Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 59 - Courting Sif

"Ok. Jarvis, I want you to scan the designs of this place. Set up a bunch of cameras and microphones everywhere using whatever scrap metals you can find. Also, put a tracker chip on anyone entering or exiting the Bifrost." I whispered some instructions to Jarvis while I worked.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis reply came over the speaker in my collar. I just hope that Heimdall only has an all-seeing eye and not an all-hearing ear. I always wondered about the all-seeing eye thing, though. Is it like 24/7 being able to watch p*rn or what? Can you just peek on your crush and stuff? Where do I get this all-seeing eye?

'He's starting to sound like Jiraiya sensei dad!' Naruto mȯȧnėd.

'Shut it brat. Jiraiya was a man of culture!' I defended Jiraiya.

'Culture? That guy? As if!' Naruto retorted.

'Jiraiya was a legendary figure who wrote the best set of books in history!' Kakashi said.

'THEY WERE ALL JUST PORN!' Naruto practically yelled.

'I'm sorry JUST pȯrn?! Those books are legendary works which are on par r even better than what legendary writers such as Jules Verne wrote! It isn't just pȯrn. It's a literary masterpiece!' Kakashi said, and if he had a face right now, I am sure he would be on his knees praising to the Icha Icha books.

'If there will ever be an Icha Icha religion, it's probably that speech that will have started it.' Edward jokes.

'Hoho I think that the Harry Potter books were the best. And that guy named Dumbledore he was the coolest!' Dumbledore compliments himself.

'Y-Yea!' Neville says.

'Sometimes I can't tell the difference between you and Quirrell.' Obito tells Neville.

Neville just whimpers in response.

'Anyway, what are we going to do now? We are stuck here while Tony is going through the second Iron Man movie and Peter is going to have to go through the first Spider-Man movie soon!' Shirou points out a problem.

'It's alright. With my help, we will be able to come back home in... About a week. Until then, we can gather information on the magic they use. And hopefully, meet the Dwarves. I heard whispers that the ambassador was being sent here to show his sincerity in regards to what happened with Loki. There king Eitri is apparently also coming a bit after that to attend the mourning of Loki. I suppose it's because of him trying to keep his excellent relationship to the king Odin and show his support in Asgards time of loss. Because I don't think Eitri really ever cared about Loki that much.' I reasoned.

The dwarves were sending an ambassador ahead which would arrive tomorrow, and a day after that the king would arrive. I would finally get to meet the dwarves! Also, if I can place a tracker chip on them, I will know exactly where Nidavellir is. I would be able to find it again when I go out to space to see the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. I do not see anyway though to get them to work for me without using force. Even if I try and bribe them, it would take a MASSIVE! Bribe to do so which I was not willing to give. They were a stubborn race. So I will have to brainwash them eventually.

Until then though I am just going to relax and spend some time with Sif.

Now having finished my days work - I had been working on it for six hours - I headed back to the palace where Odin had a room arranged for me. I wanted to steal everything in it because half of it was made out of gold, but I held myself back. But damn it was hard.

"Madara!" I heard a distinctively, feminine voice behind me. Sif approached me from behind with a gorgeous smile on her face. I smiled back.

"Hey Sif, how is it going?" I asked her.

"Pretty go-" I cut her off.

"Want to go on a date?" I blurted out. MY plan to fluster her worked but not in the way I expected.

"What is a date?" She asks, confused.

Now it was my turn to be confused. "Do Asgardians not know what a date is? You know find someone you like and then bring them out to spend some personal alone time with them?" I asked. She shook her head. Suddenly Sif stopped shaking her head and started blushing furiously. I guess she realized the implications of what a date meant.

"S-SO you l-like m-e?" She stutters out red-faced. I was sort of surprised at her reaction, though. I liked her yes, but I honestly thought she liked Thor and I was just taking a shot at it.

"Yup," I replied back with a triumphant smile.

'HA! Take that Thor your manly charms can't match up to my good looks!' I celebrated inwardly.

Thor suddenly sneezed and felt the need to pummel Madaras face in. But he had no idea why. So he just started working out to get his body more muscular.

"A-And you want to spend some a-alone time with me?" She was bȧrėly speaking in a whisper now and staring at the ground. CUTE!

"Yup-" Was all I could say.

"YAY! Let's go, let's go! We shall go to the arena!" She yells excitedly. I am now utterly confused. Did she actually not understand what a date was?

"Ohh wait you probably don't know about this but in Asgard, if you want to court a woman you have to go out onto the field of battle and slay more enemies than her!" Sif explained. "Or just fight her in a spar and if you win, you can court the women because it shows you have the strength to protect and provide for her!" She exclaims excitedly.

'I understand. Wait does that mean I can just ask any woman to marry me and just make them my woman by defeating them in a spar?' I ask, and a devilish smile appeared on my face. After all, the woman of Asgard were all supermodel standard!

"But the women does have to agree to it," Sif says, destroying all my perverted plans. That is probably why people around here have hundreds of wives depending on how strong they are. (No idea if this is true I am just thinking this stuff up. It would make sense though because Asgard is a warrior race where everyone has super strength and reflexes)

Me and Sif then spent another hour training together until I could finally convince her to go out to get some food with me. She protested a lot because she said it wasn't the proper way to court a woman or something, but I didn't really care anymore.

"Let's go Sif! I heard about this great restaurant or whatever they are called here that serve traditional Xandarian cuisine!"


I noticed that this story has 914k views. I promised that at 1 million views I would release a chapter with 10k words or just 10 chapters each with 1k words. Damn, I now wish I never made that promise.

Anyway, I will do it so you are welcome but it might take me two days not just one so don't expect an upload tomorrow. I will release the chapters before I hit 1 million views because when I get to that point the weekend will already be over and I won't have time to write it.

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