Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 43 - Travelling to Another Dimensiom

It had been about two days since we started working on the project. The people in the movie showed up still because I brainwashed them and made them do it so I could control what happens easily. Franklin Storm was complaining saying something about them belonging to Akatsuki Enterprises now and that he had no sway there.

I don't know what happened to them, but they managed to still take some control of the project. Enough to say that they wanted to coordinate with NASA on this. I don't even know how though as I asked them if they said they belonged to Akatsuki Enterprise, but they said no as that could get them in a lot of legal trouble. I didn't bother to ask what they did after that just happy that it was going the same as in the movie.

"Look man are you serious? Are you really not going to send US up? We are the damn people who made this whole thing!" Reed complained.

Doom was in the back, nodding his head in support. Susan had a frown on her face at the whole situation. Even while frown though, she was just so CUTE!

They argued for a bit. Then we decided to have a drink.

"People like us. They will have the great ideas, but then someone like Niel Armstrong will just go ahead and get all of the fame and money. While the people like us will die alone and penniless having spent our lives telling people that it was us who sent those other people where they went." Victor said very mad.

"That's going to be me," Reed said.

"No, that's going to be me," Victor said.

"Guys I think that's going to be all of us." Johnny said.

I looked at him and said, "I don't know about you guys, but I am working for Akatsuki Enterprise as one of its top scientists. That definitely won't be me." I chuckled at there annoyed expressions.

"Aaron, can you get me a job there?" Reed asked. I wasn't surprised, but I was a bit annoyed because this was the point where he should have suggested to go in there by themselves.

It's incredible they actually managed to do it though. I mean a multi-million dollar project like this should have much better security, right? Where the f*ck was it when four kids managed to travel to another dimension right under there noses? And then when finally someone does notice it's another kid! Makes you lose faith in the older generations. Adults in this world all seem to be idiots except for Stark.

I decided to put the idea though in their minds. "Sure you can have a job with Akatsuki. But first of all, we have all of this gear set up and ready to use. So why don't we go and become the first people to go to another dimension?"

I smirked at there conflicted looks. I reckon the only reason they did this in the first place was because they were slightly drunk and when they finally sobered up, it was already too late to go back. I handed out another round of beers, and after 2 minutes of chatting while still thinking about it, Reed got a bit tipsy and said.

"Let's do it! I want to be the first person to step into another dimension along with you guys!" He said with determination.

"Just the four of us? There are five pods what about the last person?" Doom asked.e Yeah that's right I had another pod installed because I am a smart person hahaha!

"I have someone in mind that should come with us," Reed said with a sparkle in his eye.

-- 30 minutes later --

"HAHAHA! Do you even know how to put on a suit? No stop that's not the place where you put your legs! How did you mess it up that badly?" I asked while laughing my ȧss off.

Victor was red with anger. "The suit is just... AUGH!" He said as he got his head stuck in the sleeve.

"Ohh yeah right its the suits fault. *Rolls eyes*" I said while laughing again.

"I could physically hear you roll your eyes just then!" Victor cried out in indignation. He might have even been telling the truth as well because his head was still stuck in the sleeve and he couldn't see.

Two minutes later he finally managed to put the suit on. I put it on in 5 seconds, so I don't know how he had so much trouble Ben came in.

"Hey, names Ben." He said, giving us a brief glance and then staring up at the machine.

"Nice to meet you, Ben. I'm Aaron, and this guy here is Victor." I said, introducing Victor for him.

"This is the machine. It's like what we made except more expensive." Reed said with a grin. I just rolled my eyes. It wasn't that expensive, only a couple of tens of millions. Oh my god, I am turning into a rich brat.

Reeds legs were viably trembling while I had a serenity around me. I knew what would happen.

"Let's go, guys," Johnny said and stepped into one of the pods.

We all followed, stepping into our own respective pods. It had been over half an hour of us preparing for this, and no one noticed. Idiots.

Everyone was breathing heavily as Victor started up the machine. "I think I need a better line than [one small step for man one huge step for mankind] you know something just as cheesy," Reed said, trying to calm his nerves with banter.

"What about thank god I didn't die in the teleportation?" I ask teasingly trying to freak him out. It worked.

"Ohh god your right. What if we die? What if... WHAT IF!" Reed yelled in panic.

I could hear the others being annoyed, "calm down reed it's gonna be fine." Johnny comforted. It sounded like he was trying to reassure himself as well, though.

I could feel the energy picking up. At that moment Pete called me "Ohh hey Pete, where are you? You won't believe what I am doing."

"Dude what you're doing right now doesn't matter. You are late to school again and damn dude the teachers are so pissed. Also, this group of girls keeps pestering me for where you are! The fangirls are everywhere!" Pete's panicked voice comes from across the phone.

I wince at that. "Yeah I am so sorry for you, Pete, but right now I am traveling to a different dimension."

"Who the hell are you talking to?" Johnny says, confused.

"Dude are you seriously on the phone right now?" Victor said, annoyed.

"Who was that? And what do you mean you are going to another dimension? Gilgamesh!" I winced. Uhh Ohh.

"Did he just call you Gilgamesh? Who the hell is Gilgamesh?" Reed asks, but before he said it, I quickly cut the call with Pete.

Before they could question me, any further a bright light engulfed us.

"Cya guys on the other side!"

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