Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 36 - Spiderman Starts

"Come on Pete let's go to Oscorp already! I want to see what those guy's do there!" I say with excitement. I really was excited to watch the birth of spiderman and hopefully join in on that hype train.

Just before he slaps the back of his neck, I will grab the spider and let it go on my neck. I would let it bite me until it dies until then.

'We should be bitten first as who knows how much venom will be left after it has bitten Peter. We have no idea what type of spider it is because everyone apparently forgot!' Orochimaru says with annoyance.

'Alright so get bitten first then place it on Peter seems simple enough.' I say.

We head out to the school bus. Peter and I sat right at the front next to this hot cheerleader I had picked up this morning. We made out during all of math because it was so dull and simple.

"Ohh no are you two going to make out again this whole trip?" Pete said in annoyance.



Both of use replied.

"UGHHH!" Peter ġrȯȧnėd and looked out the window.

After about 20 minutes in the bus of me massaging the cheerleader's thɨġh and kissing her, we finally arrived. "What a boring bus ride," I said with a smirk to Peter

He rolled his eyes while the cheerleader blushed. "Alright cya, babe, I am going to go hang out with Pete. Next time I want to make out, I'll call you."

She seems slightly mad at that but accepts it. "God, how can you be such a doosh to her?" Pete asked.

"Because if I weren't such a doosh, she would think we were actually dating. We are just friends with some under r18 benefits." I said with another smirk to which Peter rolled his eyes.

We headed inside while talking. Then a guy came in and started showing us around while I was keeping a close eye on Pete.

We were walking by a lab when it happened. A spider dropped down to try and land on Pete's neck, but I intercepted it without anyone seeing. Being a shinobi pays off.

I let it sit down on my neck. It stings me, "Ow." I couldn't help but let that slip, but I didn't kill it for doing that.

I quickly put it on Peter's neck as he turns around to look at me, "Hey, what's wro- Oww." Peter also says and grabs his neck.

I quickly snatch the spider before Pete can kill it. I place it back on my neck.

Pete looked confused at his hand's "Did you just get stung as well on the back of your neck?" Pete asked, confused.

"Yeah, I wonder what it was," I said, trying to suppress the word oww from coming out of my mouth. The spider was a feisty little bugger. It stung me four times in total by now and- AHH! That's five! I better get some super strong power's from this! That spider has a nasty b- AHH! AGAIN!

After eight time's it finally stopped because I had enough. I mean it kept biting me in the same spot! I was going to be so swollen tomorrow. I was very sore today as well because of Hulk's punch, but Jarvis did well in fixing that.

I trapped the spider in a flask I don't remember where I got. I was going to study it when I got back to check out Pete's parent's masterpiece.

"Hey, Gilgamesh I don't feel so good," Peter says.

"Yeah me neither. Want to come over to my place and lie down? I have some nice herbal tea which someone refused very rudely yesterday." I said feeling the effects of the spider-bite.

"Sir, we are not feeling well we are going to head home," I said to the person touring us.

He looked at us skeptically but relented under my unwavering gaze. "Fine, I hope you get better soon."

I quickly left with Pete to a mansion I bought and used as my pretend house. "Here we are," I said while feeling like vomiting.

"Ohh that's gre-" Peter was about to say but fell asleep.

The only reason I was still holding on was because of the iron will Madara had installed into me. I had gotten seven more spider-bites than Pete did, and I was still awake, which is impressive.

I picked him up using all of my strength and used Kamui to teleport him to a spare bedroom. I was going to teleport into one myself, but I didn't have the power and just collapsed on the bed next to him.

I woke up feeling terrible, and I had a massive headache.

'What happened last night?' I asked.

'You got bitten by the spider which bit Peter Parker eight times. The spider was taken away from you yesterday by Jarvis to take care of.' Orochimaru said.

Oh, yea I remember now I had ordered him to do that.

"Pete, you awake?" I asked, wishing I wasn't awake.

"Ugh if I say no will you let me go back to sleep?" Pete asked.

"Uhh no because I think you should see this!" I said.

I was currently stuck to the wall beside me. I wanted to test that out, but I didn't know how to bring in my sticky things.

"Ugh fine what is i- OH MY GOD!" Pete yelled, jumping away from me in fright when he jumped though he landed on another wall. "AHHHH! I'M STUCK TO A WALL LIKE YOU!"

I tried to do that visualizing yourself sticking off the wall thing, and I suddenly fell. "Hey all you got to do is just want to be off the wall, and your body will do the rest!" I said.

He did that, and he actually fell off the wall.

"Ok what on earth is this and why am I sticky?" Pete asked clearly, scared.

"Well, I think whatever bit us yesterday gave us powers," I told him straightforwardly.

He looked at me, "HAHAHA! Oh, that's a good one. But seriously, what happened?"

"I am being serious. How else would we have been able to do that?" I said.

He suddenly froze up. "wait this isn't my room... Aunt May is going to kill me!"

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