Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 51 - Thor Gets Captured

"So what is your plan?" I ask Thor as we sit near the SHIELD facility. I was currently sitting there on a blanket which I had gotten from my Kamui dimension and reading my book.

"*Annoying rambling*" Was all I heard from Thor.

"Can you please put that infernal book down and listen to me!" Thor says.

"Oops, I am sorry I was to busy reading my book. I didn't hear what you said," I said.

"Well, I was saying that I will walk in there and reclaim my hammer!" Thor says as if what he said was as easy as eating.

"Well, okay, have fun." Was all I said back.

"*Mumbles something about how I should show more respect to the almighty god Thor*" Thor said. I think I couldn't be bothered to listen.

'You make me happy, dear student.' Kakashi says.

'I tend to make people happy.' I said back with a smirk.

'Wi-Will Thor b-be alright?' Neville stutters.

'Nope.' I simply reply back. Neville had been to busy talking to Orochimaru about plants when we watched the first Thor movie. So he had absolutely no idea what happened.

'Then shouldn't we go and h-help hi-' I cut him off.

'Nope.' I replied simply.

Getting the hint, he shut up.

I sat there, listening to all the commotion. How Thor managed to beat all those guards still baffles me.

"AHHHHH!!!" A scream came from inside the crater. I knew then that Thor had failed.

I didn't even bother trying to lift the hammer as I sure as hell wasn't worthy. I would sacrifice people instantly if it could further my own goals. I was in no way a saint.

'Well, I guess I should let the rest go as the movie did. And also get out of here this rain is annoying. Also might be good to try and get some sort of electricity resistance. Or at least allow my body to become a conductor.' I thought. Thor was a reliable and trustworthy ally, but the guy was an idiot. I had no idea when he would slip up and accidentally zap me in the middle of a battle.

"Jarvis, how is the search for Reed going? I want to have Doom under control before Loki does his Earth invasion." I ask.

"Sir, we suspect him to have found a way to go to Alaska. He is currently still on the run, but we have found his trail. It should take Natasha about two days to find him." Jarvis reports. Natasha currently was working on many projects, and they were all top secret.

"Good. How is the training of the others going? Has Sue woken up yet?" I ask a tinge of worry in my voice.

"Sue has yet to wake up, sir. But our scientists are working on a suit that will work with her invisibility and make her invisible aswell." Jarvis said. I would have done it earlier, but I needed to know exactly what was happening when she went invisible. And comics didn't give you a very good explanation.

"Alright. Send a dozen drones to survey the area I am currently in. When the destroyer comes, I want his armor and designs. When I finally manage to find Kamar-Taj, I might be able to access the enchantments on him and make him loyal to me, not the king of Asgard." I said. Plans were flying around in my head.

"Yes, sir," Jarvis replied.

Twenty minutes later I got a report from Jarvis saying that one of the drones had picked up an interrogation of Thor. "Yes listen but keep the drone in there after the son of Coul is gone," I said. I liked the name Thor had given Coulson. Might annoy him as well, which is a bonus.

An annoying interrogation followed with the son of Coul not getting any valuable information about Thor. Except for an ID which I had asked Erik to set up. I had called him as soon as Thor left and had him set it up.

"Brother It's good to see you," Thor said to no one. Wait, there is Loki. He just appeared out of nowhere.

"God, no wonder SHIELD got destroyed. They are all incompetent idiots that don't even notice when a weirdly dressed man appears out of nowhere!" I said. I felt like going in there and shoving their eyes up there ȧss. They would still be just as blind as they are now.

"Brother, I will not unabanish you. Father is dead." Loki said. Ohh, wait I was too lost in thought to hear the conversation. Yup. Not because I was reading. Nope.

"Goodbye, brother," Thor said while crying. Lokie also looked slightly sad, but I think it was faked. Wait what happened to the rest of the conversation? I was just reading- I mean lost in thought, and they were already done!

"Erik, did they take the equipment?" I said through the communicator on my collar.

"No boss but they did discreetly make a copy of all the information on the ŀȧptops. They think we didn't notice, but a hidden security camera caught it." Erik replied.

I gave a savage grin. Excellent blackmail material. I needed the location of the Juggernaut. If I asked Xavier, he wouldn't give me an answer.

"Good. Go pick Thor up and have a drink with him. It's on me." I said with a smile. In the meantime, I think I will have a nice long chat with the son of Coul.

"Ehh why? Wait it doesn't matter I get free drinks. Thank's boss, cya!" Erik's cheerful voice came from over the phone.

I hung up the call. "Jarvis is the flamethrower here yet?" I ask.

"Yes, sir. It is currently at the mansion you just bought in that town." Jarvis said. Perk of being rich was I could buy a house wherever I went. Plus I really didn't want to sleep in a car with an old guy, a girl who is hardcore crushing on Thor, an annoying but funny young girl and an arrogant god who will also be drunk tonight.

"Good. Time to give myself some heat resistance."

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