Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 61 - Getting a Weapon

Whos in his head - Madara, Itachi, Kurama, Orochimaru, Danzo, Obito, Minato, Kisame, Kakuzu, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Naruto, Shiro Emiya, Edward Elrich, Escanor, and Meliodas.

"Madara, what business have you to discuss with me?" Eitri asked me. We were currently in his private room.

"I want you to teach me how to forge," I ask, straightforward.

"No." He replies flatly.

"I can-" I try to bargain, but I am cut off.

"No. These are all secret dwarf techniques which have been passed down to us from our ancestors, and they got it from their ancestors and so on. We cannot show it to an outsider." He tells me, shutting down all possibilities of me learning how to forge there. I knew that there was nothing I could do to convince them.

"Very well then I would instead request you to make me a weapon," I say. I had tons of weapons, but none of them felt... right. Madaras Gunbai was nice but just didn't fit with me. The Sword of Totsuka was my favorite, but even that was just a bother because you have to constantly drag around a wine casket with you. It wasn't hard it just gets in your way a lot.

"What could a Midgardian offer me in return?" He asks not rejecting the idea but not accepting it.

"Vibranium," I reply simply and smile as Eitris eyes seem to light up. He quickly suppresses it, though.

"Uhh that is an interesting offer, but I am sorry that is not enough. Plus you have not specified how much of this - I think you Midgardians call it Vibranium - you will give me." Eitri says, trying to suppress the greed in his eyes.

Even in space, Vibranium was a VERY rare commodity. Wakanda having as much as they did, was simply insane. With the amount they had, they could probably buy maybe two galaxies.

"Well, Eitri I could supply you with 20 kgs of Vibranium." )I have no idea how much he has so I am making stuff up. If it is not accurate, please forgive me) "And I want you to use it and combine it with Uru to make an enchanted Vibranium short sword. Then there should be enough Vibranium left to make whatever you want to make." I said with a smile at Eitris greedy expression.

"*Cough* That is good, but I will need mo-" Eitri was about to say, but I cut him off.

"Do not take me for a fool. I know exactly what the worth of Vibranium is (No I don't) and it is worth it to make this weapon for me." I say with a glare. I wanted this weapon.

"I will design it all you have to do is make it," I say and at this Eitri looked mad.

"Do you not trust in our capabilities to design weapons?" He asks angrily.

"I never said that. Do you know what a Tanto is?" I ask with a smile.

"Tanto? No never heard of it." He says, confused.

"Well, then it looks like it would be better for me to design the weapon," I reply with a smile, knowing I had just won that argument.

Eitri grumbles some stuff about disrespect and him being a king.

"Very well then what did you have in mind?" He asks finally after a bit of grumbling.

"Well, I already have the design of the blade here. I want you to leave the handle of the sword alone but could you please enchant the blade with this?" I ask and pull out a picture with a list of enchantments next to it.

List of enchantments:

Does not dull


Extreme lightning conduction

Wind resistance does not affect it

Extra kinetic energy absorbing

That was everything I needed. I was going to add in some more stuff by myself with seals like making it repair itself with blood. Also, Madara and Minato had been trying for years to get a chakra absorbing blade.

"This can be done. But I want another 5 kg of Vibranium for these enchantments. Also, why do you want me to leave the handle alone?" Eitri asked.

I simply smiled. "I have my own way of adding enchantments which you can not replicate. And I cannot give you another 5kg of Vibranium because after I give you the 20 kg, I will only have two left." I lie.

He looks at me warily but knows if he were to try and see if I was lying or not, I would be offended and accuse him of thinking I was a dishonest person. With the pride, the Asgardians and Dwarfs had that was a much bigger deal here.

"Very well we will take the 2kg then," Eitri says grumbling.

I pretend to look conflicted. "*Sigh* Very well even though it pains my heart to do this I will accept. But in exchange for me giving you the last of my Vibranium I want you to use only the purest of Uru and have only the best of enchanters (Not sure if that is what they are actually called) to enchant my blade." I say feigning a resigned and pained expression.

Eitri scowls. "Very well." He still does as I ask, though. I know he will not go back on his word because of his pride even if he does though I recorded that whole conversation. He would be in a world of trouble if it got out that the King of the Dwarves lied and swindled someone in a business deal.

I hold out my hand for a handshake. "It was good doing business with you, Eitri," I say. I pull out the Vibranium from inside my cloak. It was really just inside my Kamui dimension. "Here is the Vibranium."

He shakes my hand and grabs the Vibranium package. "Thank you, Madara. And I hope we can keep a friendly relationship in the future." He says with a smile. He might suspect that I lied about the amount of Vibranium I have left and was trying to be nice to get it in the future.

'Hahaha! I planted the tracking chip without him knowing. But I will have to do more to learn of the Dwarfs forging techniques. I still have a couple of years before Thanos kills them all and I want to stop that and have them enslaved by me.' I laugh in my head.

After I walk out of the room, I speak to Jarvis. "Jarvis send 50 cloaked spy drones after them. Have them sneak onto there ship, and when you get to Nidavelir, I want you to record everything they forge and how they forge it. I suspect that they also have a forging school for the young ones so infiltrate that aswell and record everything that the instructors say. Send it all to me. Also, have some of the drones map out Nidavelir for me. I want to know where everything is." I say with an evil grin.

"I will learn how to forge from them. Even if they don't know it themselves!'

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