Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 46 - Powers Awakening

"Sir? I think he is waking up! Prepare some food for our boss quickly!" I heard a voice in the background. Somewhere through that process, Joker was put asleep by some anesthetic. I didn't want to do it at first, but he was just so annoying I had it as a backup plan when certain conditions were met.

'Oh, finally it's over. Listening to that lunatic laugh for two hours was probably worse torture than actually having to go through it yourself.' Kakashi said.

'HAHAHA! THAT WAS EXHILARATING! AGAIN!' Joker laughed in my head, giddy from the pain he had just experienced.

I retook control and opened my eyes. I felt no different. Why was I just the exact same? Is it something I just haven't noticed yet? No matter.

(I had a choice between a lot of powers and I already know what his mutant powers will be. So I couldn't make his powers that came from another dimension too powerful. I know this power has already been used, but I really think it's underrated. Also, the person who initially used it is not alive in this universe)

I looked up and saw a bright light. My eyes quickly adapted to that, though, and I saw Natasha standing beside me. She must have taken a break from one of her missions to come and see me.

"Hey, Nat how's it been?" I asked with a smile.

"Pretty good. You don't seem all too good, though." She said with a cheeky smile.

I grinned, "Don't know what you're talking about. In fact, I just woke up from a short nap. I'm sorry if you wanted to join me, but I had no idea you were here." I said with a cheeky perverted grin.

She smirked. I could see that she was relieved to see me fine. "Those other four are currently not in New York. We had them transported to the military base you bought for this. Jarvis said that Reed Richards woke up though 5 minutes ago and is currently escaping."

I smirked. It was detrimental to my plan that the other members of the Fantastic Four thought they were abandoned. This would leave them in a more emotionally vulnerable state and make them easy to rope into my team.

"Wait here for me. It's time I introduce myself as Madara to them." I said then Kamui'd over to the lab.

I teleported right outside Ben's room. I created a shadow clone that turned into Madara, and I used my usual body. My clones it seemed couldn't use the body of anyone in my head. It was only the original body that could so I just had them henge instead since it produced the same dėsɨrėd effect.

"Ben you there?" I ask as I open the door. The room was dark, and I could only make out a-

What the hell? Since when do I have night vision? My eyes just suddenly adapted? There are only a few possibilities, either my power just awoke or... It was used to adapt to my surroundings.

"Ben, I can see you there. I want to introduce you to my boss Madara Uchiha. Oh and sorry about Reed I just heard what happened a couple of seconds ago. I didn't think he would ditch us like that." I said, feigning sadness.

"What do you want Aaron? And hello Mr. Madara it is an honor to meet you." Ben said coming out of the corner of the room and saying hi.

"It is a pŀėȧsurė to meet you too, Ben. I have heard about your condition, and I will not lie and say that I know how to fix it or that I will find a way. But I will l tell you that I will try and find a way." Madara said. "See I know what it feels like. To be someone with a gift like yours."

"How would you know? And this is a curse, not a blessing." Ben said, and I could practically feel the negativity roll off him.

Without Ben seeing, I used the substitution jutsu on an item behind the Madara clone. He did the same thing and stepped forward into the smoke and henge'd back into Aaron while I turned into Escanor. Genius right?

"I can turn into this guy," I said using Escanor's body.

"*Hmpf* You can control that though. I cannot control this." Ben said after a moment of shock.

"I was not able to control it at first. "I lied, "but with practice, I could. Maybe practice won't work with you, but I have other methods." I using Escanors body said with a grin.

After that came a long and tiring discussion about him joining my Superhero team. God, the guy, was stubborn. He did not budge unless you moved him. Like a rock, hehe.

I headed over to Johnny next, and after a lot of reassuring and stopping him from freaking out over him literally being on fire, I managed to convince Johnny to join my superhero squad.

In the Superhero division, I had also created two separate squads. One for members that will be part of the public team and another for members that will remain hidden. I planned on making them all public members except for Victor when I got him under my control.

After that, I finally got to Sue. Or did I? There is an indent on the cushion, but I can't see her- Oh there she is - Oh wait she is gone again. Damn, this is confus- Wait she is back and not leaving yet.

Wait, why can I see her? I shouldn't be able to see her for this long. Maybe she is just experiencing a long period of being visible. "Hey, Robbert can you see her right now?" I asked one of the random scientists I saw a nametag on outside. I had them all brainwashed, but I didn't bother memorizing their names, so I had them wear nametags. Remembering names was troublesome.

"No sir she is shifting between the visible and non-visible spectrum. It doesn't seem like she can control it." He said back through a microphone installed on the ceiling.

So why can I see her? Is it because of my powers? I have a feeling it was, but I will need to make sure later. I walked up to Sue.

I gently cupped her face. "Sue I will help you with this. I promise."

"Aaron." she murmured out, and I smiled gently.

'Sue will wake up later. For now, I must go and try to control my powers!'

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