Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 60 - Dwarf King Eitri

Whos in his head - Madara, Itachi, Kurama, Orochimaru, Danzo, Obito, Minato, Kisame, Kakuzu, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Naruto, Shiro Emiya, Edward Elrich, Escanor, and Meliodas.

"So where do you want to go now?" Sif asked me. We had just come out of the restaurant, which was... disgusting. Maybe it was because my taste pallet had only ever eaten things from my planet.

"How about we go over to my bedroom," I said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Why- Oh." She realized what I meant. She started blushing again. "But we are not husband and wife yet! You haven't even challenged me in a duel!" Sif protested.

"Who cares?" I answer nonchalantly. "You can indulge yourself in pŀėȧsurė without being married," I told her. "I've done it tons of times." Crap I shouldn't have said that.

Sif seems to suddenly go icy cold. "WHO!? I will fight them for you!" She replies with fighting spirit. To be honest, I thought she would try and fight me here and now. I guess Asgardians are just a competitive people.

"Doesn't matter." I try and get away from the subject as fast as possible. She was going to fixate on it though so I needed to distract her. "You didn't answer my question, though. Want to come over to my place and do some boinking?" I ask with a smirk.

"Boinking?" She asks, confused. I had successfully gotten her distracted with my weird word choice.

"Yeah, boinking. You know make a beast with two backs. Take grandma to Applebees. Slytherin her Hufflepuff." I said with a smile.

"My grandma is dead!" Sif says, offended.

"That's not what I meant, but I am sorry anyway," I reply, hiding my exasperation. Do these people take everything literally? I thought they lives with Loki, a god of tricks! How can they not tell the truth from lies by now?

Speaking of Loki, I have always wanted to wage a prank war against that little prick. I wonder if I can get the directions to Jottunheim? Maybe heat it up a little with some [sunshine] hehe.

"Nevermind. And um y-yeah you can sly-Slytherin my huffle-Hufflepuff." She says shyly. I had never seen this side of her in the movies. I am pretty sure I am the only guy who can get this reaction out of her. She makes me feel special.

-- Two days later arrival of the Dwarven King Eitri --

"King of Dwarfs Eitri has arrived!" The person they sent ahead to announce their arrival announced.

"Odin! It is good to see you old friend!" Eitris loud voice boomed through the throne room.

"It is good to see you as well Eitri. How have you been?" They exchanged pleasantries for a bit. I guess even warriors and giant dwarfs can be nice at times.

"I have come to mourn the loss of Loki. I heard about what happened, and I am truly sorry for you Odin." Eitri says, extending his gratitude to the king. At this point, I was getting really bored, so I pulled out a book and just started reading when no one else was watching.

"..." They blabbered on, and I wasn't listening.

"This is Madara Uchiha he helped us in defeating Loki." Came Odin's voice. I looked up. Oops. They were all staring daggers at me. Especially Odin. Who knew that a one-eyed stare can be so menacing?

'Me. I have been doing them for years, and I have learned they are much more creepy then two-eyed stares.' Kakashi informed me.

"Ohh hey." simply said trying to avoid everyone's angry stares.

"And what could be it that you are reading that is more important than us?" Eitri asked angrily.

"Well, Kakashi said he memorized all of the Icha Icha paradise books, so he wrote those out for - Oh wait that was a rhetorical question wasn't it," I say making everyone stare at me even harder.

However, one of the dwarfs with Eitri seemed to look interested. "Icha Icha paradise? I have read hundreds of thousands of books, and I have never come across that title!" He says earning the angry stares from everyone else in the room.

"Yes, this is something which is from Midgard! Its storyline is very good, and it even has some -" I got cut off.

"Enough! This meeting was about Lokis death, not a book club!" Odin raised his voice so high it seemed like a yell, but at the same time, it still felt like he was talking normally. How do you do that?

"Hmpf no one understands the true value of books." I hear the dwarf say and I nod.

In my head me, Kakashi, Madara, Dumbledore, Orochimaru, and Kakuzu who through his long life, had read a LOT of books. Shikamaru also seemed interested, but he said it was too troubling like everything else in life. Kakashi and I weren't really part of the book club though cause we just talked between each other about all the po- Really good books we read. The conversations aren't very long, though because when he lives in my head and sees everything I do, then he has read everything I have.

After that was a long and boring meeting filled with pleasantries and at the end, drinking. I am pretty sure it is Asgardian tradition that when you leave a room, you have to drink with whoever is inside it first. Their alcohol tolerance is crazy though so if they didn't drink this much, they probably wouldn't be able to get drunk.

I wonder if I can start a beer business here? An idea for the future.

After the meeting, I had arranged with the dwarf they sent ahead that I would meet Eitri tomorrow to discuss some business.

'There is nothing else for me to do here after this meeting. We will leave tomorrow when I finish the Bifrost.

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