Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 24 - Skye meets Xavier

'Yes,' A short and straightforward reply but it made me very happy.

'Thank you Kakashi sensei you will not regret it!' I said back.

'I know I won't because you're already so much better than team 7.' He said.

'Hey, what did I ever do to you?' Naruto asked.

'You dragged me into that chosen one crap when I was perfectly happy just to read Icha Icha and relax.' He told him.

'Mmmmh do you think there is something like Icha Icha in this world?' I asked Kakashi.

'I'm sure there is but why would you want to eat Icha Icha here when you have an army of brainwashed women ready and willing to do it with you!' Kisame decided to have something to say on the subject.

'Yeah but most of them are like 9 and emotionless trained killers! Even in our world to go out with someone like that is considered wrong!' Obito said.

'What I thought you were considered an ȧduŀt when you became a Chunin? Kakashi sensei you were like a Chunin at right?' I asked.

'What girl am I meant to ask out when they all are just chasing me around and plain annoying! I know what Sasuke went through fangirls are the worst.' Kakashi said.

'Anyway I got don't have to have a girlfriend yet plus I already have someone I like in this universe! So I will just go check up on Skye.'

'Oh, are you still holding on to that little childhood crush you had? How sweeeett.' Naruto tried to tease, but I just ignored him.

'Hey, don't ignore me!' He yelled at me.

"Skye you alright? Your heartbeat is very fast... And loud that sort of vibrates in my eardrums." I said.

"Daddy? What happened? Why is my ċhėst so loud?" Skye asked, confused.

"Your heartbeat is so loud because it worked! You have powers now, Skye!" I told her.

But I had just seen an unforeseen problem. I had absolutely no idea how to help her control her problems...

Would Xavier except student's that aren't Mutants?

"Daddy, does that mean I am strong now?" She asked happily.

"Not yet right now you just have powers you don't know how to use them. Skye, there is a special school which will help you control your powers. I want to send you there would that be alright?" I asked her.

"If that's what daddy wants! Will I get to see daddy every day?" She asked innocently.

"No not every day but I will come over on the weekends for a couple of hours. Plus you'll have new friends there!" I told her.

"But won't daddy miss me? I will miss daddy!" She said innocently. My heart melted a bit at that, but I quickly steeled it again. Right now, she was a danger to those around her.

"Of course I will miss you Skye, but right now this is important. You could hurt other's if you don't get your powers under control!" I told her. That seemed to make her sad.

"I will visit you every weekend, I promise. So what do you say?" I asked her.

"If that's what daddy want's!" She said happily.

"Alright. Let's go then." I grabbed her hand, and Kamui'd out of there and outside of Xavier's school. I placed a Konoha headband over her head. I was going to say some crap about it being a symbol of what our village is, but then I decided against it as she would learn the truth that it's really just a way to keep telepaths out of her head.

I had a pair of miniature earpieces that unless looking for it, you wouldn't see. I didn't trust Xavier fully, and my mind was very valuable. Xavier was like Dumbledore just doing everything and saying it's for the greater good!

"Mmh how did we get here?" Skye asked, confused.

"You got to promise not to tell anyone about this, but your daddy is powerful too," I told her which seemed to make her very shocked. I smiled at her expression.

"Okay!" She said and then pretended to zip her lips.

I buzzed in at the gate. "Hey what ya want?" Came a gruff voice.

"Hey, Logan, I came to bring my kid to Xavier's school," I said.

"The school hasn't started yet. Come back in a couple of years." Apparently not recognizing me he said back.

"It's Madara Uchiha," I told him. At that, the gate opened.

Skye grabbed my hand, and we walked down the path toward the mansion. Why do mansions always have such long driveways?

Two minutes later, we arrived and were welcomed by a smiling Xavier, Ororo, and Logan. Ororo seemed to have gotten even more beautiful, but she wasn't really my type. She had a really short temper.

"Ahh, Madara it's good to see you again! I see you have brought a young girl with you, do you want to come inside for tea?" He said cheerfully.

"Yes, please." We went inside then. Skye was amazed by the massive mansion because most of the time, she had just spent with Wade, Vanessa, and Matt inside my mansion or their apartment.

My mansion wasn't this nice the only reason it was that expensive was because I bought the whole hill it was on as well.

After we had finished the pleasantries and all had some tea I got right to the point. "Xavier, do you accept non-mutant's into your school?"

"I'm sorry no only gifted children." He said back.

"I think you've gotten me wrong, she is gifted in the way you want but because she is not human," I said.

"Hey, you don't say that about your own child!" Ororo snapped at me. I glared at her. This was precisely why she wasn't my type.

"I mean it literally she is part of a race called Inhumans who all can awaken unique ability's much like Mutants," I told her.

She seemed not to know what to say to that and just shut up. "So what type of ability has she awakened then?" Xavier asked.

"Vibration Manipulation, a powerful ability, able to cause earthquakes and Tsunami's and I have no idea how to help her get it under control, so I came to you," I told them.

"How did you get a child? I don't remember there being any press coverage about it?" Logan asked. Usually, when someone so rich and famous like me had a child, we would be all over the news.

"I adopted two children at an orphanage a while ago. The other one is blind, but that doesn't matter to me as I already consider them family.' I said, and Skye seemed to beam at that.

"So you just happened to pick out an Inhuman? How did you even know?" Ororo asked skeptically. Xavier also perked his ears up at that.

"Naturally, as my children, they had to have a DNA test, and since she was not human, it was quite easy to tell. And since I own something special which can awaken her power's I did." I told her simply.

Ororo seemed to calm down at that. Ororo had a massive soft spot for orphans.

"So young Skye could you please give us a demonstration of your powers?"

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