Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 63 - Quest to Hel

"I have a daughter named Hela. She rebelled against me, and I imprisoned her in Hel. The details are not important, but I wish for you to go and... stop her." Odin said.

"Hela? You mean the goddess of death?" I ask, shocked. This didn't happen in the movie! "Why don't you just go and stop her from whatever she is doing yourself?" I ask, knowing the answer.

"I cannot. In my old age, I have become weak. Hela is as strong as I was in my prime. As I am now, I have no chance of stopping her. When I die in a few years, she will be released from her prison." Odin told me.

"Wait, she is imprisoned?" I fake ignorance. "But I thought you wanted me to stop her? What am I meant to stop her doing then?" I ask this time genuinely confused.

"I can not allow Hela to leave her prison. Asgard is currently being seen as weak, and wars are raging everywhere. We have not been able to do anything yet because the Bifrost was destroyed, but now that it is fixed we can stop it. But if I die in the middle of trying to bring peace to the nine realms and Hela escapes then all of that hard work will be for nothing." He says. I see.

"So do you want me to kill her?" I ask him.

"No. Not unless you absolutely have to. I have not given up hope on my daughter yet even after thousands of years. I ask of you to try and... make her see the fault in her actions." He says.

"Odin killing her is going to be hard enough." I lie. "But you also want me to try and get her to see reason? That is much harder, and I am afraid that the risk does not match the reward." I tell him trying to gain more.

"What else do you want? I will do whatever it takes to stop Hela." Odin tells me. Perfect. This is precisely what I wanted.

"An apple of Idun. Also for my magic teacher, I want Amora." I tell him. This was going to be great. I get my lifespan extended by over two thousand years and get Amora as a magic teacher! All I have to do is brainwash Hela to pretend she repents for what she did and has seen her wrongdoings. Since Thor does not want to be king and Odin will not allow Loki, she will be the best candidate. Meaning I have a brainwashed queen of Asgard on my side, a happy Thor for bringing back his sister and when I get around to it a brainwashed king of Jottunheim Loki!

That is three realms already under my control if you include Midgard. Plus I can find Egos planet by finding Peter and absorb Egos seed of divinity and get control over the planet! I would have a planet under my control, three realms and in Marvel, you can literally buy a galaxy! If I can get enough money, I can buy whatever planets I want!

"..." Odin did not answer for a while. He was thinking over the proposition. "I will give you Amora as your magic teacher and the apple of Idun only if you manage to make Hela see her wrongdoings." He bargains. I give him a smile.

"Deal." I simply said.

"Very well. You will depart tomorrow-" I cut Odin off.

"I am afraid I cannot. I have an important matter to attend too on Midgard. After that, I will come back here where I must meet the Dwarfs first. Then I shall go on this quest. You still have a couple years of life left I am sure you can hold on for that long." I say.

Odin seems to think for a split second then says, "Very well. Get ready for the feast tonight. Also, take this. It is a silencing rune. When you place it on a wall in a room, it makes sure no sound gets out." Odin tells me.

"Why would you give me this?" I ask, confused.

"No reason. On an unrelated note, how is Sif doing?" He asks with a cheeky smile.

"..." I didn't know what to say to that. Did he hear Sif and I the last two nights?

"Go now. I hope to see you at the banquet tonight." Odin says and dismisses me. I quietly leave the hall. After I leave, I swear to god I could hear Odin laughing!

-- Banquet --

"CHEERS!" Everyone in the hall yells. I smile at this. Asgardians sure know how to party I will give them that.

I was standing at the side of the banquet hall with an arm around Sif announcing to all the world that we were a couple. I guess they already know actually...

"MADARA! DRINK WITH ME! LETS SEE IF YOU ARE AS GOOD AT FIGHTING AS YOU ARE AT DRINKING!" Thor yells into my ear while he was standing half a meter away. I rub my sėnsɨtɨvė ears in pain.

"You don't have to yell! And ya sure I will drink with you. But can you keep up with me?" I ask giving a cheeky smile to Thor.

"HAHAHAHA!" Thor and everyone else in the room laughs loudly. "Bold words from a Midgardian! Let us see if you can truly back it up!" Thor says. "I am the third-best Beer drinker in Asgard! Tales are told about my ability to chug down drinks!" Thor brags to me while we sit down and get our cups filled.

"HA!" I laugh at that. After all, I can eat 40 Pizzas just for lunch. A Shinobis appetite is humungous, and they never gain any fat either! Plus Kurama can give me his chakra and boost my immune system to ungodly levels!

"Ready, set. GO!" Everyone yelled, and I put the Jug up to my mouth and just let all the beer naturally flow down my throat. I didn't even swallow or anything. I had put chakra barriers above the part of the throat, which leads to the lungs. All of the beer just went straight into my stomach.

"Madara is winning!" Someone yelled out.

"He isn't even swallowing!" Someone else yelled.

Sif was behind me holding onto my shoulder and supporting me.

Two seconds later, I had downed the whole thing and set it down on the table while Thor was only halfway through. I breathed in sharply and laughed in glee.

"HAHAHA! What was that about third-best in Asgard Thor? It looks like you are fourth now!"

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