Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 54 - Defeating Loki

"Loki stop this we do not need to- Madara? How did you get here?" Thor's perplexed voice rang out.

"Well, uh. I cam to help?" I said, trying to find an excuse. I can feel people judging me right now! Stop! Alright, what would you do if you suddenly teleported near an Asgardian god and he asked for why and how you did it, but you don't want to get in trouble nor reveal too many of your abilities? Hah? See it's not that simple!

"Who are you, Midgardian?" Loki asked, looking at me warily. I was a variable he had not expected, so it wasn't surprising.

"Well I go by many names-" I said trying to do a mystical introduction comic book style, but I was interrupted.

"Brother Madara quick help me defeat Loki! He seeks to destroy Jotunheim!" Thor yelled out. I look at him annoyed but do it as getting on Odin's good list for helping his son was always a good idea.

Plus right now I needed to be on Odin's good side as I had barged into Asgard uninvited. This was technically a show of disrespect to Odin. I didn't particularly care as I could kill them all by myself, especially if I use the trump card I have been working on, but I wanted them to do things for me. Making them work for me would be difficult, but with the upcoming Ragnarok, they would need someone to turn to and guess who would just happen to have an Island filled with unused homes, modern technology and the best of foods? ME!

I'm such a genius I think I deserve a pat on the back. It was also one of the reasons I had not opened up my country to the public yet as I planned on using them as a sort of... trial run for aliens to live on Earth. Earth was my main base of operations, and as such, my main fighting force should reside here to protect it. Aliens were much stronger than humans from birth and much easier to train. My citys would be a way to ease humans into cooperating with species from other planets.

And since I managed stuff like this because I was the manager or whatever of outer space affairs, I would gain more and more influence the more aliens came to live in my cities. They would also be living on my property, meaning that the government could not do anything about it. (I think that's how it works anyway)

Even if they tried, I had a full team of hungry lawyers just waiting to make me proud. Hehe, the world government wouldn't know what hit them with all the lawsuits coming there way!

Anyway, I have rambled on explaining my plans back to the fight. (Yeah sorry about the rambling I just wanted to explain that bit in more detail. I think I deserve an ice cream for thinking of this and so far ahead aswell. I am genius)

"Hey, Loki, right? How about we do this peacefully?" I ask. If Odin asks me if I gave him a chance, I did not want to say no.

"Hahaha, Midgardian what can you do? Your weak species can not ever dream of matching the power of a god!" Loki boasted.

Damn, he is getting on my nerves. "Explosion style: 10 million years of pain!" I yelled out using my own signature version of Kakashi's technique.

I Kamui's behind him and stuck my finger into his ȧss. I placed an explosion seal there.

"AHHH! You pathetic human that really-" Loki was cut off.

"BOOM!" A small explosion happened.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Loki screamed and went flying. He would have died or at least had his bowels exploded if not for him being Asgardian. But his buŧŧ looked a bit scorched. I could tell because only clothes covered his buŧŧ region no armor to increase mobility and because of the explosion his clothes also... Disappeared.

"AHHHH! MIDGARDIAN YOU HAVE SULLIED MY ASS! AHHHH!" Loki cried while holding his ȧss in pain and rolling around while screaming.

I could bȧrėly contain my laughter. Then Thor said, "Madara that technique was... scary. But we need to stop the Bifrost from destroying Jotunheim! Get Loki away from the bridge as I destroy it!" Thor yelled.

"Ok!" I currently had no way of accessing the Bifrost. But if I could aid in its reconstruction, I might be able to slip Jarvis into it. Because technology and magic in Asgard were one and the same, it might work. It wouldn't hurt to try, and it would at least let me see whenever the Bifrost is used that is definite.

I quickly picked up a still screaming Loki and oops... I guess I dropped him. Oh well!

In the destruction of the Bifrost bridge, I might have gotten a shock and... Dropped the still screaming Loki. He was currently ignoring his pain and nȧkėd ȧss and holding on to the edge of the bridge.

And I TOTALLY Didn't drop him on purpose.

At that moment Odin came and dived for the slipping Loki. Even in old age that bastard was quick. (I am just currently editing it to fit me so don't worry if the chain of events isn't exactly like the movie)

"LOKI NO!" Odin yelled, and Thor also jumped down to try and save Loki. He grabbed Loki's hand, and Thor grabbed Odins. I didn't know where Mjolnir was though it just somehow conveniently disappeared.

Loki, Thor, and Odin had there sad but heartfelt moment and Loki let go and fell into some sort of portal. Odin and Thor grieved, thinking he was dead. Maybe Odin will get a surprise though as he can see all the nine realms from his chair he might also be able to see Loki alive. I don't think he would tell Thor, though.

Finally done talking to each other Odin and Thor turned to me. Thor with a sorrowful look while Odin had a look that was both sorrowful, wary of me and tired from the many years of life he has experienced all weighing on him.

"You Midgardian, who are you?"

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