Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 42 - Doom and Richards

'Where the f*ck is this thing? I have been walking around for two whole minutes now, and I still haven't found it!' I complained in my head.

"Hello, sir, where is the interdimensional teleporter?" I asked someone passing me by.

"Well, you're walking in the wrong direction, kid. It's about two minutes walk from where you came from." The random guy said to me.

My eyebrow twitched. 'F*CK! I HATE THIS DAMN PLACE!'

'You know you technically own this place... Just ask Jarvis to tell you where to go!' Edward said.

'YOU COULDN'T HAVE TOLD ME THAT FOUR MINUTES AGO?' I mind yelled at him in response.

"Jarvis where is the interdimensional travel room? Or whatever it's called. Scientists seem to have no naming sense. I mean what idiot comes up with the name Fantastic Four?" I ask to Jarvis.

"Sir I know where the Interdimensional travel room is, but I can't answer your other questions." He told me.

I got a bit annoyed but only a bit as I was a shinobi incapable of feeling emotions.

'Haha, you wanted to hurt someone for not giving you a map a minute ago!' Naruto laughed.

I just grabbed my armpit at that and started tickling. 'When will you ever learn the lesson not to offend the people who can make you experience things with your body?' I said with a smirk.

'HAHAHA! I'm sorry! PLEASE STOP!' Naruto said while laughing his ȧss off.


I sneered. 'Mfph that should teach you.' I said as I stopped tickling myself. The laughter of Minato, Naruto, and Danzo died down. But it was quickly replaced by everyone else's laughter. Including mine as even if you were a cold-hearted person like Madara and Orochimaru, you still got close to people after spending nearly 100 years in their head.

I found the room quickly under the guidance of Jarvis. When I arrived there, I was no longer pissed off.

I walked in and was instantly greeted by Franklin, "Hey Aaron, what took you so long?"

All my anger was reignited again. He gives me a guide that runs off, and now he asks what took me so long? I suppress it, though. "Ohh sorry I had to pick up some more Crow food for my pet."

'You have a natural talent for excuses, my dear student.' Kakashi said.

'Thanks.' I replied.

I sensed two people looking at me. I turned toward the first and behold Susan was trying to stare a hole through my eyes. She blushed and looked away, though, and I smiled gently 'CUTE!'

I looked toward the direction from where the other stare was coming from. And I was sort of - But not really as I am a trained shinobi - surprised to see Victor staring at me curiously. I also flashed him a disarming smile. He didn't do anything back though and just kept staring at me inquisitively.

I felt someone walk toward me. I turned around to meet a skinny nerdy looking man with glasses and a smile on his face, "Hi, my name is Reed." The now identified Reed Richard's said and held out his hand for me to shake.

I took his hand and shook it. "Aaron. You work here too? I am new, so I don't know anyone hehe." I said with a sheepish smile and scratching the back of my head. A habit I seemed to have picked up from Minato.

"Uhh yeah I am, but I thought it would just be the four of us mainly working on this project?" Reed asked Franklin.

"Yes but a couple of years ago a man named Madara Uchiha bought out all of the shares of the Baxter Foundation and we technically now work for him too because we made an agreement. Aaron here was directly recommended to be on this project by Madara." Franklin said.

"Ohh really? So you work for Madara? What's he like? Do you know him personally?" Reed said excited and with stars in his eyes. I was sort of confused why though.

"Ahh, you see young Reed here sort of idolized Madara," Franklin said which caused me to raise my eyebrow in surprise.

"Hahaha yeah. He came from nowhere and accomplished his dreams. He worked hard and did what he wanted to do, and that's exactly what I want to do. I don't want fame I just want to make a difference with my work and Madara has made a huge difference and saved countless lives!" Reed said with stars in his eyes.

I decided to make Reed sort of idolize Madara a bit as well which would help when I extend and an olive branch to work in Avalon Archipelago with Tony. "Yeah, I do know him personally to answer your question. Also, do you want to know something secret? You have to promise everyone that you won't tell anyone about it though."

He looked at me, curiously, "yeah, sure, what is it?"

I leaned in closer "Madara is a scientist as well, but he hasn't posted anything because he has been focused on curing Alzheimer's. He said that he found a cure and would start putting the plan to start curing people of it soon." I whispered into Reed's ear.

"WHAT! That is revolutionary we could save millions of people from-" He stopped himself before he accidentally revealed what I had told him to keep a secret.

Most of that was true, but I did plan on making the treatment to cure Alzheimers available to the public soon. It would be good to announce it when I needed public support the most.

He just looked at me apologetically and said nothing else. Franklin seemed interested in what the secret was but didn't inquire further because he knew it was a secret from when I said it was a secret to Reed. So he probably wouldn't ask.

"So can you show me around?" I ask with a smile. Reed nodded seeming, eager to talk to me more about science and Madara. I sighed mentally at all the future pestering and questions to come.

I took one last glance at Doom and Susan before looking at Reed, resigned to my fate of being pestered for the next hour.

Madara decided to speak up now 'Ohh no. Fangirls were bad enough, and now I have a fanboy too?'

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