Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 55 - Asgardian Feast!

"Madara Uchiha... So uhh I know you guys are mourning and everything but I just sort of had to help you to destroy my only way back to Earth..." I lied. I could get back whenever I wanted, but they would feel guilty if I couldn't. "So uh can I stay here for a bit? Please?" I said, trying my luck.

"It does not look like you have much choice Midgardian. Tell me, what was your purpose coming here in the first place?" Odin asked. I guess he couldn't sense my arrival because of his awakening from Odinsleep.

"How did you get here in the first place anyway?" Thor asked, confused as he did not see me in the Bifrost.

"Didn't you see me? I said I would help, so I came!" I lied through my teeth. Thor was nice, but he was so dumb and forgetful he would probably forget where his own head was if it wasn't so loud!

"Did I? Anyway, Madara thank you for your help! If it wasn't for you, I might have been able to defeat Loki!" I knew that was not true, but I definitely didn't want to correct him right now. Every single bit of pity, guilt, and thankfulness would right now. I don't think the Asgardians will accept me. So I will need to build up a good reputation.

"Yeah, it's nothing. To answer your question Odin I heard Asgard and Thor were in trouble and you weren't awake. I mean no offense but not even I can match up to that level of laziness." I grumbled the last part. I prided myself in my laziness, and I hated to admit defeat too of someone who wasn't a bear. Bear's hibernated, so they technically counted as lazy. But Odin fell asleep for much longer usually. I wish I could sleep that long!

"What?" Odin asked, confused.

"Nothing. Anyway, what will I do until I can go back to Asgard?" I asked.

"You helped defeat Loki, so we will allow you to stay in the palace. But be warned that we cannot fully trust you so you will be put under watch." Odin informed me. Well, at least he was honest about it and not like that pirate wannabe Fury who always tries too hard to be sneaky.

"Thank you, your highness," I said and did a short bow filled with absolutely no respect. Odin just stared at me with those tired and weary eyes.

"HAHA! Madara we will drink tonight to celebrate your arrival! And to honor Loki!" Thor yelled. Ya, I learned that they didn't mourn the dead after a battle straight away and spent another couple of days partying and drinking beer first then mourning the dead. I wasn't quite sure I liked the custom as negative emotions like that and alcohol didn't work together well, and you would probably end up doing something you regret.

"Yeah, sure... Anyway, Odin even though I do not have much experience in magic, I am at the top of my world in science and can help with rebuilding the Bifrost. Of course, I will not do this for free, and I would request you to teach me some Asgardian magic." I asked. This wasn't my true goal, but there was this thing in psychology where they said you should ask for something ridiculous first and then ask for the thing less ridiculous and what you actually wanted. Then whatever you ask for second will sound much less ridiculous compared to the first request.

"No. Asgardian magic will only be taught to Asgardians. And how will I even know if what you say is true? You might be at the top of your planet in science, but Asgardian science is much more advanced than anything your planet could ever come up with." Odin said with a frown and clear condescension.

"I ȧssure you my skills are very adequate. In fact, I believe this was something designed by a subordinate of mine." I said and pulled out an Arc Reactor from what looked like inside my cloak - I wore a big dark green cloak to hide my weapons which Madara taught me to use - but it was actually from inside Kamui.

"This is an Ark Reactor (The one with the Badassium. Or whatever Tony decided to name it) It can power half of Asgard by itself, and I happen to have about 23 on me. Don't ask why. Gerry, my favorite smoothie machine needs a lot of power. Any way I can implement much more advanced technology into the Bifrost, even putting in a system that can recognize enemies from allies and will not let them pass." I said with a bragging tone. Of course, it would just be Jarvis who differentiated Allie from enemies. It would be good if I could get permission for putting Jarvis into the Bifrost just in case I was found out, I could say I was allowed to.

"I shall consider it. Let us head back to the palace and prepare the feast." Odin said which got a happy yell from Thor.

So we headed over to the banquet hall. The warrior three and Sif were already waiting there. They saw me but seeing that Thor and Odin didn't say anything, they also kept their mouths shut about my presence.

I inwardly sighed in relief but didn't put my guard down as I knew Sif would question how I got here later. After all, I did plan on getting close to her on this visit. I will quote my father in this life and say [Do the dance with no pants] He was a goofball. Good times. That was Dad's excuse for when I caught him and mom doing it anyways. I pretended to buy into it at the time, but I knew this would be great blackmail material.

Remember when parents talked about your childhood in front of your friends, and they would always show pictures? I would always discretely mention the [dance with no pants] to them before they tried to do that and the blushed and stopped what they were doing instantly. Sure it might be wrong to blackmail my parents but... This was just too good to let go.

"Hey, guys! How has it been? I heard you guys were throwing a party and I didn't want to miss out so here I am!" I yelled over to them. They were currently drinking beer out of some of the largest beer glasses I had ever seen.

"HAHAHAHA! Madara, it is good to see you! Come drink! Talk with us! I shall tell you the story of how I defeated the giant Gorg!" The fat guy yelled. I forgot his name.

I sort of got nervous at that. Not because I didn't want to listen to the story but because...

-- Two minutes later! --

"HAHAHAHA! Madara, it's only been two minutes, and you are already drunk!" The fat guy laughed.

'Why does Madaras alcohol tolerance suck so much?'

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