Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 69 - Finding Kamar Taj

"Jarvis bring Victor into the special cell. Scan his brain for anything different from the normal human brain just in case as well." I said, Jarvis. I had just successfully gotten the Fantastic Four distracted. They were currently in a different room having a party while Reed was probably still sitting in a corner with a smile on his face for being included at least. The guy was so desperate it was sad.

"Yes, sir. Sir Peter Parker, who has not seen your other body Gilgamesh at school today is getting worried." Jarvis informed me.

"Huh? But I thought I left a shadow clone with him?" I ask, confused.

"Yes, sir, you did. But currently, that very shadow clone is at one of your restaurants filling himself to the brim with food. I believe his exact reason for doing so was [F*ck this I am not babysitting a kid anymore! I will just go and get some pizza!]" Jarvis said.

"*Slap*" I slapped my face. Was I really that lazy? I guess I was...

I unsummoned my clone, and thousands of memories came flooding into my head. "HAHAHA! Peters face!" I laughed at one particular memory where Peter was trying to improve his Web-Slinger Fluid and it going boom.

"Anyway back to the party I am sure the others are wondering what I am doing for so long." I smiled and lazily walked out of the toilet I had used to talk to Jarvis without being seen.

"CHUG!" I walked in and heard Ben yell. I see Ben drinking a liter of Beer in one go! Did this guy's insides get covered in stone too?

He still wasn't as good as me, though. Uchiha, arrogance is infectious.

"AYE!" Everyone yelled when Ben finished drinking it all and slammed his mug on the table.

"This is *hic* great. Thanks, Aaron." Sue said, looking a bit tipsy. I would usually try and take advantage of her drunkenness, but I wanted to develop our relationship in a positive way. Not just me getting her drunk and then [taking responsibility] which was usually just an excuse to have more sėx later.

"No problem. You seem a bit drunk do you want me to bring you to bed?" Oops, it just sort of slipped out.

"No..." Sue didn't say anything else as she fell over into my arms, half asleep. "May-Maybe that would be a good idea..." She said with a small smirk and fell asleep completely.

"Hey *Hic* You are taking advantage of S-Sue!" Reed yelled angrily and to my annoyance jealously. I think I am starting to really not like Reed. First, he abandons his friends and does not even attempt to get them out, and then he tries to steal the girl who obviously has a crush on me?

"Don't worry. I am just going to take her to her bed. I am a gentleman, and I wouldn't try and take advantage of her." I reassured him.

"Liar! You want to..." Reed trailed off and fell asleep on his desk.

"HAHA! You guys are all such lightweights! You can only drink that little!" A very drunken Jonny shouts. I could see that Jonny was also on his last leg.

"Ohh? That's funny coming from you!" I said with a smile and walked over to his angry face and poked his head. He fell over like a log!

"HA." Bens deep voice says. "I GUESS IT IS JUST YOU AND ME, AARON," Ben says with a competitive gleam in his eyes.

"I guess so," I said and pulled up a chair opposite Ben. Ben then clumsily poured us each a mug full of Beer. It felt like that was all I drank now. With the stay in Asgard and everything. It can't be very healthy, though.

"Are you ready?" I ask and raise an eyebrow. I get a nod from Ben as he lifts his mug to his face. I do aswell.

"GO!" Ben says, and we both start chugging as hard as we can.

Six liters of Beer later and Ben was knocked out on the floor while I was standing at the entrance to the room with a triumphant smirk. "Night guys," I say and bring Sues sleeping body over to a spare room and tuck her in. So I might have copped a feel once or twice no big deal.

"Jarvis, is it done?" I asked, walking into the empty hallway.

"Yes sir Victor has been chipped and is now going through the brainwashing process-" Jarvis stopped himself.

"What? What is it?" I asked, confused about why he had stopped.

"Sir, we found it," Jarvis said simply.

"We did? Wait, what did we find?" I was happy at first but then confused again.

"One of the ȧssassins we sent out found the entrance to Kamar Taj in New York. We just started sending cloaked drones too monitor the door for anyone who exits and enters and putting them on record." Jarvis says.

Excitement flashes through my eyes. "Ancient One. Knowing her from the comics, she is already expecting me hehe." I giggle to myself. I wanted that — knowledge of time, the future, and being able to see it. I might have knowledge from the movies and some wiki pages I read online, but that was limited to that universe. This was something else.

I had already created a ripple in time. You know the buŧŧerfly effect right? I am afraid that I have already started something like that. This does not make my knowledge obsolete yet, but... There will be a point where it is useless. That point might still be years away or maybe just months, but it will come. And to be honest that sort of scares me. To not know what will happen exactly and not know how to plan was scary.

'Good thing you have people in your head that can help you make decisions even when you do not know the future.' Itachi says encouragingly.

'Yeah. I guess I do.' I smile and stop myself from cringing at that cliche line. And also that terrible sappy moment.

"Jarvis bring me to Kamar Taj!"

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