Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 45 - Joker makes himself useful

"Aaron, is that you?" Reed asked incredulously.

"Yes now let's get out of here quickly. I will tell you about it then." I said, trying to rush everyone out. Doom was trying to climb up the cliff behind us, and Reed was about to pull him up when "AHHHHH!" Victor got blasted with a dose of the green energy and suċkėd back down.

"VICTOR!" Reed yelled out hopelessly, but it was too late. His arms hadn't been long enough to reach him. Hehe, that would change soon.

"Reed he's gone! There is no more time we have to go!" I yelled and picked him up then jumped over to the Quantum Teleporter. I picked up Johnny and Ben, who kept being hit by rocks along the way.

"I launched it already! Why isn't it working?" I ask panicking. It was fake panic, though, as I knew Susan would help.

"Aaron? Aaron Johnny is that you?" Susan's voice came across, and I smirked at her being worried about me first.

"We are fine Sue we just need you to teleport us back quickly!" I yelled.

A bright light suddenly appeared, and it then all went black. I woke up again a split second later way earlier than anyone else because of Madara's will and Escanor's body.

I crawled over to Sue. "Sue, are you alright? " I was allowed to call her Sue. She and I had a pleasant conversation about it where most of the time she spent blushing and flirting with me.

She didn't answer and despite me knowing she would be fine, I panicked. "Sue? Sue! SUE!" I could see her finger twitch.

"Aaron." She mumbled out. I smiled at that knowing she was alright.

"Crap my communicator to Jarvis is on Aaron. I will have to get help some other way." I grumbled out. I quickly checked all my vitals with Orochimaru's help and found out I was okay because of Escanors amazingly powerful body and heat resistance so the blast just shocked me a bit and might have rattled my brain.

'I remember there being a phone on the right of monitor 13 to your right.' Dumbledore says. Occlumency gave you a near-perfect recall memory and the Pensieve he had only due to his old age. Now he was in my body though so it should work better.

I stumbled over there head still numb. I had taken control of Escanors body again, and Madara was watching. I quickly grabbed the phone and called my ȧssistant.

"Hey, I need you to connect me to Jarvis," I said with the voice of Escanor.

She wasn't confused though as she had seen me in this form as 'technically' it was my mutant power.

"Sir is there something you require?" A robotic man's voice came across the line.

"Yes, Jarvis I need you to activate protocol C for Quantum Teleporter," I told him. I had semi predicted this scenario but thought that Victor could hold himself back a little longer and not touch the green energy until I could get the others a safe distance away and get out with the powers but not as big of an explosion. But you know the saying always plan for the worst.

Protocol C for Quantum Teleporter was to send three brainwashed mutants as security to guard the bodies of my friends while having a team of lawyers there to make sure the Government didn't try to do anything dumb.

Twenty minutes later, I had fully recovered, and they arrived. They swiftly took the others away to a secret lab we had in Greenland. They wouldn't wake up for a while anyway.

"Jarvis set up my confinement lab," I said. I was going to go in there and have the Joker endure the things happening to my body for me as he seemed excited by it.

-- An hour later at the Akatsuki Towers Confinement Lab --

"Sir, we are all set up. The Titanium alloy should be able to stop the most thing from coming in and out of this place. We have also taken action to safeguard against any potential gamma radiation being leaked." The doctor behind the quadruple reinforced glass said. I smirked.

"Strap me in," I said, and different pieces of Titanium rose out of the rests on the bed I was lying on. They curled around my wrists. I clenched my teeth together and curled my fingers up to form a fist.

A doctor came in and placed a gag in my mouth. He also got a device over my head, which would stop me from opening my mouth. Not because of the screaming but because I knew the Joker would probably use his signature laugh while this transformation went on and as I didn't know how long it would take and he might just laugh my throat raw.

I let the Joker take control, and he instantly tried to laugh, but the gag and mouth clamp stopped him.

'HAHAHA! Thank you!' Joker laughed in glee at finally being let use a body. And I suppose also being able to let his mȧsȯċhɨst side out.

I switched to my body, and the Titanium clamps instantly became smaller to match my body size.

Joker starts squirming using my body. I couldn't feel it, but I knew the pain was excruciating. But instead of screaming out in pain, all he did was laugh 'HAHAHAHAHA!' In my mind.

Man, that laugh should be patented. If it was, I could sue basically every villain alive! Or they would just argue that there laugh is much less sinister and crazy than his.

'Ugh listening to him laugh in my head for a while is going to be a pain.'

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