's to the Giant's game though I didn't understand why Wade wanted to go out in public with his ugly mug.

I planned on taking Wade to one of the dog breeders I owned. I was working on this unique experiment which mixed a Wolf with a Tiger. It was going slowly, but whatever came out would be a perfect partner for him! It wasn't that particular project that I had going on in Avalon island no, that project was a lot more complicated.

"Daddy how long till we get there?" Skye asked impatiently.

I countered that with another question, "Skye, do you know what the place we're heading to is called?" She shook her head at that.

"It's a place I plan on naming the city of Babylon! It's a lost city which only special people like you can go into. You are not human Skye you are part of a special race called Inhumans. Not a very creative name, is it?" I said.

"Not human? I feel human?" She asked, confused.

"I'll explain it when you're older," I told her.

A while later, we arrived at the fort of Saint Cristobal. I headed over to a centry tower, which I knew. I moved the sentry tower, and there it was in all its glory. A vertical shaft going down into the underground Kree city!

"Daddy do I have to go down there?" Skye asked sort of scared.

"Yes, because I can't. Take this with you it's called a diviner. I will meet you at the bottom as I have a special way to get inside, but it's best if you enter this way." I told her. I had no idea what sort of traps were set up, but I knew I shouldn't trigger any as I wasn't a inhuman.

"Ok, bye!" She says and jumps down without thinking.

"Ugh, that stupid girl. I'm going to have to catch her now," I said and disappeared in a whirl. I planned on going in taking everything that was truly valuable such as research material and other things, and then tell Fury that I found it and I need his help to get in. Then I would use him to find a way around those special symbols.

That way, no effort from me was needed, and Fury would still get nothing.

I appeared at the bottom "AHHHH" came a voice from above me. I held my arms out and "AHHHH Ugh" She landed right in my hands.

"Wow, your strong dad!" She said, and she climbed out of my arms.

"And you're dumb. Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"Ohh were you worried for me daddy?" She asked and blinked her eyes. I knew she was diverting my question.

"Don't try to divert the question why did you do that? That was stupid, and on a real mission you would have died." I told her.

"I knew you would catch me, daddy! Plus I have my powers because I am special like you said!" She said and puffed out her ċhėst.

I growled deeply at that. "I said that you could get power's not that you have them. If it weren't for me, you would be dead."

"AHHH! Really? I'm sorry!" She said now thoroughly scared.

I just sighed and walked away. She seemed depressed at that thinking she failed me. I'll let her think that because it would be good for her. It might make her mȧturė faster, who knows?

We wandered around for a bit. The city was very ancient looking, but you could tell that when it was made, it must have been beautiful.

After a bit of wondering, we finally found the temple. "K kiddo go over there and stay inside that temple no matter what. I'm counting on you!" I told her to motivate her.

"Hm." She said, and as the kid, she was ran over into the temple with the diviner. It started glowing, "Wow daddy, it's so pretty!" She exclaimed.

The diviner floated over the pedestal and released an even larger glow. At that moment I throw a device inside, this device was extraordinary and needed to stop Skye from collapsing the temple.

The temple started to close. From the inside, I could hear Skye's calls of "Daddy, Daddy!" But I ignored them as nothing terrible would happen to her.

"Skye everything will be alright! You just have to endure this, and then you can get your powers!" I yelled out.

I didn't hear a response and guessed that the terrigenesis had already begun and she was in a cocoon. I pressed the launch buŧŧon on my Phone. Did I mention by the way that my company had just released the Scarlet model phone? I was naming the phones after the different meanings of the Akatsuki rings.

Instead of waiting for Skye to come out I teleported into every building I could find looking for futuristic tech I didn't want Fury to have. I found quite a lot, and they even developed a more advanced programming language! This would make me a fortune! Not that I cared that much about money anymore, but you know. I found a cure for an alien disease which was useless to me, so I left Fury to find it, I found a cure to Alzheimer's which apparently one of the Kree found exciting and wanted to weaponize — definitely keeping that one for myself.

I found some medical equipment, some armor, and weapons designs which I will definately not let Fury have and also- whats this? It looks like a blueprint for that armor/costume Carol Danvers wears in the Captain Marvel movie.

The process should have ended by now, and it's a good thing that I haven't felt any tremors so the capsule must have worked! I had created a Vibranium capsule which would trap the mist inside with her. Hopefully, this would strengthen her awakening. Also, it would stop the tremors from destroying the temple as Vibranium absorbed kinetic energy. I know I am a genius.

The doors slid back and inside I could see the Vvibranium capsule also opening slowly. Inside was a big rock which was trembling.

Suddenly cracks started appearing alongside it. I quickly covered the rock again with the Vibranium capsule. And not a second to soon either as I heard a boom from inside the capsule. I opened it up slowly and could feel her heartbeat, causing the air to vibrate.

I teleported her with me to an empty part of my Kamui dimension, so she doesn't destroy anything in that city as I wanted to have it in perfect condition for when I announced it to the world. Wakanda can go suck my ȧss with its a futuristic city because mine was going to be better. That's something new a privately owned city. Oh, wait I already have Camelot. I own two cities now! Avalon, the country is coming along quite nicely!

In one year, I had managed to get two cities for myself! I think I also own the only country in the world, not in debt!

'Hey, Kakashi I am sort of bored right now. What other stuff do you do for fun?' I asked him.

'Well, I like reading Icha Icha and making people wait. That and making people feel uncomfortable.' He said.

'Hehe, I have an idea!' I giggled to myself.

-- 4 hours later --

"Damn it that guy said he would be here 2 hours ago! I'm done waiting. Let's go, Coulson!" Fury yelled out in rage while a scared Coulson was in the background.

"Oh hey, Fury sorry I'm late." Came a calm voice from the door.

"YOU! TWO HOURS IVE HAD TOO WAIT! TWO HOURS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Fury yelled at me. At that moment, I realized why everyone called him that.

"Well, you see my Garden Gnomes weren't getting along well, so I had to move Sir Reginald away from Greggory. And then all of the other's didn't like that, so I had to rearrange them completely." I told him while hiding my mouth behind a mask I had ordered custom made just to cover my mouth.

"That's your excuse?! I swear to god if this isn't important then I will personally dig your grave!" Fury yelled.

"Well, you see, I just wanted to give you a party invitation. You know for Matt and Skye. Have a nice day!" I said while quickly running away.

Coulson spoke up, "Ahh, sir, are you alright?"

"Two hours, he made me wait. Two hours just to give me a birthday invitation card! Coulson put a bounty of 100,000 on that mans head!" Fury yelled out in rage.

"Ahh sir I'm sorry, but we are currently running low on fund... You see you gave that satellite to him and you gave Wakanda that land... We currently have no money to spare." Coulson told Fury nervously because he was scared of his reaction.

"Coulson I'm going on holiday for a month. I do not want any interruptions until I come back, you are in charge. I need some time off." Fury said.

-- Back with Aaron --

'HAHAHA you're right that was hilarious! I need to do that more often!' I said.

'I told you it was amazing.' Kakashi replied.

In the back of my head, you could hear Naruto crying and saying 'NOOOO Kakashi Sensei is corrupting him!'

'Kakashi will you become my sensei?'

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