Marvel: The Convergence Of Souls

Chapter 70 - Preparing to Summon Shinigami

"Yes, correct. So what is your answer?" Madara asks. Not showing a hint of eagerness on his face.

"Well if you ask so politely I will just have to say yes." The Ancient One says and chuckled slightly. "After all, you have worked very hard to find me. My students find your agents very... annoying." The Ancient One says.

"Yes, I am sorry," Madara says, however, no remorse or regret was heard in his voice. "I would also request a different schedule for teaching because of my... activities from time to time," Madara said.

The Ancient One smirked this time, "I see. Which girl was the one that got your fancy?" She said with a smirk.

"That is none of your business," Madara said.

"All of them? Really that is quite dishonest of you. They don't even know about each other." The Ancient One said a smirk adorning her face.

"Stop guessing." Madara only responded.

"I saw into the future-" The Ancient One was about to protest, but she got cut off.

"No future version of me would show such a weakness to someone as powerful as you," Madara stated with absolute confidence in yourself. This shut the Ancient One up.

"Hehe. You may have free time for now. Goodbye." She said, knowing I would ask for a day off before I started. I was going to try something.

"Kamui!" I said and disappeared.

"This... I have lost sight of him. Interesting person..." The Ancient One trailed off in thought.

-- Secret bunker underneath the surface of the Moon --

"*POOOF*" A massive sound came out as Aaron dispersed all of the shadow clones. A Shadow Clone had previously disappeared, which gave him the information that they were finished.

"So this is what I came up with. I truly am a genius!" I said while looking down at the floor.

On the floor was a massive scroll which had the design for a seal on it. Since I could not personally create seals because of... certain reasons, I just had my clones work out how the technique would work and find the right symbols to use.

'There were not any certain reasons why you cannot create seals! You are just bad! If it weren't for my dad, then you would not even know what most of these symbols even mean!' Naruto pointed out in his usual loud and overly dramatic voice.

'Shut it brat! I can make seals just fine for your information!' I snap back in anger. Seals was one of the few things I was not good at. But my Uchiha pride never let me admit it, so I just say it was for certain reasons.

'Can you let me look at it?' Minato asks obviously trying to divert the conversation and defuse the situation.

Deciding to allow it, I said 'Sure.' and stepped back for a full view of the scroll.

'This could work. It has some problems, but the idea is right. And instead of chaining it why do we not just pierce through its body with metal pillars then hold it down?' Minato said, bringing his own ideas to the table.

'Why did I not think of that? We can use the chakra receivers the Rinnegan gives you the ability to use! I have only ever used it a couple of times, but with Madaras knowledge of it and Orochimaru's knowledge of Biology, we should be able to seal it.' I said with a maniac grin.

We had just thought of this idea. I could not get in touch with Death itself, but someone else who was constantly summoned in the Naruto world would work. Such as the Shinigami itself!

'Hehe, I still can not get over the fact that you named our world after me! I am great, aren't I?' Naruto bragged. The blonde boy had a massive boost in his already large ego when he found out he was the main protagonist of a really popular anime. He would not stop bragging about for a year afterword.

Everyone started bickering in my head. Edward and Naruto were the ones that kept bragging, and everyone else seemed to get mad pretty quick. After all, everyone in my head was pretty eccentric, I guess you could call it, and they all were very... open with there opinions.

'Done.' Minato said, and I noticed a scroll in front of my eyes filled with scribbles, some of which I understood and some I did not.

'That quickly? It was very complicated. How did you do it?' I ask, confused. From my clones memories, it should have taken much longer.

'Yes, you made it overly complicated. Simple is often the best.' Minato said chuckling in my head.

'Ok, so what does it do exactly?' Naruto asks questioningly.

'Weren't you listening?' I ask exasperated.

'Hehe. Ehhh. I was just uhh...' Naruto trailed off looking for an excuse.

'I caught him repeatedly mumbling to himself [Sakura] who I think is the girl he had a crush on.' Kakuzu said seeming smug.

'Shut up you old bundle of threads!' Naruto yelled in my head, angrily.

'Hehe Naruto it looks we will have to have that man to man talk I had to have with Aaron as well' Obito said his voice in my head sounding joyful.

I shiver remembering that experience. What was worse was what came after though. Madara had said that I must know how to - and I quote - [You need to learn how to resist feminine whiles so that someone does not seduce you then cut your throat when you are asleep. It happened to someone I knew, and it can happen to you too.] which sort of scared me. What a scary way to go, right? I mean it would be a nice way to go. Dying right after s*x would be a pretty good way to go, but still, that was brutal!

Of course, I basically ignored that lesson and became a semi playboy. I did not become a full one because I spent most of my time reading.

'Ok let us summon the Shinigami!'

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