It was now the year 2000. I had thrown a New Years Eve party, and it was the biggest in the world! Over 320 million people showed up lining the streets and partying!

So I had the best new year's eve. And when the ball dropped, six different girls were kissing me! Uhh, this life is great. Also, Skye and Matt both turned 11 yesterday and we were partying today! It was August right now, and I planned on releasing their existence to the public tomorrow. Also, my public approval rating was massive after that party! If I chose to run for president, I would totally do it, but Kakashi said it's too much paperwork and public appearances.

Lydia and Walter Hardy had checked in to the hospital two hours ago, and Felecia would be born. I kind of had a crush on her my last life. Also, Peter Parker was being born tomorrow! (I don't know the exact date of Felecia's birth so you know I just made it up)

"Dad, why do I have to go to school? I am already doing law at college level!" Matt complained.

"To learn how to interact socially with others. It is a useful skill which I never learned because they aren't worth my time." I replied, not lifting my eyes from my book.

"Like you are ignoring me right now, dad?" He asked, annoyed.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about I am not ignoring you just pushing your very existence to the back of my mind," I told him straight-faced.

"Ugh, you are so annoying! Aunt Vanessa and uncle ugly are taking me to get some Ice Cream by the way. They asked me to tell you that you should come with us." He said.

"I should come with you," I told him still not looking up from my book.

He ġrȯȧnėd at that, "but you're not going to right?"

"You are my kid," I said with a smile.

"Let me guess Vanilla with extra sprinkles?" He said back, clearly annoyed.

"Did I mention I love you?" I replied straight face.

"Every time I get your food. Or one of those terrible books you read. I still can't believe you make me get those for you." He replied back slightly mad but sounding resigned.

"Well believe it kid, also how can you not appreciate this book? The story is amazing!" I told him.

"Yeah Yeah whatever I'm not having this argument with you again. Bye, dad." He said back and sighed while leaving the room.

"Wait, Matt, we are visiting you're sister this weekend again. Make sure to pack your things." I told him.

"I know we visit her every weekend." He said but this time happy about getting to see his sister again who he only got to see for a day every week. Even though they lived far apart, they were still very close.

Wade and Vanessa had grown really close to us. We always went out and got food together, and Wade's sense of humor always seemed to annoy Matt, but I loved it. Why because it annoys everyone. Kakashi had been teaching me the ways of a sadist.

I enjoy others pain and annoyance so much. Not like horrible stuff, I don't want to kill someone's mom to make them mad and in pain, but I like giving them a tough time.

I shut my book after they left. It was time for me to go. I had recently been too lax with my training I needed to spend every second I could training my body. Right now, I was only strong enough to lift up a car, but I could, in theory, lift two elephants with chakra.

I wrote a quick note saying that I needed to go somewhere for a couple of month's and that everything would continue running smoothly under my ȧssistant's care. She had been in training for another two year's leaving another ȧssistant and me to handle everything, but now she was coming back, and I could entrust this to her as she was one of the brainwash.

"Sir I will resume al my duty's now. Have a safe trip.' A beautiful woman walked into my office and informed me. I just nodded and used Kamui to teleport away. Everything would be fine and run smoothly even without me.

I teleported onto a bunker I had my shadow clones make on Mars. No one would notice me there, and even if they did, they couldn't say anything as I was in charge up here. With earth ninjutsu, this bunker was quickly 20 miles long and 20 miles wide. The roof was also at least 10 miles high.

I needed space for big Ninjutsu.

I walked over to a patch of grass my shadow clones had made. 'Madara, how do I do the grass walking?'

'You just channel chakra to the bottom of your feet where you touch the grass. Channel enough to reinforce it and hold your weight but not enough to destroy it.' He told me.

I did it, but it was really hard. How on earth was I meant to know where my shoes touched the grass?

I got clones on that right away, about 200. I also had about 200 clones working on a secret project. Chakra strings were so damn underused in the Naruto universe, if you could add chakra change to them that would be OP.

Imagine fighting some strings that suddenly turned into air, so you just went right through them and then turned to earth slamming into you! Or fighting some fire strings going around everywhere.

Did I mention I was sort of a Pyromaniac? Watching your enemy's burn was terrific! I had to face off against some Yakuza who were hindering my company's underground development. I just spewed a single fire jutsu, and BANG all of them were burnt to a crisp.

Also, I had talked with Obito, and we came up with a jutsu called one with the wind. I would summon wind into the area, and I had Orochimaru's notes on how Suigetu's water transformation worked. I would summon wind then sort of fade into it by becoming part of it. I would still be able to get hit if they found my actual body, but that's where Obito came in with the Kamui making me truly untouchable and part of the wind. I had to keep the wind I was together as if the wind I was got separated. I couldn't get back as a solid until the wind formed back together.

Once again, Kamui would help with that as I could just teleport part's of my body, which I had to split up back to my main one. It was perfect and unless I got caught off guard unbeatable. Or if they had a way to lock down the space in an area...

I am going to be OP!

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