Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 37 - Web Shooters

"NO! I am telling you for the webs we will need more Potassium Carbonate! Look at them. They don't work at all!" I yelled at Peter.

We were currently in the school chemistry lab trying to concoct a batch of the web fluid that Pete's web shooter's used.

"FINE! If you won't back down on this here you go I will put in some more Pottasium Carbonate and look it will fail- oh crap it worked." Peter says with a sheepish smile on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"I told you, Pete. Now we just have to figure out a way to shoot it in a way that we can perfectly control the amount of web fluid being used." I said.

"My uncle Ben has some old watches we could use," Pete says.

"Even though that is one of the dumbest sounding things I've ever heard - I mean webs coming out of clocks - it will probably work. Let's go." I said, and we rushed off.

It was currently after school on the day after we got bitten. Peter still hadn't gone home to tell his aunt and uncle that he was safe and just called them during lunch break. That was one funny lunch as Peter just got yelled at for a good 30 minutes strait. I'm sure May would have yelled at him for longer if it wasn't for the bell ringing. Hah, Pete was saved by the bell.

It took us about 5 minutes to run at full speed to Pete's house. I had a previously powerful body thanks to my shinobi training, but with the enhancement of the Spider Bite, I think I could put most heroes/villains to shame. I had to go slow for Peter because of that.

We weren't able to test our power's out yet, but Pete said he had a great spot at an abandoned train station. (Not sure if it's a train station)

We arrived at Pete's house and opened the door. Pete yelled out "Aunt, Uncle I'm ho-"

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Came an infuriated woman's voice. Then a tomato came rushing in through the door. Wait no, it wasn't a tomato it was Pete's aunt. Sh*t I thought this would be funny to watch, but I am going to get it as well.

"24 HOURS I DIDN'T SEE YOU OR KNOW WHERE YOU WERE! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOUR UNCLE AND I WORRIED ABOUT YOU?! DO YOU?!" She seemed so mad if she were to be holding a tea kettle she could probably get it to boil.

Peter managed a small whisper, "I'm sor..." I couldn't hear the last part even with my enhanced hearing as his voice became so quiet not even dog's would have been able to listen to it. Not that a dog had better hearing than me they were all nothing compared to the great me.

"SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH! Oh and hi Gilgamesh it's so nice to see you again. Thank you for taking care of this stupid boy." She said with a smile that sent a shiver down my back.

'God she sort of reminds me of Kushina. Except she is still more kind than her. I still haven't gotten over my trauma from when I accidentally insulted ramen.' Minato says with a shiver in his voice. I could feel his pain even if he was just a voice currently.

"That's alright. He was very well behaved, and when I told him to go to bed, he only made a small fuss." I said with an evil grin.

Catching on May say's "Really? It always takes me hours to get him to bed. It's always so cute how he wants to sleep with his blanky though." She says with an evil smile of her own.

Pete seems to go beet red at that. "Aunt May stop! It's not true, and you know it!"

"Now now, Pete, there is no need to be ashamed." May say's.

"Yes, I'm sure tons of high schoolers still need their blankie and a night light to sleep. It's no big deal." I said taunting Peter.

"NO! I don't need a night light or a blankie so stop messing with me! It's not funny!" He says. God, he is easy to tease.

Pete decides to storm off. How did it turn from May being angry at Pete to Pete being mad at both of us? "Peter, aren't you going to say thank you to Gilgamesh for letting you stay with him?" May teases him more. Oh, wait, that's how.

Pete shoot's May and me a dirty look. I quickly follow him, "thank you for having me over. And don't worry about Pete nothing happened yesterday we both just felt a bit sick, and he fell asleep so I took him to my house so he could have some quiet."

She seemed to visibly relax. "Alright thank you." She says with a smile.

I followed Peter in the direction he went. "Hey, Pete. You got the watches?"

Seemingly having completely forgotten about what just happened, he turns to me. It looks like he was in his own little geeky world. "Yeah, here they are. Now we just have to configure them to shoot out the web fluid." Pete says. "There are only two watches and two of us, so that means we get one each."

I reach into my pocket and pull out two shiny gold object's "Don't worry, I carry around two Rolex's just for the fun of it." I said with a smirk at his aghast expression.

"What a waste!" Pete seems annoyed.

"Relax I'm kidding I brought them from home. This one here I usually use and this is a backup I keep in my draw." I told him with a smile. He still seemed annoyed at me. I wasn't sure why. Maybe it's cause in his eyes I am a lucky rich kid?

"If you want, you can have one," I say and smirk at Pete's reaction. Instead of the annoyed look, he suddenly beams up at me like a little kid who had been given a lollipop.


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