Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 41 - Susan Storm

I am using this list of Kakashi late excuses

Don't worry It won't bring you to some shady sight (maybe)

None of the excuses were made by me. I just like his ideas. Except for the rabies and raccoon one that was me.

"Hi, my name is Aaron Creed, nice to meet you!" I said with a cheery smile as I introduced myself to Franklin Richards.

"YOU! You were meant to be here THREE HOURS ago!" He said back, mad.

Behind him, a beautiful blond girl chuckled, and I beamed. I was going to totally make Susan Storm mine.

"Well, you see I had to take Tobi to the mental hospital," I said with a nod as if that explained everything.

The beautiful blonde girl who I knew to be Susan Storm, but she didn't know that I know that I knew her to be that. Or something less complicated. Anyway, she looked interested, "Tobi?"

"Yeah, my friend Tobi but he is more commonly known as a pain in the ȧss. Or as I call him swirly face!" I said with a grin.

'Really? Swirly face?' Obito asked, annoyed.

'What? For a name, I just came up with it's pretty good.' I replied.

"*Sigh* Follow me, Aaron. I think you will fit in here perfectly. Also, you were recommended by Madara himself, so you can't be bad." Franklin said with a resigned face as he turned around and walked away from me. "Follow me I will introduce you to everyone here and show you aroun-"

"Let me, dad." Susan cut in.

I switched to Naruto's personality and let him flash her one of his signature smiles that seemed to melt peoples heart.

Instead of getting flustered and embarrassed though she simply flashed me a bright smile in return. Not close to Naruto's smile though.

'Damn straight I have the best smile Dattabane!' Naruto said, and I could tell his pride oozing out of his mental voice.

'If you say so.' I said, trying to annoy him but he just took it and dropped the subject. He was apparently getting more mȧturė knowing he can't win against me in a discussion. As Minato had said, you couldn't argue with Kakashi and me.

"This is my daughter Susan. Susan, this is our newest member Aaron." Franklin introduced Susan to me and me to her.

"Nice to meet you, Susan," I said and shook her hand. When we touched hands, I felt her silky smooth skin brush up against mine. Then words I couldn't control just sort of... slipped out "And I think I am in love." I replied, and then I stopped.

'Why the f*ck did I just say that?' I asked myself.

'Aaron and Susan sitting in a tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!' Naruto yells out in my mind.

I try not to get a tick mark on my face. 'I thought you were growing up but then you go and do that?'

There was silence while Susan didn't say anything and just stared at me. I felt a sweat drop from my head (anime style).

Obviously, Franklin couldn't take it anymore "*Cough* *Cough* Well now that we have introduced ourselves I will leave you two alone." He says, and after that in a bȧrėly audible voice said. "and get the f*ck out of this awkward situation." But it was so quiet only I heard it with my enhanced senses.

Susan was still staring at me, though. Did she faint? What the- Oh my god I didn't know a face could turn so deep red. Suddenly Susan had just started to go red, and it was very noticeable on her soft skin.

She just stood there and stared at me with a face the color of a tomato. Only one thought entered my mind at that moment 'CUTE!'

She suddenly awoke from her stupor. She just turned around and ran away. "Ah, wait! Aren't you going to show me around?" I yell out after her.

She didn't stop though and just kept running. I wanted to run after her but stopped myself. If I ran after her when I caught up to her, I would probably be in the most awkward situation ever. So I just let her go. After all, we worked in the same place now and on the same project so we would definitely see each other again.

"Well... I feel sort of stupid just standing around here, so I guess I will just look around myself." I said to myself and walked in the direction Franklin had left.

-- With Susan --

'WHAT WAS THAT!' Susan screamed at herself in her head.

When Aaron had said that to her, she froze up. She couldn't do anything, and she felt her face burning, and she was sure she must have looked like a tomato at that moment. (How right she was)

'When he... When he said that to me, my heart just skipped a beat and... I couldn't say anything, so I just ran! Why did I do that? This is going ot be so awkward now at work!' She inwardly cried.

'Why did he say that? I saw his pattern, and that was so... Unpredicted! Maybe I just didn't observe him for long enough? Yeah, that's gotta be it I have been able to see everyone's pattern so far.' She tried to reassure herself.

'But... Why did my heart skip when he said it?' She asked herself her face still burning. 'And in front of my dad too!'

"Hey sis why are you so flushed? Got a fever?" A voice came from beside her.

She had been so wrapped up in her thoughts. She didn't even notice her brother Johnny approach. "No, just ahh... I was feeling a bit hot, that's all." She said, trying to make it believable.

Jonny looked confused for a second. Susan panicked because it looked like he was going to question her and she was about to run away again when he opened his mouth, but he stopped himself.

Inside Jonny's head - 'wait, why do I care? She says it's fine so who cares?'

Back with Susan - 'Good he didn't question it any further.'

"Ohh alright. Well cya, sis." Jonny said and walked away.

She just nodded 'Well that's one crisis averted. Now comes the problem of what will happen the next time I see him again...'

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