Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 38 - Testing Spider Powers

"Why are you more sticky than me?" Pete asked me.

"Probably because I got bitten twice. I didn't kill it when it bit me and missed it, so it bit me again. When I tried to kill it, it went to you and bit you." I said, lying easily. Have I mentioned how good it is being Kakashi's student? You can lie through your teeth without batting an eye.

"I see... So your power's are stronger than mine?" Pete asked, slightly disappointed. I didn't want that so I tried to comfort him.

"It could also be because I worked out previously, so my body is more acclimated to the strength and speed. You might catch up to me in the future if you work hard enough." I said, trying to comfort him.

"Mmmh. Anyway, it doesn't matter. By the way, what are you going to do with your powers?" Pete asked me.

"Nothing. It's nice to have them, and all but getting them in the first place was a major accident. I wasn't meant to be a hero or a villain, so I will just use them to do small things." I told him.

"Does this mean you will come to school on time?" He asked with a deadpan expression.

"Of course, I am always on time." I was not ever on time, and I didn't intend to be.

He just stared at me with a [are you serious?] Look

I just chuckled and got back to trying to lift the railway tracks. It wasn't hard because it was heavy but because they were in the ground. I think it was nails, but I wasn't familiar with how railways tracks worked. (Yeah no idea about them)

"Hey, can you time me? I will try and see how fast I can run up the wall and I won't have my hand's free to do it." Pete says.

"Sure," I said and grabbed out my Akatsuki tech phone. I timed him, and it took him precisely 4 seconds to climb a 10-meter tall wall.

We did some more tests.

Punch strength: 4.8 tones

Speed in miles/h: 86 miles/h

Reflexes: (With spidey sense) 1 nanoseconds (I think the lowest ever recorded time is 12 attoseconds, but I can't check right now as the internet won't work)

Stamina: Able to run at 40miles/h for 8 hours straight

We did Pete's tests, but they were all around half as good as mine. Except for reflexes which were at 14 nanoseconds.

I was pretty pleased with these results. I could react at one nanosecond, whereas the spidey sense told me something was wrong even before it happened. I knew it was cosmic energy, but I still felt like I could control Haki.

"How come you are so much stronger than me?" Pete complained. He didn't look too bitter, though, as he was really excited about his new powers.

"I told you I got bitten twice plus I worked out before the bite. You just need to work out more!" I am still going with that lie.

His uncle still hadn't died, so I don't think he will go for the superhero route yet. I needed to distance myself from Pete a bit till his uncle died, and then I swoop in and grab the broken pieces then stick them together in the way I want them to be. Plus I couldn't have Peter Parker get in the way of Felecia and me. Who by the way I think was coming to Midtown High next month!

"Anyway, I got to go now! Private stuff don't ask." I told him before he could question me. He seemed to accept it.

"Alright, bye!" He said with a wave and then started doing pushups. I guess he was now dedicated to beating me?

I quickly headed over to Akatsuki Rehabilitation center in New York. I wanted to do something there. Or more like check up on two people.

"Jarvis bring out Abomination and Leader!" I said with a maniac smile as I anticipated their transformation.

The floor split open and out came two... things. One had the general shape of a human but had green skin and a massive skull. Interesting I would have to take a look at what happened to Sterns' brain when Jarvis showed me the scans. The other was like a lizard. It was as big as the Hulk, but it was bald. Maybe I could stick a mop on its head too? I'm sure Fury would feel much better if he knew he wasn't the only one hehe.

Fury still wore his pirate cap-like thing. No one asked why or even mentioned it because they were scared of what he might do. His hair was a... touchy subject.

"Samuel Sterns bows down to the master." Sterns said and bowed onto one leg.

In a gravelly and deep voice, the Abomination sort of hisses "Abomination bows down to the master." (Forgot his real name and I don't really care, so that's going to be his name from now on)

"Good. Capabilities?" I ask shortly, but they knew what it meant.

"Able to lift up 19 tons and memories of all military techniques taught to the previous body. Also able to run at 65 miles/h." The Abomination hissed out.

I measured my IQ, and my guideline is that there are ten types of intelligence: creativity, wisdom, analytical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, mechanical, natural, wit, and symbolic. Factoring in all of these I have an IQ of around 300." The leader said humbly, but I could tell on the inside he was pleased with that. Can't blame him he puts Reed Richard's to shame by around 100 IQ points.

"Good. I am pleased with your results. You will both be presented to the public tomorrow. Stark was convinced by me to create you both suits, so don't disappoint us. Also, if any of you hurt someone without authorization, I will personally see to it that you are dealt with. But leaving the negatives aside Sterns, you will get a private lab in the Baxter Building and a fund of 20 million to work on your project to make me smarter without causing any negative side effects." I said with a smile. Everything was going according to plan.

"Abomination we have set up a job for you at X-Men mansion. You will teach PE there and also be a part of the X-Men but secretly report all of there activity's to me. Jarvis will inform you of communication methods. Also, I will send you some custom weights and treadmill to improve your physical capability's." I smiled. I still hadn't gotten to the best part.

"Hulk come in!" A big green booger- I mean person came in through the door. "Abomination he will be taught hand to hand combat by Natasha and be your training partner at X-Men mansion. He will also be teaching PE at the school with you." I laughed evilly on the inside as I could see the fire between the two ignite. They would be great sparring partners because of there natural rivalry.

"Now, you all have your orders. SCRAM. The interdimensional travel is tomorrow, and I need a good night's rest!"

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