Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 57 - Fighting Thor

'What will we do about Destroyer?' Shirou asked.

'We will allow him to run rampant in Kamui for a bit longer. We cannot afford to let the Asgardians know we have a way off Asgard yet.' Madara said.

'He is right. We can only try and accelerate the Bifrost's creation. The first Avenger's movie where they fight Thor will soon start. Plus I don't want to miss Ant-Man because that's a good chance to get Hank Pym under my control.' I said.

'True. He will be invaluable, especially if we can get Tony to find a way to incorporate it into our suit. Becoming 60 feet tall sounds handy, but we can already become bigger when we turn into Kurama. The thing that intrigues me the most is the ability to become small. Stealth would be a thing of the past.' I said with a grin. Ninja Techniques + Small size = unfindable.

'Madara I think it's time we start training again. If we can go into that battle arena we saw earlier and make our way to the top we would have the respect of the Asgardians, making it much easier for us to control them covertly.' I said.

'Yes. Make sure not to show them any of the trump cards we have and just what you have already shown. So the explosion style and the Hiraishin. I am sure Sif has already informed Odin of the time you teleported with her. Instead of revealing that as Kamui say it was Hiraishin.' Madara says.

It would make sense. No one would be able to question it, and even if they knew I could teleport, they would not suspect that I could teleport back to Midgard. That was a skill only people with power near or higher than Odin's had.

'I would suggest also showing off your strongest weapons. They would know that you are holding back if you fight with nothing but your hands. Use the Sword of Totsuka if need be.' Orochimaru said. I wasn't surprised he wanted me to use that sword AGAIN! The guy apparently spent all of his life searching for it but never found it. When he found out it was in Itachi's possession when he died, he would not stop bugging me to use it when we came to the Marvel universe.

'Fine.' I said back giving up. I liked the sword to so I didn't mind. I mean a sword made out of sake is just super cool! Plus the Asgardians would love to see a sword made out of alcohol!

-- At the battle arena --

"Hey Thor, Sif and thing 1 through 3" I greeted them.

The warrior three just grunted in annoyance while Sif gave me a beaming smile. Her smile, though was somehow outmatched by Thors who gave me a massive eye to eye smile and came in for a bear hug.

"Madara! Have you come to fight?!" Thor questions excitedly. "Come, let me be your sparring partner! Thor says without even getting confirmation.

"Hey w-" I try and protest as Thor drags me away to a training field. "HELP! This guy is harassing me!" I yell out.

Thor looks at me quizzically. "What is harassing?"

I tried to facepalm but I couldn't as Thors muscular hands were currently pulling my slender - I had hidden muscles - hands. "Nevermind lets just fight."

Thor brought me to the training field. He stood on the opposite side of where I stood and looked at me eagerly. "Madara are you ready to fight?" He yells out.

"One second!" I yell out and pull the Sword of Totsuka out from my [cloak]. Actually, it was my Kamui, but they didn't need to know that.

"Madara why are you bring out a whɨnė gourd!? I thought we were fighting, not drinking!" Thor yells confused. I chuckle.

"This is my blade. It is called the sword of Totsuka!" I yell, and out of the whɨnė, gourd comes liquid in the shape of a sword.

Thor looks like he is just holding in his laughter. I was going to wipe that grin off his face!

"Thor are you ready? Three. Two. One. GO!" I yell and dash off at incredible speeds. Thor seems slightly surprised at that. To him, I was just some Midgardian, and I should not possess this speed that he can bȧrėly follow with his eye.

"AAAAAHH!" Thor yelled a battle cry as he twirled his hammer. I gripped the Sword of Totsuka tightly. This will really hurt!

I felt my hands hardening as Thor came barreling toward me at breakneck speeds. Eyes focused on my target. I drew my sword back and swung with everything I had.

Thor's hammer collided with my sword head-on. "BANG!" A sound was made as a shockwave spread into our surroundings. I felt the grass at my feet blowing away from us.

We stood locked in place. Both of us trying to gain the upper hand by trying to push the other away with pure physical strength. I was unsurprisingly losing. Even after all of my training, my physical strength still didn't match an Asgardians. To be fair, he was one of the strongest capable of taking a hit from Hulk and standing back up.

"AHHH!" Thor yelled and put all his strength behind his hammer. His feet were now on the ground, and cracks formed around us as we pushed each other.

I used his sudden increase in strength against him and ducked while loosening my grip on the Totsuka Blade. He fell forward directly over me. I thrust my hand into the sky using two fingers only. My fingers connected with his armor right above hid stomach.

Thor continued on his path and fell on the ground, regaining his balance two meters away from me. "Why did you not punch harder Madara? Are you looking down on me?" Thor asks, confused.

I just chuckle. I had activated a timed explosive seal giving me enough time to taunt him. "Not exactly. Bye, Thor!" I said with a cheerful expression.

"Wha- BOOOM!" An explosion rang out, and Thor was rocketed in the opposite direction of me. He flew all the way across the training field until he collided with a tree. "SNAP!" The tree broke in half, and he kept hurdling toward the next one.

Three more broken trees later and he finally managed to stop himself. "Huff. Huff. What. Huff. Was tha- Huff. That?!" Thor yells at me in between short breaths.

"An explosion obviously!"

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