Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 35 - Beating the Hulk

Whos in his head - Madara, Itachi, Kurama, Orochimaru, Danzo Shimura, Obito, Minato, Kisame, Kakuzu, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Naruto, Shiro Emiya, Edward Elrich, Escanor, and Meliodas.

I snapped my finger's again, and the Hulk and I were teleported to a forest on the edge of Canada. The Hulk grunted.

"So you want a countdo- Oh your just going to charge me. Ok, I can work with that. Earth Release: Stone Pillar Jutsu!" I said.

Pillar's of earth started rising up from the ground and stood 30 meters tall each. The pillars were spaced far apart enough to let me smoothly run through them but not the Hulk. The Hulk could easily knock them down, but the point of it was that when he did other's would fall on him too, and he would have his sight hindered by dust.

It lets me maneuver around him easily. The Hulk didn't seem to care though as it charged right through them. I smirked. All of the pillar's started knocking into one another and toppling over.

The Hulk was stopped in his charge when three pillar's hit it on the back of the head. Then another one fell down on the back of his knee. "ARGH!" It yelled in pain.

I smirked. That was easy. You don't need to fight the big guy's with bigger guys just come to a small place. Or stick something down there throat and nose.

"Big booger guy, do you give up already? I thought you would be stronger than this." I taunted. I wanted to have this fight just as much as the Hulk because it was an excellent way to test my strength.

"HULK! SMASH!" Hulk yells as he hit the ground with his two beefy fists.

"What point is that when it just makes more pillar's fall on you?" I laughed as instead of reaching me it just made three more pillar's hit Hulk.

Hulk grunted in annoyance but got up again. Half of the pillars were now all destroyed so it had a clear path toward me and I wasn't mean enough to put the pillar's back up.

I decided to go with a different strategy, "Secret technique: Hiding in the Mist Jutsu!"

I always thought this technique was underrated. You could create a mist infused with your chakra, right? So what would happen if you decided to suddenly use the chakra change technique to I don't know fire? Whatever was inside the mist would get scorched!

You could also apply the same theory to all the other fundamental techniques like chakra strings and chakra scalpels. Imagine changing the chakra strings into fire and- oh my god, I am a pyromaniac.

I did a series of hand-signs, "Nature change!" (No idea how that actually works) And suddenly all of the mist engulfing me and the Huk burned. I used Kamui, so I wasn't hurt by it, but you couldn't say the same for the Hulk.

"Giving up yet Hulk? I didn't even get to use my explosion Taijutsu yet! I would love to test myself out in Taijutsu!" I said happily.

"ROAR!" Hulk yelled back at me slightly burnt but still ready to go. I love this guy he can go through so much!

"Let's GO!" I felt a rush. I loved fighting, and this universe was perfect to realize that love.

The Hulk and I met head-on. He punched toward my face, and I hit toward's his.

At the last second though I made my head intangible, and the Hulk went right through me as I pointed my middle and pointer finger out. I touched the Hulk's forehead and then used my momentum to grab onto his head and use it to flip.

"AUGH!" The Hulk had foreseen that and kicked his leg out backward. "SON OF A BITCH! YOU MUST HAVE EATEN ALL OF YOUR VEGETABLE WHEN YOU WERE A KID!" I yelled as I felt that half the bones in my body were destroyed.

"Hahahaha puny human can't take one h-" Hulk was cut off.

"BOOM!" A massive explosion rang out from where the Hulk stood. His forehead looked like it had just been hit with a missile, then not a second later another two exploded at the back of his head and neck.

"Haha you talk big, but you were still caught in my explosin- OHHH! It hurts too damn breath I mean come on pull your punches a bit when you fight a fellow hero alright!" I yelled out, but no response came from the Hulk.

The Hulk swayed and then fell to the ground with a thud. Now that I think about it, I am not surprised, an explosion one side of the head after another must have rattled his brain and given him a concussion.

"Haha you talk big, but you still fell to me- OHH IT HURT"S SO MUCH! Jarvis get me a doctor drone out here!" I yelled.

"It will arrive in 20 minutes, sir," Jarvis reported.

I waited there groaning in pain for 20 minutes. I hadn't underestimated myself when I fought the Hulk, but I was stupid and got in a spot where he could easily kick me. In the end, it didn't matter, though, and I knew what I needed to do now to get stronger.

I needed a more sturdy body, stronger bones, stronger muscles, stronger heart. You know reinforce everything so that they couldn't turn my inside to mush.

'I have a solution for that.' Kakuzu said.

'What?' I asked, slightly confused, but then I realized.

'The Jiongu.' Kakuzu said.

'Yes, but would I even survive the bonding process? Isn't it still bonded to you?' I ask.

Orochimaru decided to buŧŧ in 'I remember a fanfic we read about the Jiongu except it was parasitic. If we can make it parasitic in this universe, we could bind it to you as it would realize that Kakuzu is dead and need's a new host which would, in this case, be you!'

'Are you sure that we can even turn it parasitic? It's a mass of string's plus in that fanfic it had a consciousness.' Kakuzu asked.

'Well I managed to do it in a book why can't I do it in this more advanced world?' Orochimaru said with a slight cackle.

'We will come back to that right now let's first decide what we should do with this big booger. Have him join the superhero squad or no? If we teach him martial art's, he will become so much stronger.' I reasoned.

'Yes, right now he just thinks [put my fist out and hope it hits something] if we can make it so he knows martial art's he would become stronger then Thor easily.' Shiro said.

'But is it a good idea? The Abomination has a much more advanced brain. He can at least say basic sentences, whereas the Hulk only knows a couple of words. If we try and brainwash him, we don't even know if his brain could comprehend what we say.' I asked.

'I think we shouldn't as that might mess up the avengers. We already took Natasha we shouldn't steal any more of the Avaneger's away from Fury otherwise things might get worse when we fight the bigger villains.' Danzo said.

'I think following the storyline at this point is useless. We have changed so much, but the main events will happen no matter what. We have not influenced Thanos in any way, so he will keep doing what he is doing.' Dumbledore said. 'The main events will stay on track it's up to us though how we prepare for those event's.'

'Alright, I think it's decided then. We are brainwashing the Hulk!'

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