Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 27 - Returning from Training

Whos in his head - Madara, Itachi, Kurama, Orochimaru, Danzo Shimura, Obito, Minato, Kisame, Kakuzu, Shikamaru, Kakashi and my newest addition Naruto, Shiro Emiya, Edward Elrich, Escanor, and Meliodas.

(I will start posting these reminders of who is in his head in every chapter as I continuously forget xD)

'Ugh, what a drag do I really have to get out of bed?' I asked.

'Yeah, sleeping is so much better.' Shikamaru supported me.

'No if we will conquer this universe, we will not slack. We need to train some more, so get out of bed.' Madara said. He was a real lover of training, and in his mind, if you don't train, you will never be good enough.

I had managed to make a HUGE breakthrough! You know how when you do the summoning Jutsu Fuinjutsu signs appear on the ground where the blood is? Why couldn't I do that except with other seals? I wouldn't even need to master Fuinjutsu!

Minato was currently reverse-engineering the Crow Contract to see how it worked, and it was fascinating! It was a seal that drew another premade seal when some conditions were fulfilled. Such as using blood and touching the ground as well as the appropriate series of hand signs!

The contract was so that it gave you access the seal that did that! Also, you would need the consent of whoever or whatever you were summoning. It turns out that the summons all had different realms and those realms were adjacent to one another and called the {Realms of Summoning} or something like that (Just making stuff up here no idea if it's actually true)

Minato was making something similar except the prerequisites to make the seal was chosen by us. We made the contract where you had to sign your name in blood too. Now there was a contract/seal that when you signed your name in blood on it, you are allowed access to it. When you then do a hand sign which I invented which is just holding out the middle and pointing finger while making an o with the others, it would create a timed explosion seal on whatever your pointer and/or middle finger is touching!

So we can make someone explode just by touching them, and I had to do no Ninjutsu! I could also control the size of the explosion with the amount of Chakra I channeled through the middle and pointing finger. I could either create a nuke sized blast with just a touch or a small bang.

Of course, this had given Orochimaru another idea which was-

'Kid you're rambling to yourself again stop that.' Kisame said.

'Hehe sorry.' I said back sheepishly while scratching the back of my head. A habit I had gotten from Minato.

'Well it's been six months let's meet up with everyone again tomorrow.' Naruto said eager to see our friend's again.

'Yeah, sure I am not eager to go though as Matt and Skye will try to give me an earful.' I said back, annoyed.

'Try?' Obito said.

'Yeah, try. I will just ignore them and read the new book I got!' I said back annoyed yet happy.

Oh yeah, where was I? I will just monologue while I do one arm push-ups on the grass. Did I mention that the grass was on the ceiling? Upside down one-armed pushups on the grass. I had managed to master the grass technique, and damn, it was hard. We were about to move onto the cloud walking technique.

'Hey, I have not been able to try out my alchemy techniques in this world as well. Can I try those?' Edward's voice echoed in my head.

'Yeah sure how about-' I was cut off.

'And I shall display my power for you to marvel at.' Escanor's voice cut me off.

'I don't care if your proud Escanor it's rude to cut someone o-' I got cut off again.

'Yeah, it's rude!' Naruto yelled in his usual voice.

I am just going to ignore them for now. Anyway, where was I on what Orochimaru thought of when we showed the explosions? He had created a schematic for a device that would be implanted in my pointer and middle fingers on both hands. It was a metal tube that would come out of my skin and then use a storage seal on it to deploy a bullet into the tube when I put some chakra into it. Then It would put a piece of paper in front of it which was stored in a separate storage seal next to the other one. I would then put the exploding seal on it with my hand sign and let it explode and push the bullet away. Of course, we were still trying to figure out a way which wouldn't put my finger at risk with being blown with it, so it was still unfinished, but I could technically create an actual finger gun.

'Go on Ed I want to see if your alchemy works in this world. But I doubt it since the power to do it comes from the other side of that gate thing you had in yours.' I told him.

He tried it, and as expected, I was right. Edward without his alchemy was completely useless though so maybe I could try to find a way to connect to a different dimension like Magicians do and get power from that? We found Chakra wasn't a suitable power source. Dumbledore couldn't do his spells either as that sort of magic wasn't possible in this world. He still somehow managed to use Occlumency. Perhaps it isn't all magic, and what parts of Occlumency are magic can be substituted with Chakra? It's plausible.

We tested out Escanor's power, but we then realized we were in a bunker with no sun… I kind of wondered what would happen if we put Escanor on the sun with Kamui but… Would he live? An experiment for another day.

