"ANOTHER!" I heard a yell as I walked into the coffee shop.

"No, smashing! Why can't you just ask nicely?" A feminine voice came from a voice sitting next to the muscular man who had yelled in the first place.

I was currently at a coffee shop in Mexico. I had a team of the top lawyers under my control, including my son Matt currently heading over to where Jane's stuff was.

"Jane!" I yelled out. What? Surprised that I know her? Well, you shouldn't be. I am a genius after all, and I had gotten Jane on my payroll years ago. Right now, this trip to Mexico with her ȧssistant and Erik, who was also on my payroll was being funded by me.

Jane turned around and stared at me in shock. Her eyebrows arched upwards while her mouth made an o shape. "B-Boss what are you doing here?" Jane asked in confusion.

"Boss? Don't tell me he is..." Her ȧssistant who I ȧssumed to be Darcy fumbled for words at she suddenly realized who I was. Erik seemed very surprised as well, but he was clearly more used to hiding emotions.

"Yup my name is Madara Uchiha. The one and only. And you are?" I asked quizzically raising an eyebrow at Darcy and Thor.

"I am Thor Odinson!" Thor stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"My name is Darcy Lewis. It's an honor to meet you, Sir. Uchiha. I have seen some of my friend's get saved in one of the Health and Care Hospitals you made." Darcy says with wonder in her eyes. I smiled gently at that. It was good to know that even if it wasn't your primary goal, people's lives were still being saved by your actions. And even though I didn't need recognition or anything like that, but it was nice to have anyway.

"You are a medic? People like you are what keep the warriors of Asgard alive!" Thor says with some small amount of respect in his eyes.

"No I am no medic, but I have dabbled in medicine. I am surprised you haven't heard about my company, but we are the most successful company in the world. And I am the wealthiest person in the world!" I said with pride. After all, what was the best way to get a warrior to respect you? Tell him some of your greatest - public - achievements.

I wasn't that proud of it though. Not meaning to sound arrogant or anything, but these achievements were to be expected. After all, if you have people like Madara Uchiha the strongest person in his world in your head, then you are destined for greatness.

"So you are wealthy?" Thor asks, confused.

"Yes. Very." I state with a smirk.

Thor's head then snaps over to the people talking at the counter. It was about something heavy, and I knew what it was, so I didn't really care.

"Ohh I am here because of your project, Jane. About that actually, some SHIELD agents are currently trying to take all of your stuff. I have a team of trained soldiers on it though as well as another team of lawyer. HAHAHA! My lawyers were trained to be the most annoying people in existence. If they were allowed, they would talk until their throats got raw!" I laughed as if I didn't have a care in the world. God, I remember the first time I had met my team of lawyers. That was a long five minutes before I told them to shut the hell up.

"WHAT!? THEY CAN'T DO THIS!" Jane yelled and ran out the door as fast as her legs could carry her. I laughed even more at that. She didn't even question what I said. But then again I try not to tell lies.

"Erik, how are you-" I got cut off.

"Where is Jane? I need her to bring me 50 miles West from here!" Thor states. It was like he just expected people to do things for him. Of course, I planned on taking Thor there myself and telling Jane that her stuff was being stolen would just get her out of my way. Plus an angry Jane who had a team of none stop talking lawyers and a team of trained bodyguard ȧssassins with her was a Jane that you didn't want to deal with. She might be useful for when I threaten to sue SHIELD if they didn't give me the location of some stuff.

I wanted the location of the Juggernaut, and I knew that Xavier wouldn't give it to me. I didn't want to force him to give it to me, though. Doing stuff like that tends to have consequences — large ones which you can never foresee.

Plus I am a shinobi. I can be the most subtle person in the world if I wanted to be. Shinobi were taught from a young age to be able to manipulate and fight others.

"I can take you 50k West from here. Why do you want to go there, though?" I asked faking confusion and curiosity.

"I must retrieve Mjolnir and head back to Asgard!" Thor said with determination. What an idiot. Did he think that he could just pick up Mjolnir and ask nicely to go back to Asgard? His punishment wouldn't lift as easily as that. But I had to play the ignorant bystander who was willing to help him out. Getting on the good side of Odin and Asgard was always a good idea.

"Yeah, sure I can take you," I said and shot Erik a [is this guy serious?] Look. He just sighed and shrugged.

"I am thankful! But why are you taking me? What do you gain?" Thor asked me with a skeptical expression. Maybe this guy still has hope?

"HAHAHA! I am just kidding. I don't care! Bring me wherever West is!" He yelled with a cheerful expression.

'*Sigh* I guess he doesn't have any hope. Damn it I saw it in the movies, but this guy really has nothing but air in his head. Wait, I have a theory! What if all that lightning fried his brain?' I asked.

'Unlikely as he doesn't know how to use his lightning yet to that extent. The only thing he can do is send some sparks out, and that's only because of his hammer.' Minato said. No matter what you said, Minato was a genius when it comes to battle. But with everything else he was clueless.

"What are you waiting for! Let us embark and reclaim Mjolnir! HAHAHA!"

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