Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 68 - Easy Battle

"Victor, is that really you?" Sue asks aghast as a bit of [accidental] wind which I may have summoned myself with a wordless Jutsu. I may have not saying I did.

"Yes. But I don't know where that wind came from because it is hardly ever windy and when it is there is always a storm." Victor says, confused.

I try and distract him from that. "How have you survived all this time?"

He smiles. "I... lived off the land." He says cryptically. But I did not care because my mission to distract was a success.

"Victor, we came to bring you back!" Jonny says happily. Reed just keeps quiet like he has this entire trip though.

I can see he is in disbelief about the state of Victor. I do not blame him though because he looked pretty creepy right now.

"I do not want to go back! This is my home now." Victor says, gesturing around him. I sigh I guess I will have to bring him back with force.

"Then I guess I will have to bring you back myself," I say using a classic hero line.

"You can try-" Reed gets sent flying away, and where he used to be I was standing with my hand in what used to be the spot where Vicor stood.

"What was that? I could not hear you because I was too busy punching you!" I say and inwardly laugh at the furious Victor 10 meters away from me now.

"What power is that? Super speed?" Victor questions.

Deciding to humor him a bit, I tell him about it. "No. My power is called insane adaption. Well actually I keep renaming it, but that is the gist of it. Boosting physical speed and strength is just an adaption my body is used to doing by now." I said with a grin. During the time I was in Asgard, I did not spend my time only partying and working on the Bifrost. I also practiced getting the adaption speed lower for some of my adaptions.

During that practice time, I noticed that my body had gotten so used to doing some of them. I could do it without even needing to be in a threatening circumstances. My body had gotten so used to doing it on its own it was like activating a sixth sense whenever I wanted. Wait no seventh sense. Spidey sense was my sixth sense.

"I see. Truly impressive Aaron." Victor compliments me as if he wasn't just thrown ten meters away by one of my punches before he could even react.

He stands up and spreads his hands out. Green energy comes out of his hands and forms a shield around his body. "What will you do now? These energy shields are impenetrable and- UGH!" He gets sent flying again.

"Sorry, you were saying something about impenetrable?" I ask innocently as I once again stand where Victor stood not even a second ago. I had punched straight at him, and my body had quickly adapted to the electricity around it.

It only took my body 0.6 seconds. It should be less as I had trained my lightning invulnerability a lot, but I guess there is a difference; however, slight between Victor's green electricity and ordinary electricity sent out by a super-powered tazor.

"YOU!" Victor says, very angry now.

"What about me? Do I have something stuck between my teeth?" I mock him.

"You will pay for this! I am your DOOM!" Victor yells. I roll my eyes at the cliche supervillain line.

"God, how often do you use those cliche movie lines you seem to love so much?" I ask mockingly.

Doom got angrier and instead of answering just sent a bolt of green electricity straight toward me. I fake a yawn and simply take the pain for a little bit before my body re-adapts to the green electricity.

"I am bored," I say and sprint behind Victor. Before he can do anything else, I chop the back of his head anime style and hoist him over my shoulder. "Can we go now?"

All the others stare at me in shock. "How- How did you do that?" Reed is the first to speak up.

"I told you about my power, did I not?" I ask, annoyed.

"Now let us go!" I say and walk toward the teleporter that we came from.

"Are you guys coming or what?" I say bringing the Fantastic Four out of there stance.

"Y-yeah!" Jonny says and quickly runs over to his cabin and straps himself in. Ben, Sue, and Reed soon follow as I stick Victor inside an extra cabin. It was the only one we brought extra. That they knew about anyway.

While the others were busy strapping themselves in, I whispered into my collar, "Jarvis, did you send the drones out?"

"Yes, sir, they are currently flying out in every direction and picking up samples from any knew material they find," Jarvis reports.

"Good. If you find any more of the green stuff, I have in my secret lab number 231 get as much of it as possible. I want to know how that connects us to this dimension and how it gave us the ability to gain powers from it." I said. This was something I had wanted to find out for a while.

"That will be done, sir. Anything else?" Jarvis asked respectfully.

"Yes bring 60 pizzas and 20 liters of Pepsi into the private room I arranged earlier for us to celebrate a successful mission in," I said with a smile. It was under that cover anyway, but I was only doing it to get the Fantastic Four away from Doom, so they did not know the truth about what I was going to do to him

"And when all of us are in there start the brainwashing process. I want Doom on my side as soon as possible. It is time my superhero team got a new member!"

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