I Kamui'd back into my office where my ȧssistant was doing paperwork "boss you are back!" My ȧssistant said happily.

"Yes, fill me in on what I missed," I told her.

"Of course. Well, we bought another 192 farm's and finalized the contract on the Baxter building. Also, we absorbed the dairy company Anchor into our company. Matt and Skye were furious at you leaving at first, but now they just miss. Xavier said that he was starting his school up in 2 days and Wade said he'd quit his job because he said and I quote 'I am a glorified babysitter right now! What the hell I don't even have a damn dental plan!' So I gave him a dental plan and gently reminded him *Caugh* blackmailed *Caugh* *Caugh* that we own the apartment he lives in, pays for his meals, and pay him by the hour. Vaness seemed to come in at that point and said something about getting attached to Matt and Skye and not wanting to leave." She said with a smile which seemed to grow a bit too big when she coughed. I didn't mind it though as I myself was much more of a sadist then her. To remind her of this, I said.

"Well, since it's not nice to blackmail someone you will have to work twice as hard with no more pay for the rest of the week," I told her with a smile and her smile seemed to drop. Even if I had brainwashed them, they still retained there personality's. This meant she would do everything I tell her and would never betray me, but it did not stop her from not wanting to work and wanting money. I did not forbid her from wanting it so she could technically want it.

"Yes, sir." She said no smile on her face, but still, I could tell she would never try to get vengeance on me. Or could bear to hate me because in her eye's I was like a god. I was her master, and I just wanted her to call me boss because her calling me master might send the wrong message.

"Where are Skye and Matt right now?" I asked her.

"Skye is currently helping out Xavier with gathering mutants for the school. Matt is in school." She said. Both of them were currently 11, so it was no surprise.

"Ok thank you. Keep working." I told her just before I Kamui'd away.

I appeared at Xavier's mansion. Right outside the range where anyone would know about Kamui. Damn, I loved it though.

I planned on introducing Escanor as being my mutant ability because even though they could Identify mutants, they could not identify their abilities. So if I walked up to them saying I had unlocked my ability and transformed into Escanor, they would only be able to believe me.

I walked in using my Madara form. I buzzed in at the doorbell, and Logan let me in. I ran down the driveway at an average civilian speed in case camera's were on me.

I quickly arrived at the mansion and before I could do anything else-

"DAD!" Came a voice followed by a body hurtling toward's me. I dodged to the left and caught Skye by her collar.

"What did I say about getting tears of joy on my expensive jackets?" I told her.

She just scowled at me. "Hey, this was meant to be a touching reunion who the hell cares about your jacket?"

"I do. I won't even ask the question do you miss me because it's obvious from you trying to break my back." I told her with a smirk.

"What... I didn't... UGH!" She said and just Stamped her feet in rage, creating small tremors while she did.

"Skye stop, you will bring the whole mansion down. Hello, Madara, it is a pŀėȧsurė to see you again." Xavier's voice came from the door with Storm and Logan standing beside him as well as... Hank McCoy. A younger version but still it was nice to meet Hank McCoy himself. The man was a genius.

"Hey, Charles. I have come with great news! I awakened my mutation! Don't worry, I have it under control though I don't need to go to your school." I told him with a smile.

He seemed very surprised at that "Could we please have a demonstration?" He said.

I had no idea yet how to use Sunshine, so I let Escanor take control. "I my power is Sunshine the strongest of all. A benefit of this power is the body of the Sin of Pride Escanor, the strongest Human!" Escanor said, transforming into him. He slowly started growing with muscles bulging all over the body. Divine Axe Rhita appeared in my hand. I will explain that as part of the transformation. My shirt was already ripped away by my muscles, and I was still growing. It wasn't quite noon yet, but it was lunchtime.

"I can control the power of the sun! As a demonstration, I will show you the power of my Divine Axe Rhita! CRUEL SUN!" Escanor yelled as he radiated enough heat that the concrete around him was starting to melt. Skye had long ago retreated to the professor's side and was still panting trying to breathe through the scorching air.

A miniature sun rose from my ax into the air radiating three time's as much heat as I was. Xavier, Skye, and Ororo were all getting sunburnt but who knew about Hank.

The sun continued to rise high up in the air until it was about 2k away. Then Escanor yelled, "PRIDE FLARE!" The heat that had started to lessen suddenly skyrocketed again. You could visibly see the other's skin begin to redden considerably and they quickly went inside and watched through a window. The window was starting to melt, though...

"My god Madara that was... daunting."

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