Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 64 - Return to Earth

"Must you go?" Sif asked me sadly. We had spent the night together in a final stand.

"Yes. But I promise I will come back soon. After all, I still need to challenge you to that wedding duel." I said with a reassuring smile.

"I will hold you to that then," Sif said and smiled bitterly at me. I gave her a peck on the forehead to show my affection.

"Umm." Thor stammers out from behind us.

"Yes?" I ask, annoyed at being interrupted. I turn around to face Thor.

"About... Jane. Will you tell her that I am sorry, but I will not be able to come back for a while because of-" he was going to continue, but I cut him off.

"I will tell her if she asks. But you need to explain it to her yourself cause there is no way that I am getting in between you two. Plus as long as you promise that you will come back to see her, she will wait for you." I said, feeling bad for Jane. But it needed to be done otherwise hundreds of thousands of lives will be lost.

"Thank you. I shall miss you, Madara. What time will you be back?" Thor asks me a smile blossoming on his face.

"Soon. I still have some things I need to do on Earth, but I will come back within the next month." I told him, and he beamed at that.

"I wish you the best of luck then Madara!" Thor says cheerily. There was hardly anything that could get this man down for long.

"You too, Thor. And-" I got cut off by the arrival of a certain king.

"Madara!" Odin said with his usual loud voice.

"Odin. What brings the king of Asgard here? Don't tell me you have warmed up to me and have come to see me off!" I said with a grin.

"Perhaps." He said with his own smile. "Never the less I am here now. I wish you good luck." He said. It didn't feel right, though because he put no emotion into his voice.

"Thank you, Odin. I wish you good luck in restoring the Nine Realms into a peaceful state." I said with a smile.

He gives me what I came to call the [Odin look] It is a mix between scary and expressionless.

I walk over to the Bifrost with everyone behind me to see me off. It truly was a picture-perfect scene. A god king, god prince, warriors three, Sif my future wif and Heimdall all in a room made out of gold which overlooks the vast galaxy. I took a moment to enjoy it and take it all in.

"Bye!" I said with a massive smile. Heimdall stuck his sword inside of... Whatever that thing was, and a rainbow of different lights came out of it. I felt myself get suċkėd into the rainbow of colors and swept away down towards my home planet.

-- Back on Earth --

"Master." Natasha walked forward to greet me as I landed down. Heimdall had been considerate enough to put me where I had told him too.

"Hey, Nat." I walked up to her and gave her a kiss. "How has it been?"

"Alright. We managed to track down Reed, and he is currently in Jamaica which he traveled to by boat. He has a keen mind and good survival instincts. We have already gotten him surrounded twice, but both times he snuck away with his stretchy powers." Natasha reported as she snuggled into my ċhėst.

"Good. It looks like it is time for me to go and pay him a visit myself then! Also, Jarvis download all the files about the Quantum teleporter onto my phone. I am going to get Doom within this week." I said, not bothering to hide the fact Doom was alive. I did, however, hide the fact that I only wanted it done this weak was because next week the Spider-Man movie starts. Also Tony just went through the second Iron Man movie, which I made sure of.

I also got Tony though to hijack the robots instead of destroying them. I wasn't expecting this either but guess what Ivan was alive! (I think Ivan was his name. Correct me if I am wrong)

Ivan Vanko was currently in a cell underneath a warehouse. I had a lot of prisons underneath warehouses. Don't judge me. It is what every cliche supervillain would do I am just following in there footsteps and honoring their name.

'HAHAHAHA! Thanks!' Joker said, taking what I said as a joke. Like he always does.

'No problem.' I reply with my own grin. Hey, he sort of rubs off on you. His craziness is infectious. I am just lucky Kakashi's craziness is what I had most affinity with. I did not want to turn into the next Joker. Killing without reason is stupid. I did not mind killing because I had done it before, and I was a trained Shinobi. The killing was part of the job description. Not that I got paid or anything for it...

"This is his exact location," Nat said and pulled up a screen showing a video of Reed tinkering on an ancient ŀȧptop.

'Time to turn into Tobi.' I thought and Kamuid away. I came out in Reeds room without making a sound and wearing the Akatsuki clothes along with the spiral mask. I had also turned into Obito, so my hair matched Tobis.

"Hey, buddy, what ya doing?" I let Obito take control of my body because he was used to acting as Tobi. "You seem pretty good at that stuff don't ya," Obito says as more of a statement.

"AHHH!" Reed yelled and threw the wrench he was holding straight at Tobi's face. Obito let it hit.

"OWW! What was that for? Cant a guy sneak up to anther guy and compliment them these days?" Tobi asks angrily.

"You- Who are you!?" Reed asks frantically.

"It is rude to ask someone's name without telling them your own first," Tobi said and crossed his arms as if he was telling off a child.

"Uh..." Reed stutters surprised at the turn of events.

"Calm down. It is not as if a crazy masked guy just walked into your office right? Oh, wait..."

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